Archive for March 9th, 2008


“I have also heard the centuries immediately following the burning of Rome called “the dark ages.”– Shari

I have problems with Brown on that. In order to buttress his concept that the West was a totally new thing, he says that period in the West was like newborn, totally sunk in darkness. He is better than the average historian because he says that in the Dark Ages we lost BOTH our Roman AND our Germanic Civilizations. Unlike the average historian, he admits that there WAS a Germanic tradition.

For the average historian, the Dark Ages reflected a lack of SCRIBES. So accepted history says the Dark Ages were when we LOST the Civilization of Rome, where there were scribes. I was stunned to discover that Icelandic sagas talked about Attila the Hun. We had recorded history.

Accepted history tells us that the only writing in Northern Europe during the Dark Ages was the few runes we find on rocks. To one who gives a little THOUGHT to history, a group limited largely to me, this presents an odd picture. The rock-runes were highly complex. Since writing then, everywhere, did not separate words, the runes were drawn in artistic dragon shapes and so forth.

But there was no runic writings anywhere ELSE.

So here is the odd picture: These rock rune writers wrote in highly complex designs, but they never wrote anything ELSE. That’s quite an accomplishment! None of them ever had to PRACTIVE writing, they just carved away in fluency from the word GO.

Now THERE is an example of Nordic Superiority gone wild!

It seems a little more plausible to me that runic writings were destroyed.

Which means there WERE scribes?

We are told that the first representative government was in Iceland. It so happens that Iceland was peopled largely by those who were escaping from the first Christian King of Norway, Harold. Like the rune-writers, history says that they INVENTED representative government when they hit shore there.

We are told that DEMOCRACY was invented by the Greeks, who gathered in their thousand and shouted to each other. This was not representative. ALL citizens were there. Icelanders hit the coast and invented the process of electing people.

When I was coming up, that was as much a fact of history as the idea that no one wrote runes except on rocks and that the idea of Nordics settling America was a laughable myth.

It is more likely that we did not HAVE dictators and the Icelanders escaped from Harold’s new kingship and established the form of government they had had long before Athens was founded.

No kings, no emperors, and scribes were not dominant. That is a Dark Age to accepted history.



LAWRENCE Brown’s Basic Point

To ME, and maybe not to him, Brown made a point I cogitate about.

I read the Da Vinci Code and realized that accepted history still obsesses on Constantine. In the Code, he was supposed to have unilaterally changed the whole Church and made it wholly male-dominated. That reflects the usual accepted history doctrine that there was a united Church that was perverted when Constantine saw those words, not a Cross, in the sky.

But one man didn’t do all that, whether in accepted history or in the Da Vinci Code. My thesis, which is open to correction, is that Constantine was practical politician of his own time.

I stressed the importance of realizing one’s POINT OF VIEW. Brutus is right that Brown was an engineer and a mathematician, so he looked at things from that standpoint. That is an important observation.

My background is power politics, so naturally I look at things that way.

What Lawrence made me look at was the historical PROCESS that Constantine was dealing with. “Rome” didn’t FALL. What was ROME became two distinct societies. History does not even recognize that the Levantine Civilization which included the Eastern Mediterranean for so long was a “Great Civilization” unto itself.

In Levantine Civilization, what we see as the religious groups were the actual nations. When a people became Moslem, they wrote in Arabic script. The Jews wrote in Hebrew script, including the ones who became Yiddish, which is written with Hebrew characters. As Russia shows us, the Orthodox Christians wrote in Cyrillic.

The West, contrary to accepted history, did not languish in unbathed barbarity until the rediscovery of Classical Literature gave us a Rebirth. We became the West. We were a separate entity from Mankind in general.

This is one of the most important transitions in history from ANY point of view. It was the origin of not one, but TWO “Great Civilizations,” even if you discount the special importance of the West.

And it is totally ignored.

We have a giant hole to fill in history. It should be fun.




What is going on here is what no one wants to come out and say:

White “elites” are eliminating the white underclass. After the second world war, the Jews never had any lower class to speak of. Today almost all of them are upper class and elite. A large underclass is like having a 500 lb weight strapped to you.

Whites understand this too. What you have seen over the past one hundred years is the means to carry this program out. Only the inferior stock is going to mix it up and leave the gene pool. Only the inferior is not going to survive the market. Only the inferior is not going to make it.

Liberalism was merely the mechanism.

No intelligent man falls for “Left Wing, Right Wing” politics, nor does he let any “ideology” distort his thinking. No, that is only boob bait put out for suckers.

The non-Whites that are left here? The invaders, you ask, what are they going to do about them? Hitler and Stalin rounded up and moved tens of millions out of their territories by way of railroad. That was decades ago.

For all the talk on Stormfront and elsewhere, White power is overwhelming. If desired we could exterminate every non-white on this planet and lay claim to every continent. No power on Earth could hope to stop us. Never lose sight of this. Our science and technology is simply awesome vis a vis all other races.

Despite all the misdirection, White elites are firm believers in Might Makes Right AND eugenics! Only a fool will believe otherwise. Do you really think Bill Gates loves blacks? Do you really think that people like Bush and Chaney have any intention of allowing Mexicans or Asians to be dominant? Do you think they really intend to let the Jews come out on top in the end?

This may be distressing to some. But we did not design the universe. This is how it works.



Survival Humor

Right after Watergate someone asked me if my work ws the same as the Counsels on the Hill.

My reply was,

“No. I don’t do anything legal.”

“Uh, let me rephrase that …”

Naturally people in DC asked me if my family in South Carolina ever ran for anything.

My answer was, “Oh, yes! Generally it was the Georgia state line.”


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Stormfront: Europe Fuer Immer Looks Something Up

I really LIKE this!

Europa fuer Immer has a lesson for us.

He got some stuff wrong, looked it up, and corrected it.

WFI is a perfect illustration of what I mean when I say Bob’s Underground Seminar (BUGS) “is for people who have outgrown their college education, whether they had one or not.”

I was a college professor, but I grew out of it.

College TRAINING — there is precious little education in it — teaches us to obsess on details so we will get a 95 instead of a 90 on tests. Every student quickly learns that he is not to waste time on considering concepts or rethinking the doctrine he is being given. All that matters is memorizing the details.

In college, any time spent THINKING is time WASTED.

So EFI’s approach fits him perfectly for BUGS.

A college-trained person reacts to any accusation that he might have gotten a fact wrong with, “Oh my God, it CAN’T be!”

An intellectual, a breed now extinct on campus, gets a fact wrong, is corrected, and says, “Oh. Thanks.”

He then, if necessary, adjusts his world view (Weltanshauung, thanks, Germans) to fit the new information.

Try to find a Politically Correct Mommy Professor doing that.


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