I should clarify my remarks, you are not the shrieker. Shrieking is part of the morality play; it makes it easy for the genociders to profit. The genociders spin a magic yarn and someone putatively from our side will quibble the details or act like an adolescent, but what they never do is go back to the beginning and get to the basics. Those on our side can produce a mountain of books but miss the basics. Here is my guarantee you could put me on a panel debate (no live audience) with all the big name jewboy “intellectuals” that so bedevil our side, and this high school grad (though of very high IQ) will have them broken down in a few hours, and I will not have raised my voice once. Mantra and Mantra thinking all the way.
— Simmons
“Those on our side can produce a mountain of books but miss the basics.”
Dead accurate!
Mensa includes a LOT of manual laborers. Those are the manual laborers who took the test, despite the overwhelming belief that manual laborers would be silly to do so.
This is personal with me. I would have been a high school dropout if my mother hadn’t been a teacher. Let me repeat some personal history:
In the National Cooperative Exams, my high school teachers were happy to have me there because I always right up there at the top in knowledge of the subjects they taught, though South Carolina was far down otherwise. They NEEDED me, I made them look good.
But they gave me C’s and D’s.
So when I say that Bob’s Underground Graduate Seminar is for people who have outgrown a college education, whether they had one or not, I am not being patronizing.
The one thing you never have to worry about is me being too nice to you.
Just as no teacher ever considered that my famed knowledge of subjects made their C’s and D’s questionable, the fact that there are a lot, and could be a lot more, manual laborers in Mensa never gives causes teachers a moments doubt about their own standards.
Hey, Simmons, they’re friggin’ MORONS.
You have to outgrow your college education, whether you have one or not. You talked about being a high school grad, which is fine. But don’t insult me by thinking I don’t get the point.
I went to college on an incredible what would now be called SAT score. ONLY in the backward state of South Carolina did that allow me to bypass all the high school crap and go straight to USC. The Dean congratulated me on my high score. He didn’t know I was just sixteen.
But in any other state, I would not have been “just a high school grad.” I would have been a high school DROPOUT.
By the way, I STILL don’t have a high school diploma.
So stop bragging at me.
OK, now I can address a more constructive point. You said,
“Here is my guarantee you could put me on a panel debate (no live audience) with all the big name jewboy “intellectuals” that so bedevil our side, and this high school grad (though of very high IQ) will have them broken down in a few hours, and I will not have raised my voice once. Mantra and Mantra thinking all the way.”
I had that comment in mind when I was on Stormfront radio today with Truck Roy. I asked him if he would give some of my BUGS people some training on being interviewees on his program. After a little persuasion and a threat to torture his dog, he agreed.
No, this is not the head-to-head battle with the enemy that you talk about. But we need BUGS people to have experience with interviewing.
Who is willing to get in here?

#1 by Dave on 01/07/2008 - 6:43 pm
I was at seminar the other day when the speaker’s credentials were recited: She had a PHD in Law, a Masters in Taxation, held a CPA license and was an active member of the California bar. Everybody immediately knew there was something wrong with her. You could almost hear the groaning in the audience. She had that vicious look most serious academics get, like she never had any nookie in her life ever and had no hope of getting any ever.
Having to listen to such a woman is almost like being 5 years old and being forced to sit in the pews with a suit on. The only thing you can do is sit there and dream about lobbing spit balls off the pastor’s noggin.
But my favorite in America’s credentialing system is listening to the announcers recite the credentials of colored ball players, the best one being, “a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from State U”.
I have never heard an announcer follow up by saying, “Why didn’t they just let the poor nigger play ball?”
Do you have any idea how humiliating and hard it is to have to sit through two years of lectures by sociology professors, sufficient to enable you to get the 45 quarterly hours of distribution credits to enable you to apply for a college bachelor’s degree? It’s hard on the pride man, if only for the pure waste it involves.
But it is even worse because the whole experience lasts so long and does something to your brain, crippling your ability to think and giving you no hope you will ever recover. You have to have a pretty serious sports injury to be as badly injured, speaking for the long term. Then they tag that Sociology Degree to your ass and you can never get rid of it. It stays for life. They will even mention it in your obituary.
And what a punishment that is for being unable to learn algebra! Why do white people put all those damn X’s and Y’s there anyway? I mean, if that is the thing that’s got to get answered, that thing those X’s and Y’s are supposed to stand for, just ask the question! Why jumble it all up and make it confusing?
White people are just plain crazy, that’s all there is to it.
And being white, I will volunteer.