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Citizenship IS Discrimination

Posted by Bob on October 6th, 2007 under Comment Responses, History

Liberals and respectable conservatives keep saying they don’t want citizenship to be discriminatory.

Citizenship IS discrimination. Citizenship is discrimination that makes no pretense of fairness. Hispanics “Americans” vote for their fellow Hispanic illegal aliens over the interests of white Americans, which is why California is now solidly Democratic, and everybody knows it. Everybody knows it to the extent that Democrats laugh at Republicans who proposed to take tax-paid benefits away from illegals because obviously Hispanic “Americans” would vote on the side of their identity instead of some silly-ass piece of paper that said them a bond – US citizenship — with Anglos here.

So on the one hand liberals and respectable conservatives argue that that piece of paper is everything and in the same breath they argue that Hispanics are going to vote Hispanics regardless of that piece of paper.

So what IS all this crap about “illegal immigration?” How can anybody protect borders without discrimination?

Deciding one’s right to be here on basis of his place of birth is no fairer than deciding it on the basis of the color of his skin. You have no control over either. Yet all this “Stop Illegal Immigration!” crap treats the former as if it were holy while ignoring the latter.

If you are not going to discriminate, there is no excuse for having borders at all.

  1. #1 by Back Bay Grouch on 10/06/2007 - 1:40 pm

    Great lesson in Basics. Allow me to apply it to a specific example of alleged discrimination. We are all told that the immigration policy put in place in the mid 1920s was racist and discriminatory (the evil sort). But was it? To be sure there were racist rhetorical flights at the time on both sides of the issue. That was no more than political mudslinging that accompanies any contentious debate.

    At the end of the day what did Congress do in view of the fact that putting controls on immigration created a patronage pie? The logic of limits requires definitions, categories. It is impossible to have demand greater than supply of any commodity without devising formulae to distribute.

    Congress took step one, it assembled date, to wit, it studied census information. But what census? Given the life span at that time the average voter was born closest to the 1890 census as opposed to the 1880, 1900, 1910 or 1920 counts, it chose it. No surprise, Congress selected the 1890 census data. It then sliced the pie according to who was eligible to vote.

    This is what politicians always do. They share out the goods, less, of course, a sizable commission when possible. This is exactly what big city machines developed into a science. Yet the jew controlled press and academy presents Tammany Hall doing with jobs, contracts and Thanksgiving turkeys what Congress did with immigration as outreach and fairness while the same principle applied to distributing slots at Ellis Island is portrayed as hateful and bigoted. In both cases the politicians treated the shortage as a source of patronage and delved it out according to the number of voters.

    Both are discrimination by definition. Any decision requires discrimination. It is inherent in the process. It is a Basic. Thanks for the insight. Enjoyed thinking it through.

  2. #2 by Dave on 10/06/2007 - 1:44 pm

    This piece certainly cuts through the crap with a fine sterling knife.

    Immigration is just another industry feeding in the public funding trough. As an industry, it just loves its “issues”, so much the better for all those with a vested interest in “staffing up”.

    The anti-immigration forces are so busy indulging in the delusion of “saving the country” they can’t allow that they long ago lost it. They never get the real structure of the “immigration debate” and how that debate supports the immigration industry’s vested interests.

    Arguing about how the system should be reformed is pointless. “Reform” isn’t the issue.

    What is needed is a revolution, an entirely different matter altogether.

  3. #3 by Z on 10/07/2007 - 4:12 am

    This is exactly what I try to get across to “respectable conservatives” all the time. I ask them if they think letting in more Hispanics is a good idea seeing that there are Affirmative Action laws that make it harder for them to get a job?

    I also point out to them that Hispanics overwhelmingly vote against the right to own firearms, vote for higher taxes, vote against freedom of speech, vote in favor of more Affirmative Action, vote for more government programs, and lobby against the customs and holidays that they hold dear.

    All they can come with is “I’m not a racist.”

    This is pure conditioning in action that was achieved through a system of rewards and punishments. It’s almost like a tourettes syndrome like tick, that they can’t helping saying.

    Some caller called into the Sean Hannity show the other day. The caller asked Hannity if he supported the North American Union? Hannity responded by saying something about how he’s “glad we have friends to the South and friends to the North.”

    After he said that I realized he had been advised to start conditioning the public for the NAU. When this thing becomes closer into being, the “respectable conservatives” will be making arguments about how “we won’t be able to compete if we don’t unionize.” They will barrage the pubic with accusations of “racism” and will assure us that “this will not change the country.”

    Its coming folks. And when it does you’ll be seeing the people at SF having a freak-out like you’ve never seen before. I will not be freaking out. The more they diversify the U.S. the quicker it will fall. When it does start to fall you can be sure that “racists” will be who gets blamed. This will be followed by “respectable conservatives” swearing that they were on our side the whole time.

    Diversifying America more is the same thing as the Soviet Union increasing government regulation. They’ll say stuff like “if we can just bring in some more non-whites our problems will be solved.” This is the same as saying “if can just control more industry, our problems will be solved.”

  4. #4 by Simmons on 10/07/2007 - 12:35 pm

    I’ve said for years that civilization is discrimination, but I’ll let you have this Bob. Of course to prove Dave right again, when I’m faced with an anti-white ranter I ask if whites should be kicked out of their fantasy land, silence ensues. Non-whites have hit on a note that produces and keeps the slaves happy, no need to upset and destroy what works and turn ourselves into Zimbabwe. Of some interest to the people here at v-dare some hindu wrote in proclaiming the superiority of his brown race, also of note their successes were in white countries.

  5. #5 by Ian Santiago on 10/07/2007 - 12:54 pm

    1)The North American Union will never come about.

    The founding father’s stated the criteria for citizenship in the republic. Non-whites are not American, ’nuff said! the endgame is close at hand and you will soon see the beaner vermin swimming in the other direction. You will also see the currymunchers and chinks take their loot and go home as that is all that matters to them.

    Viva La Raza Blanca!!

    Passed by the United States Congress,
    “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” (March 26, 1790).
    TEXT SOURCE: 1 Stat. 103-104. edited version: De Pauw, Linda Grant, et al., eds. Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America, March 4, 1789 – March 3, 1791. 14 vols. to date. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972-1995. 6:1516-1522.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a FREE WHITE person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States, which Oath or Affirmation such Court shall administer, and the Clerk of such Court shall record such Application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the United States. And the children of such person so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States: Provided also, that no person heretofore proscribed by any States, shall be admitted a citizen as aforesaid, except by an Act of the Legislature of the State in which such person was proscribed.

