Archive for July 1st, 2007


Robert Kunstler ended his legal career trying to get a judge to declare open season on whites. He was defending the black guy who killed all those whites on the Long Island commuter train. If one of those whites had had a weapon, most of them would have lived, so the widow of one of them used her tragedy to go to Colorado and get elected to congress on a gun banning platform.

Meanwhile Kunstler tried to get the judge to declare a doctrine called “ Black Rage,” which meant that any black had a right to go nuts over what whites have done to blacks and kill as many as he wished.

Kunstler was, of course, a great advocate of Hate Laws, which would jail anyone for targeting any non-white, non-gentile group for violence. No one but me remembers that his last case was aimed at white gentiles.

Before you rush off to tell Stormfront he same thing for the thousandth time, you might give the above some thought. I just made some points on gun control and Hate Laws that represent Whitaker thinking, short, irrefutable, to the point.

And unused.

After DECADES, the point that if one innocent person in a slaughter had a gun there would have been no slaughter is, after over a quarter of a century, FINALLY becoming widespread. In earlier days, when my boss was on the Board of Directors of the NRA, we COULD NOY get that MENTIONED. The NRA said it would reinforce the stereotype that NRA wanted to give guns out in Kindergartens.

When Rosie said every country but America had strict gun laws, she repeated what everybody believes. Actually Switzerland REQUIRES its male population to be armed, and pistols are specified. They do not have noticeably more gun crimes than any other white country. But the NRA told me and AshBROOK that Switzerland was not our concern.

Rosie said she didn’t want to stop people from hunting. That was what the NRA based al its arguments for allowing people to have weapons for thirty years ago, that if a person wasn’t allowed to have pistol for self-defense he couldn’t HUNT. So Rosie accurately reflects the arguments she has HEARD. Respectable conservatives fight to prevent any others from being aired, and every crushing argument is detoured into the swamp.

So when Self-Hating White People (Thanks, commenters!) state accepted opinion, they are simply doing what Rosie does, and what respectable conservatives and most pro-whites help them do.

The fact that everybody knows, but nobody ever MENTIONS, is that SHWP cause more deaths every single day than all the racist hate-mongering since 1950 has. Kunstler said in court precisely what prevailing white opinion today IS: that everyone who is not a white gentile has an excellent REASON to kill any white gentile he sees. A judge would not ALLOW a white man, let alone a white LAWYER, to argue that in COURT.

Yawn! What is the Jewish Conspiracy dong these days?

Sorry to bore you any more, but SHWP ARE actually DOING what all those Hate Laws around the world THEORIZE about. They’re KILLING people!

OK, I’ll let you get back to moaning over low birth rates or something in a moment, but let me add one more argument you can actually USE before you die of boredom.

A billion dollars has been stolen. I find that I am living on several million dollars of that stolen money. Someone demands that I RETURN my money to the people it was STOLEN from. I say, “No. I’m USED to living on it and I justify my share of it by demanding that everybody who has any of that billion dollars give it back.”

Would a court allow me to KEEP my millions? Would a six-year-old child accept my excuse?

Of course not!

But SHWPs say that every day: “We stole America from the Indians.”

NO ONE ever asks that SHWP why he is HERE. If YOU are convinced you live on stolen property, YOUR first job is to GET OFF OF IT. But NO ONE, I mean NO ONE, shows the intelligence of a six-year-old child on this issue. If YPU believe America is stolen property, YOU have just said YOU should GET OUT.


OK, go back to your usual arguments.
