Archive for July, 2007



AFKAN: It reads like one of the – North East White Pride – constellation, along with FS88, and other hard-core people, and I mean HARD CORE. Compared to them, we are Self-Hating White People.
They are very focused, and are getting the message out on all media possible, with lots of audio, and their own videos.
It sounds like they have been reading some of the more forthright posters on the VNN Blog, who cut through all of the vagaries and state, “If you aren’t defining all issues in terms of RACE, First, Foremost, Forever, you are missing the only point that matters. Try again.”
In short, your Meme is gaining traction.
Note that they quote from the very beginning – at the top right section of their main page – from Pastor V. S. Herrell. Pastor Herrell is the big thinker at These are the people the Stormfront crowd refuses to go within twenty miles of; yet, when bad becomes worse, and worse finally becomes intolerable, these are the ones who will stand with us, and will do so solely on the grounds of a positive theory of RACE.


SF shuns them?
Gosh! RADICALS! How could a bashful respectable kid like me get mixed up with such folks?
Well, I’ve already driven off not only the respectable conservatives, but even Joe Sobran, too. I would take a perverse satisfaction if Kelso and David Duke considered me too unrespectable to talk to.
is pushing OUR message, even giving us credit, and advertising our site, so I recommend to our tech team that we put a link to them here. They are the CEOs, I’m Chairman of the Board. They have to make the final decisions on OPERATIONS like this, hence Chief Operating Officers.


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Bob says I need to spell out the link between cults like the JWs and our mission.

We live inside a cult, a very big cult.

Speaking the truth scares people.

The truth is white genocide and the whole thing is explained in a nutshell in the Mantra.

People who are scared don’t think straight, so they do not think logically.

Thus they are easy to beat in an argument (keep it simple).

The truth scares them because they believe in lies: that it’s alright for aliens to invade ALL white countries and ONLY white countries, white genocide isn’t happening but white genocide isn’t a bad thing either and whites do not exist.

They babble when they talk because they believe lies and that makes them easy to beat in a debate.

You can get in a sentence or two before they start screaming, plugging up their ears, calling you names, or staring straight ahead as if they do not hear you.

You know that look; it means what you said hit home.

On a forum, you will be able to write out the Mantra a few times and win a few short debates before you are banned.

Stick to the mantra.

It is often best just to take small pieces of the Mantra out at a time, so people can ingest what you are saying without plugging their ears to your “preaching.”

Telling the Mantra to people is just like talking to Jehovah’s Witnesses or other cultees. Although they do not want to listen to you and you scare them — another part of them wants to hear you, and wants to be free.

The truth shall set them free.

The truth that the doctor prescribes for them is the Mantra, even if it’s just a blurb: “If the Mexicans don’t stop coming here, you know we all will be genocided.”


A: “You know, why is it that ONLY the white countries and ALL the white countries are being flooded with aliens?”
B: “Have you ever been to Mexico? How can you blame them for wanting to come here?”
A: “Yea, we sure made America prosperous. But of this flood keeps up, we’ll lose our prosperity and become genocided too.”

Let him chew on that. Cultees aren’t used to having too much truthfulness at one time; it makes them gag.


Quote from Bud Bundy, “When you pour a gallon of knowledge into a shot glass of a brain, some of it is going to spill out.”


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Is this one of ours?

I made a heartfelt plea in the article below and all the comments were on Jehoah’s Witnesses. Could you please reread the article below and make a comment on it?




TWELVE of them, all GOOD!

I was reading the comments and nodding through each of them. They are none of them random, each one is what a seminar is all about.

You are making it more and more clear tome that we are deprogramming a cult, and we should tell people so.

If God can admit to being jealous, I guess I can too. I was disappointed when one comment dealt with Jehovah’s Witnesses but did not wind up with a sentence or two relating that to OUR mission. We need to practice staying on message here.

I would not have noticed this a year ago, but you are getting GOOD at this!

This is a busy day for me, but I’ll get to these great comments later.

I now get automatic feedback on when one of you hits the net with our message. I get the impression that, as Sarge says, a couple of us are doing the daily work and, as with all groups, most are not.

By the time I read the feedback, more than half the stuff has already been wiped by moderator, but at least a hundred people see it before they get to it.

AT LAST, we do not have to sit here and get infuriated as the media hit us without any way to respond. Every time you hit the net, you get a hundred of our enemies screaming for the moderator and boiling over WE are making THEM helpless!

If you have trouble doing it, tell us. US, what a wonderful word that is! Sarge, SysOps, Brain, Pain and the rest are here to urge you on with the energy I have spent up!

THIS IS THE TIME THAT COUNTS! NOBODY has EVER been n the cult’s tail the way WE are! And our message is growing. It seems slow to us, but historically, nobody who was not in a moment of sudden crisis has EVER had the effect we are having RIGHT NOW!

The cult doesn’t KNOW it’s a cult. So no one but us can know how much progress we are making. So you have to be your OWN cheerleader. Get yourself GOING!


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Pavlovian Antis

The former KGB man was discussing how easy it was to get Americans to the point where “You could SHOW them the Gulag, and they still wouldn’t believe in it.”

I had a creepy experience of this.

In my Intelligence days, about 1970, I was crossing into a European Communists country, legally and openly for a change. I was on a bus and had noticed that a couple of middle-age hippies were on the bus. I was interested in how they would react to the border.

You see, ALL Communist countries had, at the least, cleared areas at the border with the skull and crossbones sign on them that said “minefields.” There were guards in sight with automatic weapons to shoot anyone who tried to escape.

The hippie creed in those Vietnam days was that if we were no different from Communists, it was because Communists were for Liberation. I wondered how that aged hippie couple would deal with the reality at the border.

I repeat, it was CREEPY! It was exactly like something out of a science fiction movie about the Pod People.

As we approached the border, both of them went into a coma. They stared straight ahead, not seeing the landmines, the guards, anything. They only came back to consciousness when the guard came on the bus to check our passports and the weapons and minefields were behind us.

A pure Pavlonian reaction! And I SAW it!

We kept asking pro-Communists, “If Communism is OK, why does EVERY Communist country have to KILL people who try to escape?” They twisted and they changed the subject, exactly like antis do here when we repeat the Mantra.

Pavlov’s antis simply cannot deal with this simple statement:


“It is said that there is this RACE problem. They say this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.”

“The Netherlands and Belgium are as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.”

“Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

“What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY Black Country and ONLY into black countries?”

“How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem? I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?”

“And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?”

“But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”