  6. #6 by Dave on 10/07/2007 - 6:45 pm

    Few understand the elementary “arithmetic” of the presence of foreigners in the US, whose scale of comings and goings is enormous in magnitude relative to the presence of real Americans.

    The sheer numbers of even that portion who never intend anything other than temporary presence in the US is becoming Hawaii like regarding the sheer scale of the “visitors” versus “indigenes” relative numbers.

    Finding an actual real American in NYC or any other major American city is quite a game these days. In fact, it is becoming harder and harder to find a real American even in places like Wyoming. For example, I traveled through Wyoming a short time ago and marveled at how few actual real Americans I encountered there. They are hard to spot there are relatively so few us, actual real Americans residing in America today.

    Accordingly, I believe the evidence of my eyes, not any numbers anyone recites. The evidence of my eyes tells me we have been completely and definitively overrun. You have to be housebound not to know it.

    So if you find yourself carrying on about “immigration” you are way behind the curve, you are ignoring and hiding from reality. And to understand how the plain truth and reality of our plight is hidden from public consciousness, listen to BW.

    One of the most important things BW has ever said is his statement that “there are two Europe’s and only one America”, a Europe in Europe, and a Europe in America. (The upscale sections of America are the American “second Europe”.)

    BW’s statements about the “two Europe’s” are insightful as it gets.

    Western European whites have become bizarre in how they live their lives and devote their attentions. Accordingly, Germany today is a very weird place. The German public’s efforts and money are entirely focused on maintaining park like manicured settings throughout the country in every city and every neighborhood, replete with each block and structure having been turned into some sort of quasi “historical preservation site”. The entire German countryside has become patchwork of wetland or forestry set asides, turned into “ecology projects” of advanced land management experiments.

    Besides this particular bizarre inattention to reality, Germans in their day-to-day attentions are otherwise inordinately focused on epicurean devotions to wine, beer, and other alcohols, fancy meat entrees and deserts, and to meaningless details of quality and esthetics in every day consumer items. What a useless way for human beings to devote their lives! To have their entire society so focused is astoundingly bizarre.

    It is as if they have decided as a nation that the only things that merit real attention and effort in life are things along the lines such as Prince Charles’ bizarre obsession with organic farming and ecological practices at his Cornwall Estates.

    Appearances and pretenses of false forms of knowledge are everything to Prince Charles, anything else being beneath his imagined and knighted contribution to human progress at Cornwall. That his Cornwall Estates actually produce an income is quite beside the point, the subjects of “profit” and “income” beneath his royal dignity.

    This is the way the people in the upscale neighborhoods of Southern California and Connecticut think also. Their energies, thinking, perspective, goals, and efforts are bizarre (that is, they are uniquely “European” in character).

    These upscale places are in fact nightmares, trains of affluence running nowhere, Rod Sterling visions of hell masquerading as heaven. To be trapped in them is to be lost to the world and its truths. (In fact, to be trapped in them is to have your life ruined, for an authentic life within these venues is impossible.)

    Meanwhile, we American whites are floating in a rip tide of Africans, Mexicans, Central and South Americans, and Asians. We are being swept far out to sea, into a sea of dark faces from horizon to horizon. Chances of our reaching the shore have long since passed.

    We are back into the situation of the 17th, 18th, and 19th century New World, surrounded and enormously outnumbered by hostile races not our own. Accordingly, we are in the steep trajectory of the reestablishment of race-based chattel slavery and are relearning the arts of the “master” in the emerging system of master-slave relations furnished under the regime of global finance.

    How far this truth and reality is from the mind of today’s white European socialist! They are unplugged from reality. They cannot imagine today’s emerging race-based “plantation”. It exists, yet they cannot see it.

    Germany today might as well be Disneyland for all the reality it possesses. Today’s German really believes human life is about getting pubic policy into accord with “ecological reality”. They really believe their vaunted affluence is assured. They really believe the world is something to be fixed by growing gardens. And ominously, they have come to believe that nonwhites somehow “fit” somewhere, somehow, if even at times they are “troublesome”. For doesn’t “ecological reality” imply a system of harmony within the larger forces of nature?

    Accordingly, today’s “immigration debate” is nothing but delusional ranting, meaning nothing. It was “game over” long ago. Most whites are still out to lunch regarding this realization. Their affluence has kept them asleep.

  7. #7 by shari on 10/07/2007 - 8:03 pm

    I wish I had Santiago’s confidence. I do, in many ways, but then sometimes I don’t. Well, that’s not unusual.

  8. #8 by Pain on 10/07/2007 - 11:39 pm

    Not too bad, Dave. hmm…

    Thanks for that reminder, Ian!

  9. #9 by Simmons on 10/08/2007 - 12:30 pm

    When I mentioned that white libs were running like hell from their charges into their eco-communes I was chastised by Bob, when Dave posts an opus which foucuses on the escapism of liberal whites away from the new “chattel slavery” its like Oswald Spengler graced this blog. May I suggest one thing to Dave, focus your arguments to white racial survival and less on recreating South Carolina society of the Eignteeth century. If you can Dave try and argue your case without the premise that the world is infinite.

  10. #10 by Dave on 10/08/2007 - 6:47 pm


    My premise is not really about white Europeans and their unfocused and wasted lives. With all that is wrong with America, I still thank God I am an American and not a European. We are simply flat out better than they are, by a long ways.

    My premise is really ethics and ethics is nothing but the trade off between doctrine and loyalty. And ethics is really what BW’s writings are about.

    Doctrine is about written ideas about right and wrong. BW calls doctrine “Wordism”, the notion that you owe a set of words loyalty.

    But real loyalty is about whom you will back up, no matter what. It has nothing to do with ideas or words or anything of that sort describing right and wrong. It really has nothing to do with the notions of right and wrong at all.

    Abraham Lincoln was a master as sowing confusion into the minds of men regarding loyalty, loyalty to doctrine versus loyalty to kin. That was what the Civil War was really all about. The wrong side won.

    The tragedy with face is that most of us cannot discern that loyalty to doctrine might imply disloyalty to kin. Most people assume that loyalty to doctrine means loyalty to kin. They weld two incompatibilities together without realizing it. It is a terrible trick our minds are vunerable to.

