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Join the BUGS Team! Post on the internet along with us to fight White Genocide!

Welcome, Speech Group!

Posted by Bob on October 1st, 2007 under Coaching Session

I did a speech in Arizona.

At the beginning I handed out a page containing our Mantra and “Heresy!”

At first they did what audiences in our movement always do: A quick look and get it out of the way.

Then I gave my speech. I said up front that they had taken a quick look and set the handout aside, as we always have.

Why, I asked, do we always do that? Why are so many handouts always left in the meeting room?

I then proceeded to pontificate and to brag on YOU.

I told them that I was not surprised that the free pieces of paper I had handed out were still in plain sight from the podium.

Then followed a description of the history of advertising. In earlier times the Practical Businessman bought space by the square inch, and he maximized the number of words he could squeeze into the space he paid for.

Getting all the words he could into a square inch was undeniable Business Sense.

The only problem, I told what I hope is our new Speech Group, was that no one READ all those words. Some were in such small type that one couldn’t read it if he wanted to.

But the Practical Businessman said, “I pay by the square inch, so I MAXIMIZE the words per square inch.”

The logic was absolutely irrefutable. It was Practical. It was a Real Businessman’s approach. It was manly, it had cajones, it was what every man who wants to prove he is a man would agree on.

The only drawback was that it didn’t WORK.

I have spent a lot of time at the front of the class, as you are aware. I told them that they had done what we always do with handouts: Set them aside. I could SEE them from the podium. Then I bragged on YOU. I told them that advertising started to WORK when it got short, readable, and FIELD TESTED.

I told them that the reason they didn’t understand us was that they had just been the usual Practical Businessmen. They did not see that what they had been handed was FIELD TESTED WORK with one criterion:

Does it WORK?

I told them about Lord Nelson using this as a hammer against antis on SF. I talked about Sarge. I bragged about my team.

I made them realize the critical importance of OUR handout. We FIELD TESTED it.


So almost NONE of our Mantra-Heresy handouts were left after my speech.

Our sites were on it.

A lot of that Speech Group said they were going to look at BUGS.

I was away, so they read whatever you put on here in the meantime.

Nobody could live up to the buildup I gave you. I happen to know you are great. But in the period since the September 27 speech, what they read was what you just wrote.

You have just been subjected to a surprise inspection.

Damn few people look good at surprise inspections

There was not a copy of our handout left after my speech. What I call the Speech Group has visited this site in the time I’ve been away since the speech and probably found nothing like what I described.

But in comment 37 or something Pain came through, all unawares. He went back to the practical stuff BUGS is devoted to.

I hope SOME of the Speech Group will read it before tuning us out. This is what we DO and HAVE CONSISTENTLY DONE, all bullshit aside.

Pain says:

I just googled “”.

One link that came up was an example of my usenet activity back in April. So it seems that posting the Mantra in newsgroups also puts it into the internet, too, even if it takes months to get there.

Also note that in Google, the term “white genocide” is catching on. These two words are paradigm shifters. They deprogram the mind to think in new ways.

I still recommend posting on the usenet as an easy way to get the mantra out. Don’t think that because I am doing it that I have it covered. The usenet doesn’t work that way. On the internet, your server gives you access to all websites. But on the usenet, your server only provides a limited list of newsgroups to which you may subscribe.

So, you may be able to read and post a number of newsgroups that I can’t.

Also, since there are so many newsgroups, you may think of some groups that never occurred to me to try out.

The usenet requires a special program such as Thunderbird (which I recommend) or Netscape. It works much like an email program, so if you can set up one of those, you can set up a usenet program too.

It takes about an hour to post the Mantra in 50 or 60 places by hand. For most of these, doing that once a month is enough. For the busier groups, once a week is sometimes good. If you check for responses and debate them, that adds a whole lot more time.

Always end the Mantra with a link to Dave’s

  1. #1 by Simmons on 10/01/2007 - 9:41 pm

    Quite frankly what did you describe? Ten people quoting the Mantra back at you or what? Personally I would like to hear from this vundergroupen and read what they think.

  2. #2 by Bob on 10/01/2007 - 10:28 pm

    It’s Wundergruppe:
    One group.

    What Wunder (miracle) have they performed?

    We have yet to hear a WORD from them. And, Speech Group, SIGN IN!

    Saying “I might deign to look at your site” won’t do it.

  3. #3 by BoardAd on 10/01/2007 - 11:44 pm

    Good job, Bob!

    Sounds like you made an impression on them. I really hope they join us and bring some new ideas with them.

  4. #4 by Dave on 10/02/2007 - 11:56 am

    BUGS and NationalSalvation.Net help overcome (1) police and judicial, and (2) psychological forces that stand in the way of Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Nordic people and other whites.

    The police and judicial forces are “dumb” forces, their ambit and response capability restricted to their training. As such, they can easily be overcome by the discipline of refraining from provoking them. Nevertheless, most on our side are put to fear of police and judges and the direct role they play in impeding the righting of race relations.

