Archive for August 23rd, 2006

But Dave, Nobody Wants to Rule the World any More


It may be true that money does not equal power, but there are exceptions. When is comes to money equaling power, Fidel Castro, a baboon king for a nation of baboons, is stupendously successful.

He pulls off owning everybody and everything, accumulating untold billions in his secret private kitty, and is loved and praised and respected across the board for it in all nations of the world.

George Soros eats his heart out in envy of Castro, who actually makes money work for him.

So does George Will. For George Will, Castro represents the ideal of lifetime appointments, having produced not even galling babble for decades without ever having his slot of OFFICIAL CONSERVATIVE INTELLECTUAL in doubt.

Comment by Dave —


Dave’s point is well taken. He is thinking in the terms I am here to try to instill. But I am not interested in producing a bunch of Wordist roots, who “agree” with me and think that’s all I want.

His discussion of Will and Castro is unique to Bob’s Blog, which makes it worthwhile. Where else would a commenter routinely make a connection btween George Will and Castro? The world outside our blog would be mystified.

I still feel that I have introduced you to this kind of THINKING so well that even YOU don’t understand how deep your change has been.

Dave, let me now toss in some points about what you said that nobody outside this blog would understand. Please don’t knock yourself out saying I am misinterpreting you. What I say here is cautionary stuff everybody needs to read, and this is a OBSERVATION, not a REPLY.

Look at what I said again, and you will notice that I made it clear that in the third world nig money is routine for hose in power. The Communist dictator of Rumania had billions in foreign holdings. I didn’t know Castro had all that.

I do know that when Castro overthrew Fulgencio Batista in 1959, Batista let with $300 million of his OWN, not including another equal sum his folowers had. In 1959 money, that amounts to many billions now.

But I also know that Castro had vey little money when he took POWER.

Making my points is a lot like trying to push toothpaste back into the tube. Nobody will take my EXACT point. I said that power does not come from money in the big leagues. You can’t get into the big power leagues just with money.

I did NOT say the opposite, that someone in power cannot get money, especially in the third world.

I am beginning to get a little desperate about this.

Just a little inadvertent twist in your understanding of my logic can lead to a whole new avenue where I have to make yet another statement like this to reign you in. That is my JOB, and I sure as hell would ather reign a MIND like yours in than deal with the usual tape recorders outside our commenters.

But part of my job is mental discipline. Power can be traded for money. In banana republics, you can buy power. But hwne it comes to all-chips-in level you and I are dealing in, this is not the point, not by a mile.

They can have the money. They can have the offices. They can have the fame.

All we want to do is rule the world.

I love the word “default.” It describes our reality perfectly.

Everybody wants things. But the fundamental reality of the modern world is that everybody wants somebody ELSE to rule the world.

No, as I get tired of repeating, the Chinese do NOT want to rule the world. They want someone to make a world where he Chinese have China.

People want a world wher THEY can get ahead. Soros wants a world where he can GET Bush.

The Lenins are dead. The Hitlers are dead.

As I pointed out before, Moussilini almost missed the March on Rome when the Italians masses marched to Rome to give him power. To the Pracical Man who is shouting in a bar, this fact is incomprehensible.

Italy was wallowing in hopelessness, so Moussilini said in a speech, “We need to marchon Rome and take power.” It was just one of his speeches. Then he found out that Italians had taken him up on it. He was barel in time to get his picture taken at the front of the parade when hundreds of thousands of Italians marched on Rome to give him power.

The whole government melted in front of that march. They were relieved to do so.

Before the very day of the March on Rome, every Political Scientist was doing detailed analysis of the bureaucratic struggle inside Rome. It as an exact preplay of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

NOBODY supports the present system. In fact, nobody knows what the present system IS.

There are only two groups of people who BELIEVE that there IS a Present System: Respectable conservatives who make their living explaining it and fanatics who tell us how immovable and powerful it is.

To mke the whole present concept more ridiculous, we just had the spectacle of the Soviet Empire just disappearing.

Nobody CARES. Bob’s Mantra can destroy the whole thing. Some people who way, ” We are Americans. WE’ll give you a system you can get what you want in” can destroy them.

It is FAR from a joke:

1) YOU can HAVE your money;

2) YOU can Have your high offices;

3) You can HAVE the fame and the headlines.

Just let ME rule the world.

Not only are they WILLING to accept that deal. They are deperate for somebody to offer it to them.

Unlike those of us who want to rule the world, other people “have lives.” Crap like that is for nerds like us.



Money and Power

When the Practical Man stops shouting, “Power comes from the barrel of a GUN!” He goes on to shout, “Politics is all about


Every time I head this I think of a guy I was drinking with in Washngton at the beginning of hte Reagan Administration. He

was from California, and his SALARY was half a million bucks a year. As you know, a business executive’s salary is just

icing onteh cake. His REAL money comesf rom stock options and the like.