    This provides a great opening for the political manipulators to make hay, for this ethical confusion that reins over human affairs advantages them greatly, this confusion over loyalty to doctrine versus loyalty to kin.

    BW has spent a life raging over this issue. When he writes a Mantra that states, ““But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews”, he is trying to get our confusion about the most fundamental ethical issues cleared up, for the issue is, what are you loyal to?

    I’m loyal to goal of the white man being THE BOSS in a society that is already hugely and enormously multi-racial. I’m loyal to goal of getting my fellow whites off the track of believing that ecology and environmentalism matter, or that harmony is achievable. All I want is for white people to focus on being THE BOSS in a world that will never be harmonious or secure (nor ecologically balanced).

    George Bush may be more on target in his basic approach than you think.

    The good news is that in America, at least, we whites are headed on a steep trajectory of reforming our thinking. In truth, being mired in our current heavy-duty wars helps this process.

    It is obvious that we are headed back to plantation society for the triumph of finance capitalism is not going away and finance capitalism is about forcing people into productivity whether they like it or not.

    This is bad news for all the coloreds living in public housing districts.

    The plantation society now springing into existence is a different incarnation than it was in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, but it is actually the same thing, an aristocracy surrounded by well paid service providers whose job it is to make the nonwhite hordes out there productive. (Try getting your typical German socialist to understand this simple concept!)

    Realizing this puts you ahead of the curve and makes you realize your task is in the arts of being the “master” in a system of relations that are really “master-slave” in structure. Nature has put us in the role of master and we need to learn to perform our role excellently.

  11. #11 by Simmons on 10/08/2007 - 7:44 pm

    “Financial capitalism” the absolute highest form of “wordism” watch CNBC, those shlocks two hundred years ago would have been middling rabbis in the ghetto. I will say it again, try your theory without the premise as the world as infinite. If you insist on your theory of small white overclass unlimited population of swarthy wogs producing crap for finance something or another I want my own thread on Peak Oil.

  12. #12 by shari on 10/08/2007 - 9:42 pm

    “What are you loyal to?” Might not that be wordism? WHO are you loyal to? It’s flesh and blood people that matter even more than goals or ideas. It’s hard, because there are a lot of white people that I don’t like, for good reason, and even those I love, can be very frustrating and touchy. Family is not always a warm, fuzzy, but I’m sympathetic because I know how confused they have been. And I have been plenty confused myself.

  13. #13 by Pain on 10/09/2007 - 12:45 am

    “The plantation society now springing into existence”

    I don’t understand what this means.

  14. #14 by Dave on 10/09/2007 - 12:06 pm


    It means an aristocracy that hides it existence behind the curtain of electoral democracy. This aristocracy maintains its dominance through its ownership of trophy assets. Trophy assets are those assets, (primary real estate that is never put up for sale)that garners ever increasing value despite currency devaluation (no matter how severe) or any other games governments play to finance their activities.

    This aristocracy is able to hold these assets because it owns financial capital (stocks and bonds) and directly control businesses that throw off sufficient income to pay the taxes on these trophy assets.

    This cash flow from the aristocracy to the government is what constitutes the lever of the aristocracy’s political power.

    For example, the politicos in Sacramento and the local honchos that run LA and Santa Barbara know where their bread is buttered and their bread is buttered with those who actually pay their salaries and that is the landholding aristocracy of Southern California.

    These kinds of arrangements are as old as the hills, but the general public never has any understanding of them. Successful politicians are not so confused, and they just love the myth held by the public that the public pays the bills.

    BS, the rich pay the bills and their ability to pay constitutes their power.

    But what I mean by “planation society” more directly is the reestablishment of formal race-based caste relations in the United States, very much on the India model. The ideological vehicle these race-base caste relations ride in is called “Political Correctness”. Same in India also.

    This is an inevitablity of a multi-racial society. Race based slavery emerges in the natural course of things and make no mistake, India is very much a slave society. Of course, this slavery is called “equality” and “freedom” and most of the slaves believe themselves to be “free”. This false belief is an attribute of a successful slave system.

    The super rich who are running things are not so deluded. The armies of servants they command prevent such delusions. That’s why they don’t bother with getting advanced degrees and they focus on matters of etiquette and diplomacy instead.

    It is their skills in etiquette and diplomacy that put them miles ahead of ordinary folks like you and I. And like all powerful people, they very much enjoy being underestimated.

  15. #15 by Simmons on 10/09/2007 - 12:40 pm

    Hey Bob if you please read Sarge’s (Dave’s) posts, and then demote him. We need crackpot “elite” theories like California needs another Mexican grasscutter. I’m to understand from you that whites need explicit racial consciousness and from Dave we get theories of the less than one percent who rule and who wish to remain secret yet at the same time are ushering in a caste system like India’s. Save BUGS Bob.

  16. #16 by Dave on 10/09/2007 - 2:18 pm


    My observations are from my own direct experience which I am relating in the context of a seminar and you react with name calling.

    As for a “small elite” controlling anything, it doesn’t work like that. The trajectories of influence of large taxpayers are well known to any successful politician (i.e., ones that are actually elected). Indeed, they cannot function without knowledge of these large taxpayer relationships, so there is nothing “crackpot” about my observations at all. This is how the system actually works which is far more ordinary than you think it is.

    As for the caste angle, look out your door.

  17. #17 by Simmons on 10/09/2007 - 3:22 pm

    I think your syllogism does not compute. A secret elite and emerging caste system merging into a new world order of white supremacy does not figure with me, in that you have lost me and if we polled the rest I bet they say the same. The caste system came about via a strong racial conscious and took millenia to brown out, the people you speak of are degenerates who happen to like blonde women. I’ll say it again we need a new explicit racial conscious not a secret society that walls itself off from the rest of the white population. Your one percent does not cut it that is but genocide by another name and I reiterate BUGS is anti-genocide.

  18. #18 by mderpelding on 10/09/2007 - 6:16 pm

    To discriminate is to think.
    To make a choice based upon evidence.
    Anti-discrimination is a leftist synonym for indiscriminate. The absence of thought.

    Diversity is the opposite of unity.

