Archive for January 12th, 2007

Shari, LOL!

Shari says, simply, “Repetition works like a plunger.”

Good Lord, is THAT ever ACCURATE! Need we go into detail?



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Traditional Values and “SHAZAM! BOOM!” Part Two

Everybody says that if you put down a black, a black should object. If you put down a Jew, a Jew should object.

According to Traditional Values, when Jesus said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” he excluded every one of us living today. Can I, on behalf of every black and Jew, object to this? You see, every one of us living today, including Holy Minorities, are part of the population Traditional Values excludes from Jesus when he spoke the Golden Rule.

According to Traditional Values, at the instant of conception there is a “SHAZAM! BOOM!”

At that instant, the new person should be treated as you would want yourself treated. But when the black and the blond marry, all that matters is that THEY are “in love,” and, above, that the guy in the dress shouts SHAZAM!

To hell with the kids.


The problem is that neither you nor I nor the other six billion people on earth were around when Jesus said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This did not apply to you and me, since we were not in the “SHAZAM!” stage, much less the “BOOM!” part.

Jesus did not say to only be good to those who are here now. Early Christianity did not believe there would BE a future, so I doubt Jesus worried about it much. But had he known that his Second Coming would be so delayed, the churches would not have been closed in the meantime because people like me and you, future generations who had not been SHAZAM/BOOMed yet, didn’t matter.

No, a man in a dress screaming “SHAZAM!” won’t substitute for a genetic morality.



Traditional Values and “SHAZAM! BOOM!” Part One

There have seldom been weddings that were as restricted as the one Jesus blessed at Cana. Not only was the marriage restricted to two Jews, but it had to be the right SECT of Jews. And Jesus did say to one person, “Are you not a descendant of David, etc.?”

In other words, no one would have been married at Cana by a quick conversion.

But Traditional Values people tell us that if there had been any restrictions on the wedding of Cana, any good “Christian” would have shouted “Foul!”

It doesn’t matter if the children will be ugly (see piece below) or if it’s genocidal or anything else. All that matter to the Family Values type is that a guy in a dress stands in front of the couple, waves his arms, and shouts, “SHAZAM!”

The next frame is a lightening bolt striking with a resounding “Boom!”

And the couple is now Married, which is ALL that matters.

I know liberals are silly, too. But I can’t imagine anything liberal that is more droolingly ridiculous than this “Shazam! Boom! Sambo and his blond are MARRIED and that is all that matters forever.”


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Anti-Racism Survives on Urban Myths

Mixed-blood children are likely to be ugly. At the University of Virginia in the early 1960s I agreed to discuss interracial marriage on one condition. The person stalking to me would, at my expense, drink Coca-Cola, the world’s most popular soft drink, and the best been available.


I was known for keeping after people, so I would pay for the drinks and ask him, on a regular basis, whether that mix tasted good. If not, was he insulting the Coke or the beer?

No black man who marries a blond would date a girl who looked like the daughter they produce. In the real world, they try to find black men who are willing to date non-white girls. The reason the black man wants to pollute white blood is because he LIKES it.

As for the white girl, I have no more idea why she would want a black guy than I have about what homosexuals look for in a man.

But there are several points to make here. First, please don’t hit me with the “THEY drink Coke mixed with beer” crap. “Shandies” are a myth. I have been given at least a dozen places where cola and beer mixes were “quite common.” Unfortunately, I’ve BEEN to most of them, and nobody ever heard of such a thing.

“Shandies” were the Coca-Cola and beer mix British soldiers were supposed to be so fondof during World War II. I have talked to many, many, MANY Brits who were inthe service inthat period, and not one of them every even heard of an actual British soldier who ever drank such a revolting mix.

This reminds me of the media statement made for a couple of years that for every one time a householder held off an intruder with a gun, the brave and brilliant criminal took the gun away and show the terrified wimp FORTY-THREE TIMES! Like twentieth century history, when you just SAY these things out loud, you simply cannot believe anybody ever took it seriously. But this 43-1 bit was DOCTRINE for YEARS.

Then career police officers, not being WWII Generation types, FINALLY began to write letters to newspapers saying htey had never even HEARD of a case of a brave criminal grabbing the gun. Not ONE. As always, the press reaction to this exposure of oneof its urban myths was to forget anybody ever SAID such a thing.

The same is true of the “shandy.” The Coca-Cola Company probably encourages this myth to show how popular Coke is in every form. Today Coke like every other major corporation encourages the myth that mixed-bloods are more beautiful than blonds, for a different reason.

But let us return to Mantra Logic: If there is a reason to say something other than because it is true, then is almost certainly NOT true.

It’s like that “Everybody knows that the XX’s are the most beautiful people on earth.” But none of those x’s show up on a Hollywood screen. The world’s most popular and sudden TV series was Baywatch, and none of those girls looked mulatto when it hit the big time.

Every time I state something I get hit with some version of the same old urban myths.



The Salem Century

People talk about how historians will view the twentieth century.

History is going to look at the last century in exactly the same way as we look at the Salem Witch Trials. The difference being that for every person who died in Salem, ten million died of pure silliness and superstition in the 1900s.

For now, historians manage to cover up the pure ridiculousness and superstition of the last century by covering it in millions of words. But if one summarizes it, the unbelievable madness shows through starkly. I will begin doing just that:

The century began with colonial empires that worshipped guys who walked around with plumes in their hats. Europe, which consisted of countries with empires that had no conflict with each other at all, were caught up in a giant “arms race” that absolutely no one can explain YET.

Meanwhile some pinheads declared they were “intellectuals” and told the workers that if they revolted, the intellectuals would run everything instead of the guys with the plumes on their hats.

The “intellectuals” got control of Russia and imposed an economic system based on the idea that if government bureaucrats ran everything, it would be efficient and fair. Every university campus on earth converted to this idea by mid-century.

Of course the system never worked. So in the 1930s the search began in Russia for the “wreckers” who were causing the perfect system not to work. It turned out that there were MILLIONS of wreckers because nothing worked.

A reaction against this terrifying “revolutionary” business grew. Fascists took over Italy and Germany. The only alternative was Communism. But “intellectuals” kept insisting Communism worked just fine. So the West fought a war to give a third of the world to the Communists and to destroy the anti-Cominterm Axis. The West was led by the genius Churchill.

Then, after he had given a third of the world to Communism, Churchill suddenly discovered that Stalin may be a dictator. In his profound genius, Churchill announced that what the Russkis got, the “intellectuals” kept, and he was surprised to find that the people he gave to Stalin were living behind an “iron curtain.”

Gosh! Whoda thought?
