Kelso has my password here.
Is there someone here — obviously one of my full seminar members — who is willing and able to make the technical changes that are needed? I would need your word of honor that you would do nothing without checking with me first, and of course you would have to give me your phone number to guide me through the changes.
I call this “Next Step” because we are developing a group that can continue without me. I pride myself above all on being a teacher. That is why I keep ranting (Pace Mark) about the fact that there is no Whitakerism. Whitaker who has a Whitakerism is a Mommy Professor, not a teacher. The whole idea of teaching, AT THE SEMINAR LEVEL, is to produce NEW graduates, not talking doll repeaters. You are supposed to learning to do what I do.
You are supposed to make sure that my METHOD OF THINKING doesn’t end with me. I am trying to create something that BEGINS with Whitaker, not something that ENDS with me.
Which reminds me. The Masturbation Generation will tell you that only someone who has been in combat knows what war is about. This is crap. All I ever learned from being shot at was the interesting fact that, if the incoming was heavy enough, I could dig a hole in solid rock with my nose.
As a strategic principle, this observation had little value.
By contrast, the man who developed the “line ahead” formation which cemented British naval supremacy for a century never set foot on a ship. Those whose experience consisted of stayng alive and looking brave in the storm of iron cannon balls, flying lethal shards of wood and snipeshootersdemeaned him.
But while they were being Heroic, he looked UP. He saw the total picture.
In our life-and-death debate, the most important debate the world has ever seen, I look UP.
When an anti answered the Mantra by reciting the Sins ofhte White Race, I replied, “You are justifying genocide. There is no justification for genocide.”
If I had not said that, no one would have. But someone else on SF had the witto keep reminding him of hwat I had caught him at. After that combination, me and somebody who got my point and wouldn’t let him off of it, he gave up.
I cannot overemphasize the importance of the person who would not let him off the hook. I handed him the critical ammunition. But no one else had the dedication, the concentration, to USE it. Please try, TRY to see how critical that was.
How can I make this clear? The point is not to prove you are brave. The point is not to prove that you are no ignorant redneck. The point, the ONLY point, is to SAVE OUR RACE.
When some anti says he’s white, implying he is OBJECTIVE, I point ut that it is amazing that someone would BRAG that he is a traitor. NO ONE ELSE DOES THAT. I make the point that ALL traitors claim that they are merely beingobjective. NO ONE ELSE DOES THAT. I say that this Christian self-denial stuff does not make you some kind of saint for damning your own people.
NO ONE DOES THAT BUT ME. And I am SICK of repeating it alone.
And no one EVER backs me up when I say that. They Want to look smart, not like they are repeating what somebody else said.
If you want to see how that kind of thinking works in real warfare, imagine everybody using a muzzle-loader insted of a machine gun. Think about how long the Thin Red Line would have survived against the Zulus if everybody had decided he did not want to be just like the rest.
LIFT YOUR HEAD UP. Go back to the BASICS, what this fight is ABOUT.
And if someone else does it first, for God’s sake, don’t let the enemy off the hook! Anything else you say is A STRIKE AGAINST our racial survival!
God DAMN* it, gang, I want SOMEBODY ELSE to lift their head up out of the current argument and DO that!
REMEMBER what war this is ABOUT, not what the anti said last.
* Literally. Dante’s Tenth Circle of Hell is for TRAITORS.
#1 by Bob on 04/06/2007 - 2:06 pm
send me your info and pledge at
Please do not share this information with anyone who cannot access the internet.
Except the Zebonians, of course.
#2 by Tom on 04/06/2007 - 2:53 pm
Already sent Bob.
I dont know about zebonians but the reptilians are after me.
#3 by AFKAN on 04/06/2007 - 5:44 pm
The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to Bob on “Looking UP”:
The concept of suicide – and the West committing the functional equivalent of suicide – is a theme that recurs throughout Bob’s work. This is good, because it is of critical importance, and no one – outside of people seeing the issues through RACIAL lenses – even sees it.
The classical analysis of this phenomena at the Cultural level – Burnham’s “Suicide of the West” – notes that, “My intention in using the word “suicide” is purely cognitive. It seems to me an appropriate and shorthand symbol for dealing with the set of facts I have just reviewed, the facts showing that: a) Western civilization is contracting rapidly; b) this contraction can not be accounted for by the material power of any agency external to Western civilization; c) it can not be accounted for by any Western deficiency in material power or resources; d) it must therefore derive from structural or non-material internal factors.” (Burnham, p. 25)
Burnham ends by defining the issue as “liberalism,” and speak of the nature of “liberalism”: “Liberalism permits Western civilization to be reconciled to dissolution.” (Burnham, p. 305)
What Burnham, et. al. missed, and what Sam Francis recognized after the Unseen Hand of the demonic Jews all but destroyed him (come to think of it…they did), is that “liberalism: is simply the demonic JEWISH philosophy of conquest, from within, by controlling the words you read, the pictures you see, and the major Institutions of the Society. When all of the “respectable CONservatives” were looking OUTWARDLY, at the menace of “Soviet Communism/Chinese Communism/the United Nations/Civil Rights/The New World Order,” the one unifying factor in all of these attacks on us can be summed in one phrase – the demonic JEWS, and the relentless RACE-based attack the Asiatic Hive Consciousness engages in against the West.