  19. #19 by Dave on 10/09/2007 - 9:05 pm


    Get one thing straight about the elite. It exists. It knows absolutely it cannot control events. No only that, its members do not see eye-to-eye, just like the general public. The elite is almost as heavily ideologically balkanized as general public is.

    Insecurity is the reason they hold trophy assets, if they can get them. This is not a vote of self-confidence for their ability to govern outcomes, political or otherwise. We have no reason to judge their abilities greater than they judge their own.

    Nobody is pulling levers in the background. No one is driving the bus. If you think I am saying that, you got me wrong.

  20. #20 by Hardric on 10/10/2007 - 11:56 am

    RE: I want my own thread on Peak Oil.


    Peak Oil (and Global Warming) certainly generate much lively discussion. We are likely on the same Peak Oil page, but I must confess to approaching the topic with some caution due to the religious fervor of the debate.

  21. #21 by Simmons on 10/10/2007 - 1:55 pm

    I only mentioned Peak Oil because Dave was running off topic and not being called for it. Anyone can come understand the issue at dozens of sites other than BUGS, and if you want elite conspiracy theory like Dave propounds than there are sites dedicated to that as well.

  22. #22 by AFKAN on 10/10/2007 - 2:57 pm

    Dave has made several excellent points, all of which deserve comment:

    Dave wrote:

    Arguing about how the system should be reformed is pointless. “Reform” isn’t the issue.

    What is needed is a revolution, an entirely different matter altogether.

    in reply:
    I could not agree more; the Revolutions are already taking place, as genetic engineering creates chimeras (the Gamma demand function will slope sharply down twenty years from now), and computational engineering creates systems that will replace most middle managers.

    This implies an Elite will focus solely on developing their children, and, in two generations, will have laid the foundation for genetic transformations that will make it impossible for the rest of us – the New Eloi – to catch up with.

    Is there really any doubt in your mind that, in fifty years, the foundations will be in place for those who will replace us, while our heirs are genetically gelded to be of no competition to them whatsoever?

    The Smart Faction IQ Theory of Nations will be preached in the Churches; the High Churches, of course.

    My God!

    They won’t be playing the Race Card; they’ll be playing the Race DECK!

    And they will insure all Institutions within society WILL actively support their Heirs…

    Z wrote:

    This is pure conditioning in action that was achieved through a system of rewards and punishments. It’s almost like a tourettes syndrome like tick, that they can’t helping saying.

    Some caller called into the Sean Hannity show the other day. The caller asked Hannity if he supported the North American Union? Hannity responded by saying something about how he’s “glad we have friends to the South and friends to the North.”

    After he said that I realized he had been advised to start conditioning the public for the NAU. When this thing becomes closer into being, the “respectable conservatives” will be making arguments about how “we won’t be able to compete if we don’t unionize.” They will barrage the pubic with accusations of “racism” and will assure us that “this will not change the country.”

    Its coming folks. And when it does you’ll be seeing the people at SF having a freak-out like you’ve never seen before. I will not be freaking out. The more they diversify the U.S. the quicker it will fall. When it does start to fall you can be sure that “racists” will be who gets blamed. This will be followed by “respectable conservatives” swearing that they were on our side the whole time.

    Diversifying America more is the same thing as the Soviet Union increasing government regulation. They’ll say stuff like “if we can just bring in some more non-whites our problems will be solved.” This is the same as saying “if can just control more industry, our problems will be solved.”

    in reply:
    Z made two good points here; first, that the Ministry of Truth’s Propaganda Framework is determined not to make the mistake of the March of the Illegals, by framing the issue in terms of Hannity’s – the Conservative/Fox News Watchers – formulation, that he’s “glad we have friends to the South and friends to the North.”

    You WILL be seeing this phrase repeated a lot more in the months and years to come, setting up the North American union as an EMOTIONAL issue – “glad to have friends” – rather than an INTELLECTUAL issue.

    They will lay the EMOTIONAL foundation deep, so it will override any INTELLECTUAL response.

    A Nation of Children will be right at home with this.

    The Nation that will succeed them will take grave issue with Hannity’s Formulation, and the gelded Nation of Children, and this, I promise you, will be truly “exciting.”

    Z’s second point, comparing the increasing diversification of America to the Soviet Union, hints at the eventual solution; partition, along RACIAL lines.

    Works for them, works for us.

    All you need is a real Collapse, and the realization that the Provinces are not worth supporting by the State.

    Dave then wrote:

    (Reference to Elite, nominally “European” enclaves in parts of America)

    Meanwhile, we American whites are floating in a rip tide of Africans, Mexicans, Central and South Americans, and Asians. We are being swept far out to sea, into a sea of dark faces from horizon to horizon. Chances of our reaching the shore have long since passed.

    We are back into the situation of the 17th, 18th, and 19th century New World, surrounded and enormously outnumbered by hostile races not our own. Accordingly, we are in the steep trajectory of the reestablishment of race-based chattel slavery and are relearning the arts of the “master” in the emerging system of master-slave relations furnished under the regime of global finance.

    How far this truth and reality is from the mind of today’s white European socialist! They are unplugged from reality. They cannot imagine today’s emerging race-based “plantation”. It exists, yet they cannot see it.


    Accordingly, today’s “immigration debate” is nothing but delusional ranting, meaning nothing. It was “game over” long ago. Most whites are still out to lunch regarding this realization. Their affluence has kept them asleep.

    in reply:
    Their “affluence,” plus enough Prozac to stop a mule, keeps them “asleep,” by which I mean they must stop their Minds from fully recognizing what their senses are trying to tell them, that Race Matters Above ALL, and only someone who is willfully ignorant can believe otherwise.

    We ARE “moving to the reestablishment of race-based chattel slavery,” and MUST “relearn the arts of the “master” in the emerging system of master-slave relations furnished under the regime of global finance.”

    The basic trends of genetic engineering, and technological decision support capabilities, lead to Homo Novus, on the one hand, and Kurzweil’s Singularity, on the other.

    For the Elite, these are tools and techniques to be harnessed, and mastered; for the Betas and Gammas, they are the harbingers of their untimely fate, as useful as my great-grandfather’s mules are in the world of John Deere harvesters and combines.

    I have read and re-read Stirling’s “The Domination” trilogy to try and inspire the Mindset I need to develop in myself, and my nephews…

    In reply to Simmons, Dave wrote:


    My premise is not really about white Europeans and their unfocused and wasted lives. With all that is wrong with America, I still thank God I am an American and not a European. We are simply flat out better than they are, by a long ways.