    An ocean of bullshit gets posted to our sites in service to fear of the real forces standing against us. And BUGS is a countermeasure to a dishonest view of the world, greatly needed in the white nationalist movement, for it is far too easy to ventilate resentment while neglecting to actually contact the enemy.

    The other forces are psychological forces. Psychological forces are “smart” forces and the psychological forces weighing upon white people are manifold and onerous.

    Robert Whitaker, alone in our movement, stands heads and shoulders above anyone else in throwing light on the psychological forces weighing upon us.

    BUGS and NationalSalvation.Net are about raising us up from a lowly state, having the courage to look at the world honestly to actually confront the forces arrayed against us.

    Never forget that nonwhites share an alignment of interest in putting things to right in race relations. The great majority of nonwhites do not turn their eyes from the truth that they are carried by us, for though they are not our equals and know it, they are not cowards, for they serve a real God, not a likeness of Him.

    Accordingly, it is the cowards, those who refrain from seeing the world honestly, that stand in our way.

    And it was not us who erected a curtain with the face of Adolph Hitler on it in service to the fear of the respect that is owed Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, and Nordic people.

    For we ourselves are the leading creators of the actual and real world that today exists.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 10/02/2007 - 1:08 pm

    The issue I have with Bob is that are we to go in lockstep in an internet torchlight parade of “mantra, mantra, mantra?” I for one like to spread the wisdom of PC as a religion to the “respectables”, to at least make them understand that even lickspittles such as them will go the way of the Mensheviks if they don’t challenge it (BTW PC easily destroyed). So I’m getting mixed signals and then when I use my BW training I’m told I have an “ego” which if you ask me sounds straight out of Jonestown for Dummies. BTW please feel free to hammer me Bob I like to be challenged.

  6. #6 by shari on 10/02/2007 - 2:50 pm

    V-Dare might be weak compared to BUGS but it sure comes up with pieces that the Mantra is a direct answer to. Makes me feel that at least I’ve said something. Power, Power, it gives me a cruel chuckle!!!

  7. #7 by Kyle on 10/02/2007 - 2:58 pm

    Simmons, use what WORKS!

  8. #8 by CL on 10/02/2007 - 5:49 pm

    Welcome to the new folks. We’d love for you to post.

  9. #9 by Hardric on 10/03/2007 - 8:24 am

    One important point to remember is that wherever you imagine there is monolithic opposition to our message – there is not.

    I was on a forum where some PC retard started a PC thread.

    What this did was to give me an opening.
    So I did a 180 on the thread. 🙂

  10. #10 by Tim on 10/03/2007 - 1:24 pm

    You guys want a glimpse of the future? Here it is. Making major headlines. Left wingers and right wingers getting together! To split up the country!

  11. #11 by woundednietzsche on 10/03/2007 - 8:13 pm

    The mantra offers white men the racial Occam’s razor. It is a simple concept to grasp, racial brotherhood, racial competition, racial survival. So simple that even the common man on the street can “get it”, and that is why our enemies must pursue full spectrum dominance against its emergence, this clear definition and awareness of white genocide.

    But there is nothing quite like the reality of a multitude of races, united against you, to wake one’s instinct.

    Who’s your brother?

  12. #12 by Simmons on 10/04/2007 - 10:20 am

    Another reason I find the Mantra and Mantra thinking so useful. A hunch on my part, since so many white American proles are on happy drugs they seem to require happy talk and will reflectively pull away from the negative and go into submissive posture, for lack of better words. Nothing much can become of them, and they like it this way, but you never have to listen to their PC once you lay the ills of liberalism at their feet, they roll onto their backs wishing their mental anguish to go away. The anti-depressants they hand out like candy are but a band-aid over an artery cut. While this is tertiary to what the purpose of this seminar is I think it important to study the results of our actions.

  13. #13 by woundednietzsche on 10/04/2007 - 12:07 pm

    The mantra hits many buttons. For some it may be personal Fear of genocide. I ultimately believe the mantra is selling Love, love of your self, your children, your tribe, your future.

    Typically I put white people into 3 categories: Those that are Beyond Hope, Those that will take time, and Those who just need a little encouragement to step up. I have worked on some persons for years and have made significant progress. Others I have brought out of the closet in one conversation. If someone is not beyond hope, I tend to tread lightly. Those that take time can only handle small doses. Don’t go frontal on these people, you have to flank them gradually or build small positions of agreement, a beach-head and move from there. Persistence is key to success here. They have a life-time of negative programming to overcome.

    For the Beyond Hope crowd, I ALWAYS let them know I disagree. I am willing to debate them, but not with the intent of turning them, only of letting them know WE EXIST and to shatter their illusion that all modern men bend to PC dogma. I find that particularly satisfying, the shocked look of one who is not used to being challenged so deep behind their own lines.

    These examples all relate to personal relationships. When it comes to an internet forum or any arena reaching a wide audience, I operate differently. After starting with the mantra, you can sometimes sit back and let THEM fall all over themselves to give you your next shot, which is usually some statement of hatred towards whites, which are often so poisoness that the lurkers on the sideline pile onto the PC stooges and do your job for you. So I guess you could in a way, also call the mantra a baited trap, a turkey call for PC berserkers.