This man was literally choking back tears. He had been denied a presidential appointment at about the level of Deputy

Assistant Secretary of some department. He had to go back to old job and his millions a year.

That job he was crying about being denied paid about sixty thousand, with no options. But it represented his opportunity at

some POWER. Being a Deputy Asistant Secretary of something is not exactly like being appointed Fuhrer. But it represented

a chance for him to have SOME influence over policy in one area in the most powerful country on earth.

No, politics is not about money. Money is in California. Money is in New York City. Washington is all about POWER.

If you have no water, life is all about water. You simply cannot obtain power if you are dying of thirst.

Water HELPS. But politics is not all about water.

In Washington, good looks help. When Steve Forbes was running for president, I pronounced his obituary early:

“He is just too UGLY to be elected.”

But power is NOT all about good looks.

In Washington, money is essential. But power is NOT all about money. When you are dying of thirst, there is almost nothing

you won’t do for water.

In some cases people with power in Washington get desperate for money. When they sell out, the Practical man shouts, “See,

politics is all about MONEY!”

In the third world, when an American DOES got so desperate for money they can bribe him, they MARVEL at how LITTLE money the

Ameican sells out FOR.

This should tell you something nobody ever seems to notice. Third world politics IS about money. They routinely trade

power for BIG money. If American politics WERE about money, it would be money in stupendous amounts. If the Practical Man

had any sense, he would realize that the example he is quoting, sellouts for what, in third world terms, is a pittance, demonstrates that this is a rare case, a desperate case.

Money is watched like a hawk in Washington. The best work I did in intelligence and in politics COST me money. If those who HAD the money, those who were “on the budget,” those who were on record, had done their jobs, what I did would not have been necessary. Real intelligence work had to be done AROUND the intelligence bureaucracy.

Exactly the same rule applies in real politics. Those who raise all that money are ON THE RECORD. Nixon’s disastrous slush fund was not unique.

Those who RAISE money are experts in RAISING money. They look at the latest headlines and go get money to Do Something About the Crisis by hitting their usual round of big-money supporters or sending out a fund mailing. No one who raises money in big amounts knows or cares about preventing the NEXT crisis, because none of tehe people on mailing lists, who live by today’s headlines, none of the big money types, who also live by the headlines, want to be bored by planations of what is coming around the pike.

George Soros spent $27 million to defeat his old enemy, George Bush, Jr. He had not the slightest effect onthe election.

Like all big-money types, he started too LATE. He started when Bush was already at the top, headed for power.

James Buckley, brother of Willaim Buckley, was senator from New York. He is one of three Buckley brothers who detest me.

In the New York Democratic primary two candidates were contending to run against James Buckley for his Senate seat. One was

the one who later beat Buckley, and the ohter was Bella Abzug. It was a VERY close contest. But Bella, backed by the

militant majority of far-left Democrats, lost by a hair.

If Bella had been nominted, Buckley would have been re-elected easily. When the mainline candidate beat Bella, Buckley spent

a fortune and lost his seat.

I could have kept Buckley’s Senate seat for him. I would have filtered some well-placed money into Bella’s campaign and

gotten HER the nomination. Once a strong candidate was nominated to oppose him, Buckley started TOO LATE to spend millions

to win, and lost.

Money can be USEFUL to power. Atrillery can be useful in war.

But war is not artillery and money is not power.


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Silence is Consent

In the piece below, I put one sentence in caps:


Here is another of Bob’s Basics.

I have repeated over and over and over how the group that calls itself the Greatest Generation sold us out on EVERYTHING.

Then began another tiresome repeitition I had to make. One after another people would say, “But my granddaddy Hooter was in World War II and HE was against all this stuff.”

Again and again and again I have to point out out — Lord, I get tired of it! — that Beloved Granddaddy Hooter was WORSE than the militant anti-whites. He stayed silent when he knew better. That is the ESSENCE of Pure Evil!

When Buchanan told these self-styled heroes of WWII on national television that their buddies died on Omaha Beach for the express purpose of opening Europe to third world immigration, NOT ONE WWII Hero had the guts to object.

When some old fart in a WWII paper hat screams on national television that he fought a WAR against the kind of discrimination that those who want Mexicans kept out of America represent, NOT ONE WWII vet had the GUTS to object.

Including Beloved Granddaddy Hooter. ESPECIALLY Beloved Great Granddaddy Hooter.

When Hannity declares that Jesus died on the cross for interracial dating, NOT ONE brave pulpit warrior has the guts to contradict him.

Never before in human history has the statement “Silence is Consent” been more meaningful more immediately relevant.