    My premise is really ethics and ethics is nothing but the trade off between doctrine and loyalty. And ethics is really what BW’s writings are about.

    Doctrine is about written ideas about right and wrong. BW calls doctrine “Wordism”, the notion that you owe a set of words loyalty.

    But real loyalty is about whom you will back up, no matter what. It has nothing to do with ideas or words or anything of that sort describing right and wrong. It really has nothing to do with the notions of right and wrong at all.

    Abraham Lincoln was a master as sowing confusion into the minds of men regarding loyalty, loyalty to doctrine versus loyalty to kin. That was what the Civil War was really all about. The wrong side won.

    The tragedy we face is that most of us cannot discern that loyalty to doctrine might imply disloyalty to kin. Most people assume that loyalty to doctrine means loyalty to kin. They weld two incompatibilities together without realizing it. It is a terrible trick our minds are vulnerable to.

    This provides a great opening for the political manipulators to make hay, for this ethical confusion that reins over human affairs advantages them greatly, this confusion over loyalty to doctrine versus loyalty to kin.


    It is obvious that we are headed back to plantation society for the triumph of finance capitalism is not going away and finance capitalism is about forcing people into productivity whether they like it or not.

    This is bad news for all the coloreds living in public housing districts.

    The plantation society now springing into existence is a different incarnation than it was in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, but it is actually the same thing, an aristocracy surrounded by well paid service providers whose job it is to make the nonwhite hordes out there productive. (Try getting your typical German socialist to understand this simple concept!)

    Realizing this puts you ahead of the curve and makes you realize your task is in the arts of being the “master” in a system of relations that are really “master-slave” in structure. Nature has put us in the role of master and we need to learn to perform our role excellently.

    in reply:
    A major trend within the New Feudalism is obvious: people will “own” very little, if anything. They will “own” the clothes on their back, and a few personal possessions. Everything else will be leased, from the transportation they use, to the places they live. Between seven year leases on SUV’s, on the one hand, and ZipCar franchises on the other (note that we are addressing the needs of two completely different classes there!), to Los Angeles Zoning supporting the conversion of buildings to allow the sale of one hundred square foot “condominiums” (remember, with condos. you “own” a basket of rights and responsibilities, “from paint to paint,” we see where people are paying increasingly more, and are owning less and less, by the day.

    As for talk about the Owners, more about that, at a later time.

    Pain wrote:

    “The plantation society now springing into existence”

    I don’t understand what this means.

    in reply to Pain, Dave wrote:


    It means an aristocracy that hides it existence behind the curtain of electoral democracy. This aristocracy maintains its dominance through its ownership of trophy assets. Trophy assets are those assets, (primary real estate that is never put up for sale)that garners ever increasing value despite currency devaluation (no matter how severe) or any other games governments play to finance their activities.

    This aristocracy is able to hold these assets because it owns financial capital (stocks and bonds) and directly control businesses that throw off sufficient income to pay the taxes on these trophy assets.

    This cash flow from the aristocracy to the government is what constitutes the lever of the aristocracy’s political power.

    For example, the politicos in Sacramento and the local honchos that run LA and Santa Barbara know where their bread is buttered and their bread is buttered with those who actually pay their salaries and that is the landholding aristocracy of Southern California.

    These kinds of arrangements are as old as the hills, but the general public never has any understanding of them. Successful politicians are not so confused, and they just love the myth held by the public that the public pays the bills.

    BS, the rich pay the bills and their ability to pay constitutes their power.

    But what I mean by “planation society” more directly is the reestablishment of formal race-based caste relations in the United States, very much on the India model. The ideological vehicle these race-base caste relations ride in is called “Political Correctness”. Same in India also.

    This is an inevitability of a multi-racial society. Race based slavery emerges in the natural course of things and make no mistake, India is very much a slave society. Of course, this slavery is called “equality” and “freedom” and most of the slaves believe themselves to be “free”. This false belief is an attribute of a successful slave system.

    The super rich who are running things are not so deluded. The armies of servants they command prevent such delusions. That’s why they don’t bother with getting advanced degrees and they focus on matters of etiquette and diplomacy instead.

    It is their skills in etiquette and diplomacy that put them miles ahead of ordinary folks like you and I. And like all powerful people, they very much enjoy being underestimated.

    in reply:
    Did anyone ever notice the children of the European Elite were groomed, long and hard, in the “skills in etiquette and diplomacy?”

    Think there isn’t an excellent reason for that?

    After all, the people who rule the world have every good reason to avoid, or at least, moderate, conflict within their community, while strongly encouraging conflict between the communities of the Lesser Races.

  23. #23 by Pain on 10/10/2007 - 6:14 pm

    Our elites are incredibly incompetent and crooked. But they want you to believe that they are brilliant and thus invincible. If populists had a little power, these elites would fall apart over night and their money could not save them.

    That lot are as far from aristocrats (of “rule of the best”) as one can get. Unlike the old time Southern planters, they do not support their communities; unlike the planters, they are not gentlemen, a species which they despise. Unlike the planters, they make war on their white populations and with great effort are right now genociding us.

    The elites long ago joined ranks with the Jews — a race of pawn shop dealers, junk salesmen, and loan sharks. The elites, borne of Yankee economics (ie, state-capitalism), make Jewish schemes work.

    Take the plight of California which once flew the CSA’s First National in Sacramento. California’s leadership began to change from populist to liberal when Yankee Republicans filled up their carpet bags and used their financial connections to take over the state after the War. For example, Yankees were awarded contracts to feed, clothe, and protect Indians, but kept the money for themselves (visit the museum at Fort Tejon). Then they settled in mansions (such as those in Concord, California) and began to prey on white folk, too (read Jack London’s Valley of the Moon). They made San Francisco their Western capital, and for that reason that city became a magnet for queers of all colors, stripes, and sparkles.

    Northern California was the first to fall prey to Yankeedom and liberalism, its spawn. Southern California, however, fell later but flatter. Los Angeles was an easy target for well-connected and thus well-heeled Yankees to take over, beginning with the Otises and the Chandlers, who still control the LA Times. True histories of LA are still suppressed, but if you can find one, it will describe a dusty village turned into an endless, sprawling ghetto through “government” that was in truth organized crime. Even rural northern LA County was not immune. For example, the Yankee Newhall family (from Saugus, Mass.) stole hundreds of thousands (millions?) of acres from the rightful owners, and to this day build fortunes upon fortunes by levelling hill and mountain, cutting down hundreds of thousands of ancient Coast Live and Valley Oaks, destroying paradise, and bringing hordes of Mexicans into formerly all-white valleys.