To the extent that it IS noted, the issue of the West committing the functional equivalent of suicide is addressed piecemeal, almost inadvertently, by most commentators. Indeed, it’s like the old story of the blind men describing an elephant – demographers have one piece, cultural analysts have another piece – but only RACE ties all of the pieces together in a coherent theory that has the singular virtue of being singularly correct.
The common factor in personal suicide is shame, shame on a level that is so painful, and SO DESTRUCTIVE TO THE PERSON’S CONCEPTION OF THEMSELVES, that they take their lives, rather than continue on.
Cultures, of course, and the Great Cultures in particular, don’t committ suicide so quickly.
It takes decades, and begins with their accepting their RACIAL Enemy’s definition of themselves.
I believe that behind each Great Culture is a unique religion, designed for the unique spiritual purposes of the souls of the members of that RACE.
I also believe that demonic Judaism, a “religion” that is perfect for the Asiatic Hive Consciousness, is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Christianity. Demonic Judaism is materialistic, and seeks to control THIS world, by any means necessary. The most effective tool is to Judaize the host Culture, and exchange their words, and values, for the Jewish MEANINGS of their words, and their values.
To the extent that the West allows its Culture to become Judaized, to that extent, it works against itself, and the fulfillment of its RACIAL mission. It acts like a lightning rod, insuring that lightning – the Creative Spark that is our RACE’s unique gift – never builds to the point that it can do something for US.
Remember, we are the Creative RACE; the demonic Jews are simply remarkably uncreative, totally materialistic, parasites. They are very effective parasites, because they only have One Law, One Rule, One RACIAL COMMANDMENT – “Is it good for JEWS?”
We, in turn, accept a JUDAIZED “Christianity” that masks its Judaization behind a philosophy of Universalism, and Feminism – extraordinarily misandristic feminism, at that. Thus, Gaia Worship becomes an ever-growing part of what “Christianity” has become. The Men of the West are replaced, displaced, and another of our Institutions – its Words, Symbols, Ideas and Ideals, turn against us.
Take this model and run it through every sector of our society, and see how so much of our Culture has become Judaized that we pretty much have to “be in it, but not of it,” just as the demonic Jews see themselves as superior angels, “in, but not of,” the world where the goyim live.
So, see that the demonic Jews – and, in practice, there are no exceptions – have set a system where (1) every ONE of them looks at us as predators look at prey, (2) every ONE of them sees the transformation of our Culture, our Society, into their Judaized versions, as a Goal to be moved towards, around the clock, but, above all, (3) every demonic Jew thinks EXCLUSIVELY in terms of RACE – FIRST, FOREMOST, FOREVER.
We, on the other hand, have been taught that even Awareness of our RACIAL Identity, our RACIAL Heritage, is something to be denied. This Source of our Spiritual Nature has been denied us, and with it, so have the unique Gifts that our Gods have bestowed upon us.
Remember, RACE is the Living Bridge between Family and Culture; absent this transforming Bridge, we choose to remove ourselves from the Gifts of the Gods to our RACE.
We are paying the price, even as we speak.
And we shall pay an ever-greater price, until we return to our Founding Principles.
The First Founding Principle is RACE, writ large, as the proper foundation for an ordered society.
It works for the demonic Jews with ruthless effectiveness; it worked for us, when we were the RACE that sent men to the Moon…and brought them BACK!
What the demonic Jews did with us, over the last century (time is not the limit on RACIAL thinking, because such thoughts are above time), we can undo, during THIS century, by Replacing and Displacing THEIR Institutions, with Ours.
Like their Institutions, OUR Institutions shall be RACE based.
First, we have to simply detach from the Racial Parasites personally, and then, a day at a time, at the Institutional level. From this, we can reform and transform our own Institutions to serve our RACE.
Wordism is a Trap that all but forces us to be rational with the irrational.
Once we start ignoring THEIR definition of the Words we use, and ascribe to these Words their PROPER meaning, along the lines of RACIAL effectiveness, we will have begun to lay the foundation to take back our Culture, for our Family, and our RACE.
You never win if you are always on defense.
You must go on the offense, and STAY THERE!
More thoughts on this to follow.
#4 by Joseph K. on 04/07/2007 - 8:13 pm
not spam
not spam
Hi there, gang! New kid on the block. Been watching for awhile and listening. Seems to me that the only one SERIOUS about bringing to fruition the thing that Bob W. CLAIMS he wants to bring about– saving the race–is the artist formerly known as Nobody. Why is that? AFKAN appears to be The Man while others here appear to be mere windbags saying a whole lot of nothing.
Joseph K.