    The mantra is simple and deep, so give it time to sink in and do its work.

  14. #14 by Dave on 10/04/2007 - 12:42 pm

    Do not lose sight that nonwhites are crippled by a contradiction they can never overcome. While it is possible for them to “unite” against us, they invariably stagnate without us.

    This is why the Iranian situation is so utterly preposterous. They threw us out in 1979 and Iran has made zero progress in thirty years. Iranians are writhing in the agony of the contradiction between their assertion of equality with us and the reality of their inferiority. This is really what the “Iranian Crises” is about.

    Since Iran’s assertion of “equality” in 1979, we whites ushered in technological revolution that transformed the entire world. 30 years is a big deal in our world, the world of white people. In contrast, 30 years of zero progress is standard operating procedure in the nonwhite world.

    Castro threw us whites out in 1959 and Cuba has been a basket case ever since. (still driving our 1952 Chevy’s, only autos that work in Cuba).

    China threw us out in 1949 and had the brains to invite us back in 1975, otherwise China would have utterly stagnated.

    It is the same story always with nonwhites everywhere. No exceptions.

    That is why we have millions of Mexicans living in the United States who say their loyalty is to Mexico, but when asked if they want to return to Mexico, react with horror: “Never, never will I return to that hell-hole.”

    They will honestly react by damning Mexico while simultaneously making rants about “Latino pride”, too stupid to perceive the contradiction. That is why I long since have stopped reacting to “Latino pride”. It is the “pride” of slaves.

    Nonwhites are mired in an impossible contradiction they can never overcome, the contradiction between their assertions of equality and independence and the reality of their dependence and inferiority. No amount of electoral politics changes this reality one iota. No amount of their “uniting” against us changes it at all either.

    To the extent nonwhites fail to kneel before us as their masters and benefactors is the extent to which nonwhites fall into stagnation and squalor. Their defeat is not “all but certain”, it is “certain”, period. They can never defeat us. We can only defeat ourselves.

    Get it? You, Mr. White Man are “the Master”, like it or not. It’s baked in the cake that you are “the boss”. Being the boss (and acting like it) is the real issue.

  15. #15 by shari on 10/04/2007 - 2:08 pm

    Not to provoke anyone, but Dave sounds sort of, well, biblical. Romans 9:20, 21 But there really IS no place where non-whites have prospered at all without whites. While white men are capable of cruel and uncalled for behavior on an individual basis, it’s not true that white rule or governance has been horrid and oppressive. How did we fall for such a lie?

  16. #16 by Simmons on 10/04/2007 - 2:48 pm

    Yes Dave you are right. I often ask the ranting non-whites what they think of white men and women, its usually a stuttering answer. I often ask the kook white libs if they actually know what the non-whites think of them, they never answer the question. Same with the Jews they are parasitical in nature, asked the same basic questions and silence ensues.

  17. #17 by Alan on 10/04/2007 - 2:50 pm

    The age of isolation is over, this is the age of the internet and information can be accessed at the touch of a button. The internet, a creation by the white race is just another invention we have bestowed apon the world. The dark races know we are the masters, they depend on us and that is a fact. We bring them food when they are hungry, blankets when cold and money to create a false sense of modernasation that lasts as long as our presents is allowed. We are the host and they are the paresites, like god, we giveth and we can taketh away.

  18. #18 by Al Parker on 10/04/2007 - 7:36 pm

    Well, Bob, why don’t you tell us about the event while we wait for this speech group to arrive?

  19. #19 by mderpelding on 10/05/2007 - 6:21 pm

    Remember, we are forming a new religion. A radical shift in moral narrative.
    Hence the term “mantra”.
    The commentaries presented here will become the chapters and verses of a truly new testament.
    Look at what is being built here. A new way of looking at the world around you.
    You all agree that it is necessary.
    Stop being conservatives.
    Think! And be true radicals.

  20. #20 by Wise Man on 10/05/2007 - 6:36 pm

    Confucius say:

    “He who talk like fortune cookie eat flied lice.”

  21. #21 by Anonymous on 10/06/2007 - 7:02 am

    Lord Nelson:

    Hi folks this LN just saying hello. I am in London just now and not using my own computer so cant sign in.
    Will be here at least until April, so when I get my own place and internet connection I will will be writing more. (cant wait)

    Keep up the good work.

  22. #22 by Hardric on 10/07/2007 - 9:11 am

    The Mantra and bolding.

    One time I gave the same math exam to two different groups of students, with one exception. In one question I bolded a critical part of the question.

    The results were remarkable. Those who took the exam with the bolded emphasis did much better on that question than the other group.

    So here is a possibility: But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race for making a critical emphasis in the Mantra.

  23. #23 by cl on 10/07/2007 - 4:50 pm


    That’s the simplicity of genius.

    Every internet-clogging chain letter employs this technique. We should, too.

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