    And diplomacy? Their manner of “diplomacy” is paying your enemy to bludgeon you.

    These “aristocrats” are no different from any other criminal, except that, since the War they started against the South, they can hide behind their “law”. They are also, body and soul, behind the genocide of my race, which makes them an enemy of me.

  24. #24 by shari on 10/10/2007 - 8:17 pm

    Since any pretense of “law” is rapidly dissolving, perhaps the endgame is sooner than we think.

  25. #25 by Dave on 10/10/2007 - 9:39 pm


    I love Southern California because economically it is flat out the most vital trading region and business district in the world. LA and its environs is what NYC used to be in the 19th century, a God-awful but vital mess.

    Southern California for decades has been ahead of the curve for the rest of the United States and these days it is particularly distinctive with the toughest criminal gangs (if the cops are afraid of them you should be too) and a racial and ethnic mess of enormous proportions (far more out of control than NYC).

    The real fight is racial and ethnic, not economic, and does Southern California ever reflect that.

    In such circumstances those racial and ethnic (sub) groups that focus on excelling in etiquette and diplomacy win for there is no other way to navigate such circumstances with any realistic hope of coming out on top. And the fields of etiquette and diplomacy are the truly the hardest stuff in the entire spectrum of the arts of competitive fitness.

    One of great things about being wealthy is that YOU CAN AFFORD to host events that exercise you in the arts of etiquette and diplomacy. Most ordinary people don’t get this at all.

    They don’t develop high-level social skills because their economic circumstances prevent them from hosting the kind of social events that bring a lot of strangers together. Such events ARE EXPENSIVE for Pete’s sake. They really can’t be successfully carried out on the cheap. Accordingly, they tend to get mired in an inability to successfully withstand the emotional discomfort of trying social circumstances because they have no practice in navigating them.

    This starts them down the road of avoidance behaviors that manifest themselves in hard-nosed attitudes that are invariably counterproductive. A lot of bullshit ideology pops up on this account.

    Successful politicians understand these trajectories very well and they tailor their “customer service” operations to cater to them. For example, they are well aware that the white population in Southern California suffers from the “Lord Jim” syndrome, (wanting to cut deals when there is no call for compromise, and wanting to attack when there is no real compelling reason for cocking the gun). They understand the incoherent ideological nonsense that bubbles up over the challenges, the terrors, and the embarrassments of the seething environment of racial, ethnic, and income class confrontation that is the reality of Southern California.

    I am ruthless enough myself to find humor it in for you have got to be one cunning SOB to find alternatives for developing your skills in etiquette and diplomacy if you are not wealthy. I think this is great challenge for we ordinary whites, this business of getting more skilled in the arts of etiquette and diplomacy for confronting our racial and ethnic adversaries.

    Actually, I think the Gen Y’ers are more aware of this need than the Boomers or Gen X’ers are.

  26. #26 by AFKAN on 10/11/2007 - 12:16 am


    in reply to Dave:

    you wrote:

    The real fight is racial and ethnic, not economic, and does Southern California ever reflect that.

    In such circumstances those racial and ethnic (sub) groups that focus on excelling in etiquette and diplomacy win for there is no other way to navigate such circumstances with any realistic hope of coming out on top. And the fields of etiquette and diplomacy are the truly the hardest stuff in the entire spectrum of the arts of competitive fitness.

    One of great things about being wealthy is that YOU CAN AFFORD to host events that exercise you in the arts of etiquette and diplomacy. Most ordinary people don’t get this at all.

    They don’t develop high-level social skills because their economic circumstances prevent them from hosting the kind of social events that bring a lot of strangers together. Such events ARE EXPENSIVE for Pete’s sake. They really can’t be successfully carried out on the cheap. Accordingly, they tend to get mired in an inability to successfully withstand the emotional discomfort of trying social circumstances because they have no practice in navigating them.

    This starts them down the road of avoidance behaviors that manifest themselves in hard-nosed attitudes that are invariably counterproductive. A lot of bullshit ideology pops up on this account.

    Successful politicians understand these trajectories very well and they tailor their “customer service” operations to cater to them. For example, they are well aware that the white population in Southern California suffers from the “Lord Jim” syndrome, (wanting to cut deals when there is no call for compromise, and wanting to attack when there is no real compelling reason for cocking the gun). They understand the incoherent ideological nonsense that bubbles up over the challenges, the terrors, and the embarrassments of the seething environment of racial, ethnic, and income class confrontation that is the reality of Southern California.

    in reply:
    I have often wondered why, acting Racially, we can’t get ONE on the Board, while our Racial Enemies score point after point on us.

    In large part, it’s because we who think Racially tend to ignore what Yockey referred to as the Vertical Component of Race; simply put, India’s Brahmini have more in common with us, at our best, than many of our nominally Racial Brethren.

    The crippling intellectual, moral and emotional blinders that we wear by virtue of our station in life can only be transcended by tremendous efforts of Will, and then, all too often, not even then.

    I have been working desperately to reach my nephews on an understanding of a Positive Theory of RACE, while I can, in the time we have together.

    Etiquette and diplomacy is of critical importance, and I have ordered books on etiquette, and will be taking them into the city to learn from someone who actually teaches these skills.

    Don’t laugh.

    The Marine Corps Schools at Quantico offer a series of courses in etiquette; Basic, for all who wish to be officers, and a more complete course, extending over a month, if memory serves, for those whose duties as Marines require diplomatic skills – embassy staff and diplomatic liasons, for example.

    I was born in what can charitably be called “reduced circumstances,” and was raised in the house of tenant farmers. I KNOW what it is like to lack, and to have to struggle for the bare essentials; I also know what it is like to be scorned for your parent’s lack of socioeconomic position.

    I’ve since done a bit better for myself, and realized the movies showing the wealthy to be soft, effete snobs, are part of a well-crafted deception BY the rich, to make us feel morally superior to them.

