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Welcome, Papillon!

Posted by Bob on August 24th, 2006 under Comment Responses


Hello Bob,

I have come to join your seminar. I take it the above must be written before commenting. Is one enough for the system?

Your ruling the world would be most splendid. For all concerned.

– Papillon

Comment by Papillon


Welcome aboard!

We’ll see if you qualify, but youa remore than welcome anyway. This seminar is for people who have outgrown their college education whether they had one or not.

I charge zero tuition, but for your benefit I provide you with a student loan to cover it.

You cannot feel that you have had a truly University Experience these days unless you have to carry around a debt for a student loan for the rest of your life, even if it’s just a theoretical one.

  1. #1 by PeterGene Budarick on 08/26/2006 - 9:53 am



    To all, i advise;

    Beware of anyone who gives you things for nothing [for free].

    EVERYTHING has a price!

    Everything MUST be paid for, even a gift!

    That’s a fundamantal you will find in every culture except for one.

    That culture shall remain nameless.

    Nothing in this Universe is for free, EVER.

    But “Arbeit macht Frei”. I truth few understand.

    That is the hardest thing to teach children!

    Those who seek to give charity out of sentimentality
    end up being the cruelest people.


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