I cannot tell exactly what Mr. Webb IS saying. He seems to be upset that 1) I am not saying the media are all-powerful, and that 2) for that reason, we are doomed.
Why is it that people fight so desperately or defeatism? I don’t mean that some are discouraged from time to time; I mean that some people in our movement are nothing less than defeatist fanatics. Their entire energy goes into saying how hopeless it all is. If you say anything encouraging, they react as if you had called their mother a whore.
All this comes, of course, in the form of dedication to the cause. I think that is sincere. The defeatists want someone to blame for their frustration. Mr. Webb talks about the media, but he is really blaming me. I am his demon in human shape, on whom he can take out all his hates and frustrations. This is, I realize after decades of dealing with this phenomenon, routine. Defeatism is always personal. It comes with personal insults and fury.
S the first appeal of defeatism is that it gives a chance to take your anger out on someone who will LISTEN to you. You join with other pro-whites, so you are part of the crowd. Then you blame THEM for what makes you furious.
The second appeal defeatism has is that you don’t have to DO anything. You just show that you FEEL for the Cause, and you have been betrayed by it. But since all is lost, the last think you are obligated to do is act.
Defeatism is appealing for third reason. It is easy to argue. “Look how big they are and how small we are.” Yu then quote every single argument THEY make on this point.
“The enemy’s best asset is not the troops in his own ranks but the defeatists in yours.”
In Ben Franklin’s Autobiography he talks about a man in Philadelphia he called The Mourner. No matter what happened, the Mourner said all was lost. Franklin said he was happy The Mourner paid twice as much for the house he wanted because he had been predicting the whole city was lost when he could have bought it.
#1 by shari on 03/24/2007 - 1:34 pm
When a person feels sick and tired and hopeless, check your premises. If the survival of the white race is right, then it IS right. It won’t make you feel instantly cheerful, but you don’t change your mind. I don’t think that the msm is held in high regard anymore by many, for different reasons. So, there is hope. And something unforseen can always happen.
#2 by Dave on 03/24/2007 - 6:20 pm
#3 by MrWebb on 03/24/2007 - 6:57 pm
Not spam
not spam
I can’t respond to this. At least I finally figured out why Sobran won’t answer your calls. Sobran is basically an honest man. Me too.
#4 by Mark on 03/24/2007 - 7:28 pm
“Defeatism is always personal. It comes with personal insults and fury.”
“I can’t respond to this. At least I finally figured out why Sobran won’t answer your calls. Sobran is basically an honest man. Me too. MrWebb”
Right on target, Bob. If Mr. Webb was truly visionary and not a defeatist, he would have had a better come-back than this. I’m not saying some of MrWebb’s points arent acurate — but we have to have a place to start fighting from — and if we discount the Mantra wholesale by saying, “the sky is falling and we are doomed” we will never make any headway. One man with a loaded machine gun is far more deadly than 50 others who have thrown down their rifles and headed home.
#5 by Mark on 03/24/2007 - 7:30 pm
Oh hell…that last entry about the machine gun and thrown down rifles is from me.
#6 by Peter on 03/24/2007 - 10:20 pm
When you are right, Bob, you are right.
Maybe MrWebb can state clearly and what he thinks people should DO differently from what Bob is suggesting.
I have heard a lot of white activist bashing in the last few months — which does has the same tone as what I read on Zionist and anti-racist websites. If the people in the movement are indeed rotten, then it won’t help to complain about it to them. Introducing good people into the movement is the way to go, since it fills a void. People should then be attracted to the quality leadership — and leave the bad ones behind. However, knowing us, many would think a new, quality leader is an agent because he is not preaching the defeatism of the others.
Al Parker
#7 by Alan on 03/25/2007 - 1:02 am
Bob is right, the defeatist use the excuse all is lost to avoid having to work to achieve real results. These Webb types vent anger to others who will listen, they provide nothing of use, ignore their poison. Here is a good example of Webb. Imagine there are 10 of us in a life raft, 9 row and ration water, the 10th is Webb, he avoids all participation. Webb bitches all is lost while the rest keep his worthless ass alive, Webb tries to steal water from the rest when nobody is looking he is a menace. To add injury to insult, once rescued it is Webb who seeks out all who will listen, it is the Webb who describes the peril and what he endured in order to survive. Total phony’s they are, reminds me of the so called greatest generation.
#8 by Peter on 03/25/2007 - 7:54 am
Dearest Bob,
This post could not have come at a better time. :'(