    The Institutional Churches of poor whites – the Southern Baptists, the Assemblies of God – were also crafted to make us feel comfortable as the functional equivalent of serfs…

    If you read any good diplomatic history of Nineteenth Century Europe, you will note the wide range of social relations BETWEEN the members of the Elite, and how easy it was to place the underclass in opposition to the nascent middle class…

    All of these Opportunities for the Elite – balls, social events, performances – were all used to insure that whatever conflicts of interest they may have had BETWEEN themselves were not resolves at THEIR expense.

    Diplomacy channels potential conflicts into productive actions; yet, we don’t teach our Children these useful skills, and, indeed, even deny that they are of any value whatsoever.

    I think this is part and parcel of why White Nationalism/Western Nationalism has yet to bear fruit; even if all of our Brethren’s complaints about the Jews, the Coloreds, the Illegals, were all true, we can simply ask them the question they refuse to answer:


    Let’s focus on the answer to THAt question, in light of a Positive Theory of Race; let’s see our Family as the microcosm of the RACE, and the RACE as the macrocosm of the Family. Then, let’s see RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, and go from there.

    While we can.

    I have little doubt that, between genetic engineering, and the Singularity, the world of a century hence will resemble our world only in matters of the most superficial appearance.

    With the development of the Chimera, a topic addressed by Stirling in his Domination Trilogy, many will walk the Earth in human bodies, but will not be Human.

    Anyone who does not see these issues as part and parcel of a tremendous RACE War are kidding themselves, perhaps because the implications are too troubling to deal with.

    I am trying to teach my nephews to deal with the implications of this, one way, or another, and for that, they will need tremendous interpersonal skills, both for etiquette, and diplomacy.

    I just feel I am in a race against Time, and I am losing…

  27. #27 by Pain on 10/11/2007 - 12:33 am

    Southern California is a hellhole and the people in charge there are jerks. They know nothing about etiquette and diplomacy. They are crass and rude.

    Proclaiming the highest admiration for New York City on a blog of a Southern nationalist is likewise rude.

    And what has the whole weird conversation about rude jerks being “diplomats” and “aristocrats” have anything to do with fighting genocide, or the mantra, or anything that people come here to read?

    What is going on?

    (A balloon pops.)

  28. #28 by AFKAN on 10/11/2007 - 1:08 am

    in reply to Pain:

    you wrote:

    Southern California is a hellhole and the people in charge there are jerks. They know nothing about etiquette and diplomacy. They prefer crassness and rudeness. Proclaiming the highest admiration for New York on a blog of a Southern nationalist is likewise rude.

    And what has the whole weird conversation about rude jerks being “diplomats” and “aristocrats” have anything to do with fighting genocide, or the mantra, or anything that people come here to read?

    (A balloon pops.)

    in reply:
    In his economic analysis of more than half a century ago, Buckminster Fuller noted that world power in general, and world economic power, in particular, had been moving from West to East. In his lifetime, that meant, in large part, from London to Washington, DC, and New York.

    The raw materials that the Race uses to transform their environment, and their Culture, moves, and the Race must adapt, one way, or another.

    Thus, in China, today, their hidden asset are the so-called “sea turtles,” the Chinese nationals who go overseas to learn the ways of other Cultures, and other politico-economic systems. All of those exquisitely trained “translators” and “hosts” for the Beijing Olympics, children of the Aristocracy, have been groomed for far more than a one time job…

    Racial Warfare, under any other name…

    The people who “seem to be in charge” may well be jerks, to you and I. They really do not care about us, at all, save as tools they can use for their purpose.

    Yet, among themselves and their counterparts from other Regions, they are on their very best behavior, with their very best diplomatic skills at work at all times, especially in the Soft War of Economics.

    We have failed to inculcate this training among our selves, and our Children; we are paying the price as we shifted from a Culture of Achievement, to a Culture of Hedonism.

    Ironically, the CSA’s Officer Corps, one and all groomed with exquisite interpersonal skills – etiquette – and diplomatic skills – dealing as the heads of the regions that formed sovereign nation-states – faced their absolute economic and political collapse with a Masculine response, forming the First Klan.

    Such challenges may well befall us, and such opportunities as they represent may well offer us the challenge to overcome our Enemy’s identification of who we are, and replace THEIR definition, with OUR definition.

    Remember, who conquered who in the War of the Northern Aggression, and how was this Conquest carried forward into the last century, and into THIS century?

    Is it true that The University of The South is choosing to change its name, and if so, why?

    Might the Symbol for Ole Miss be less Rhett Butler, and more Scarlett O’Hara, in a devastated Tara…

    Or, all too soon, Miss Scarlett’s Father, reduced to impotent senescence?

    The West, as it was, chose, in Burnham’s formulation, to commit the functional equivalent of suicide.

    We can still DO SOMETHING about that.

  29. #29 by shari on 10/11/2007 - 10:49 am

    This is sounding very eggheaded.

  30. #30 by Simmons on 10/11/2007 - 11:43 am

    I agree with Shari. While I advocate intellectual and scholarly research I agree with Bob that we ought not make this more difficult than it really is. Dave and Afkan have slipped into the sand trap of trying to make sense of the idiots in charge machinations. I say, read the “Heart of Darkness”, and come to realize that all the liberals either Donkeys or Elephants are like Kurtz and they are begging for an end to this misery. The average lib realizes the Jews are crackpots unfit for leadership, the Jews realize they suck at leadership (watch movie Enemy at the Gates), and the Apes are angry they cannot overcome nature. Ask a lib in charge of some little sinecure the Mantra question, “Should we eliminate whites?” Meltdown occurs.

  31. #31 by Dave on 10/11/2007 - 12:46 pm


    You underestimate your own power. Let me give an example from my recent experience. This summer, I made a play targeting the African immigrant community in my State. I did this by performing an investigation of an African immigrant couple’s involvement in international labor trafficking (trafficking in illegal domestic servants brought in our country through document fraud).

    My efforts resulted in an FBI investigation, an investigation that offended a lot of people, and results that are now pending before the Federal Prosecutor.

    The rapidity from which I went from complete invisibility to be known by every Goddamn political player in the State and also into the eyes of every immigrant group as a potential enemy was simply unbelievable. Not only that, I am now known to all the Federal and local police in my area, the local police, and the judges too.

    The real political players made their appearance to me very quickly, almost instantaneously. That was a real lesson to me.