PLEASE don’t make me REPEAT it!

Have mercy on a tired old man. Repeat it YOURSELVES!

Please, please, please make this basic a part of your THINKING.


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The Twist

Tim’s comment below has INSPIRED me!

You pain-in-the-ass commenters keep me going. I now understand why the Lord gave us suppositories.

Now that I am beginning to bleive that youa re starting to USE my basic points and way of thinking, not just agreeing or disagreeing with me, I want to expand on another basic.

I get TIRED of REPEATING basics, but I am a good old soldier, and I do it. But I would rather expand on them, as Tim has allowed me to do.

In writing about a million words of WOL and this Blog, and in exchanging ideas with you, I have developed a concept I call The Twist that our enemies use.

Do understand The Twist, you have to go to another Bob’s Basic:

Our worst enemies today are NOT the old openly anti-white leftists. As Tim points out, they are beginning to seek cover.

And, as Tim points out, WHO are they seeking cover BEHIND? The respectable conservatives, the neos and the Hannitys and even the Buchanans.

The old “white race is the cancer of history” is discredited for public consumption. That is now only prached inthe universities and the public schools to a captive audience.

Since nobody followed my charge at the universities, the enemy citadel, we must limit outselves for now to the public forum. Tim has that attack down pat.

So how do the neos and respectable conservatives provide cover for the anti-whites? They do not join in the open attacks on the white race or on America that have been so descredited that the open anti-whites have to hide behind their skirts.

Neos and respectable conservatives and “Christians” provide cover by PRAISING the Founding Fathers, by PRAISING the Lord.

They provide that cover by doing the Political Twist, the Historical Twist, the Religious Twist. As Tim points out, they TWIST their praise of hte white race by calling it Western Civilization. They TWIST their demand for a return to the Founding Fathers by praising and quoting the silliest bits of the Declaration of Independence into making our Founders demand worlwide equality.

The ultimate Twister is George Will. He declares that America has nothing to do with thepeople ofthe United States of America. He quotes Lincoln and says America is a Propositional Nation: “You accept the proposition and you an American.”

“… dedicated to the PROPOSITION that all men are created equal.”

The Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg would have as surpised at the idea that they died to make America an open-borders country as the American soldiers who died at Normandy wold have been at Buchanan’s open declaration that they made the ultimate sacrifice to open Europe to third world immigration.

The Twist is also religious. We find conservative pulpits rining with declarations tat Jesus died on the cross so that we would support Israel. We hear Hannity openly declaring that Jesus died on the cross for interracial dating, AND NOT ONE CONSERVATIVE DARES TO DISAGREE WITH HIM.

This is The Twist, political, historical, and religious.

PLEASE don’t make ME repeat it alone. Repeat it yourself.

And please, please, please make The Twist a part of your THINKING.




I saw Buchanan on Fox news last night. Him and Hannity were still trying to be too respectable. Interesting to note the liberal was keeping his mouth shut as Pat and Sean made statements that would have easily been denounced as RACIST by even Bill OReilly 4 years back.

The Liberal sitting in for Combs kept his mouth shut and kinda was in agreement as Pat put out his proposals.

They must have said “Western Civilization” 50 times. I would have been saying MY RACE, OUR RACE! I wanted to strangle them both. But was mildly amused that I was watching a liberal keep his mouth shut and stay in line when the so-called consvervatives where destroying his little brown voters with the phrase “third worlders”. The Liberal was silent. Silence is concurrence. Usually, the respectable conservatives are silent. Interesting, we got trouble in Liberal Land. I believe someone predicted this? Who could have predicted this?? HMMMM? I wonder. (We are no need of further inflating the ego of a certain Blog’s author.)

Of course, I would have stated that it was NOT a Mexican Problem. They are not flooding Mexico with Non-Mexicans and giving them Affirmative Action and forcing integration. I would have went on to point out that they are NOT flooding AFrica with Non Africans and giving them Affirmative Action. Nor are they doing these things in Asia. They are flooding White Countries and ONLY White countries with Non-Whites —it’s genocide. But of course when I point out the GENOCIDE of MY RACE on Fox News I am immediately denounced as a Naziwhoisgoingtokillsixmillionjews.

Now that would have gotten the desired ATTENTION of the Sheep.

Comment by Tim


This is what I want to leave behind me!

Tim has gotten my message!

We have Bob’s Mantra here. We have a cutting through all the code phrases here. We have, right here, a solid grasp of the changes that are taking place, of our enemies retreating, of how to turn the retreat into a rout.

Please read it over again and again. Tim has INTERNALIZED my few basic condepts AND is practicing a way of thinking, he is doinf real thinking from basics.

Tim, you done GOOD.


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