    You make a play in the arena of racial conflict in our times and you get famous fast. And I became suddenly aware of MY NEED to get on a steep trajectory of learning in etiquette and diplomacy fast. THESE THINGS MATTER.

    So don’t accuse me of being an “armchair intellectual”. You make YOUR PLAYS, and then report back the results.

  32. #32 by AFKAN on 10/11/2007 - 2:25 pm

    in (partial) reply to Pain:

    you wrote:

    And what has the whole weird conversation about rude jerks being “diplomats” and “aristocrats” have anything to do with fighting genocide, or the mantra, or anything that people come here to read?

    What is going on?

    (A balloon pops.)

    in reply:
    Here’s the take-home message:

    Questions about Race can all be reduced to questions about Who Rules, Why, and How.

    We are born with Talents; it is our duty to transform them into Capacities, active forces we can work with to transform ourselves, directly, and our world, indirectly.

    Race brings with it, inexorably, the Responsibility to exercise Power, balanced with Responsibility.

    The issues of Responsibility are easily answered when all questions are addressed in the Analytical Framework of Race; Family, as the microcosm of Race, Race, as the macrocosm of Family, and Race as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

    Remove RACE from the formulations, and you are left with the worship of transitory Matters of Form.

    The key is to develop a functional Positive Theory of Race, and keep it going in your Mind at all times, rather like a background processor.

    THAT is what I am trying to do with my nephews.

    With the Propasphere Control System – television – removed from their lives, it really becomes fairly easy, AFTER they can accept that Race exists, and it can be worked with for a positive purpose.

    Simple as that.

  33. #33 by Simmons on 10/11/2007 - 2:35 pm

    Fair enough, but let me reiterate that you went on and on without specificity. Oh and did you show weakness when the wordists came for you? If so do you advocate such an approach? When Bob was a merc in Africa was it advantageous for him to lack confindence in handling the other castes. Specifics help when you engage in theory.

  34. #34 by Pain on 10/11/2007 - 9:51 pm

    Simmons on October 11th, 2007 at 11:43 am

    Very interesting and the point was quickly made.

  35. #35 by AFKAN on 10/11/2007 - 11:56 pm

    in reply to Simmons:

    you wrote:

    Dave and Afkan have slipped into the sand trap of trying to make sense of the idiots in charge machinations.
    *end snip*

    in reply:
    We have spent fifty years fighting Shadows established by “the idiots in charge of machinations.”

    We have been, effectively, played for Fools by people who define ALL issues in the Light of a Positive Theory of Race; at least, it is positive, and positively good, for them.

    When I was much younger, I wondered why lawyers who went at each other tooth and nail in the courtroom would retire to expensive restaurants, and have expensive dinners together.

    One day, my uncle told me, “See, the whole thing is like the professional wrestling you see on television. They support the System, and you are simply food for the System. The irreplaceable energy of your life simply feeds the Machine when you go to court. No matter who wins or loses, the lawyers win, because, either way, they are getting paid.”

    Since then, the worlds “political oligopoly” have entered my vocabulary.

    Since then, national politics is seen in an entirely different light; eight years of Bush, eight years of Clinton, eight years of Bush, eight years of…you get the idea.

    So, I only am interested in the one issue that effectively leads out of the Platonic Cave in which we find ourselves, and that is the intellectual model of Family, as the microcosm of Race, Race, as the macrocosm of Family, and Race as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

    For the first time, we transcend the false duality and double-bind mechanisms of political control inherent in the nature of “Wordism,” and can tap vital sources of Ideas, and Energy, in the fulfillment of something uniquely Creative, fighting the fight on Our Terms, for a welcome change.

    OUR Terms.

    For a Change.

  36. #36 by AFKAN on 10/18/2007 - 7:33 pm

    This is a link to a remarkable story detailing a remarkable experiment.

    Note that 25,000 neutrons, with 60 electrodes, can be taught to fly an F-22 simulator.

    Now, look at the incredible number of neurons, and connections, we have within our brains.

    I suspect the really good genetic engineers, and the really good computational science engineers, will make the world of a century from now, at least for the Elite, seem beyond our comprehension in so many ways.

    The ultimate unspoken question underlying all of these technologies is, “To What Racial Purpose Is This Being Placed?”

    I am bitter at having been played The Fool, and for having wasted so many years of my in the pursuit of the Impossible, by treating different Races as Equal, in some substantial way, and by being rational with the irrational – a certain path of failure.

    ALL I talk about now, with my nephews, is Race – Family, as the microcosm of Race, Race, as the macrocosm of Family, and Race as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

    It is just so blindingly clear, and so overwhelmingly obvious.

    On the one hand, a Race that can take 25,000 neurons (from a RAT’S brain), and teach “it” to fly an F-22 simulator.

    Surrounding us, Other Races, that, left to their own devices, can not sustain even the rudiments of Civilization.

    An interesting social note:

    I have noticed a tremendous amount of undisguised Racial animosity with the Colored among us, from – literally – shouting at you with undisguised contempt in “answer” to your questions in a store – these are the EMPLOYEES, mind you – to, literally, physical assault, running up THIS CLOSE to you, and then dodging away at the last minute, laughing to themselves.

    Each of these events have occurred on several occasions in the last several weeks.

    There is SOMETHING going on, and Something Wicked This Way Comes…

    One and all had better get ready, and to all Questions, the Answer will revolve around Race, First, Foremost, Forever.

  37. #37 by woundednietzsche on 10/18/2007 - 9:00 pm

    AFKAN I’ve noticed this increased aggressiveness as well. I think its related to the heightened tribal response to the Jena 6 media circus and “noose” sightings starring on TV the last few weeks.

    In my mind, the media is like a large machine with 100 knobs. They can manipulate the knobs for desired effect by “emphasizing or minimizing” stories that happen in the world EVERY DAY. If they want black hostility to increase, magnify awareness of some white on black crime, spin it so that it appears to be more “newsworthy” than last weeks incident and make it the cause de jour.

    I think blacks are especially susceptible to media manipulation because they do not have the mental faculties to see how the filters are being used to play them. But of course they are usually more than happy to play along because the media is the primary tool for making them feel like eternal victims of white racism that can assume no responsibility for their consistent non-stop failures. Without a constant stream of Jena Six non-events, they would have to begin looking at themselves for an explanation to their sorry state of affairs. That won’t happen until whites force them to do it.

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