Archive for March 13th, 2008


It is almost a “game over” advantage when you really get a handle on the role Wordism in human affairs.

It is like those Hendrix lyrics. “Is this life or is this confusion?”

I have become amazed, as I have come to understand Wordism, how many intelligent people are drawn into its snare.

We are trained in the nuances of the word “cat”. We attend expensive coursework and become learned experts by studying tomes that are full of textured observations on the subject of “catness”. We then subject ourselves to examinations and confer diplomas and licenses upon ourselves certifying our expertise on “cat”.

But what we fail to do is look directly at that four-legged fury product of nature sitting on the window ledge and to think through the damn creature on our own.

If you can’t explain anything simply, you don’t have a handle on it.

But Wordism is “motivated” by those with a vested interest in confusion. This goes way beyond politics.

For example, Microsoft killed knowledge of data architecture (if Microsoft is anything, it is an educational institution and a heavy contributor to computer science programs) for the purpose of promoting the use of its proprietary database products.

Our society pays heavily for this for it is “motivated dereliction”, a vested interest in ignorance, promoted by the commercial self-interest of Microsoft.

Today, even the commissions of the regulators responsible for America’s accounting and auditing standards, under the authority of the Securities and Exchange Commission, are completely ignorant of data architecture, making accounting and auditing standards ineffective, unnecessarily expensive (to the delight of the big CPA firms), and misdirected. It’s a case of the blind leading the blind.

This suits the crooks just fine. Hence, we have a huge banking crises owing to out of control fraud and embezzlement and we have accounting and auditing “reforms” that have no hope of containing it, for there are too few people with any real knowledge of HOW to contain it.

See how it all relates?



Peak Oil and Jimmy Cracked Coal But Do We Care?

Turning coal into oil, “cracking” coal, was Germany’s main oil source during WWII and was South Africa’s only oil source when it was cut off during apartheid. Now it is a growing source of oil in India and China.

I have been TOLD that cracking is now cheaper than buying oil.

Our rulers have the usual problem of contradictions here. They are bitching that coal cracking is worse on global warming than oil. On the other hand, the Kyoto Treaty would allow countries who use cracking more and more, like India, to grow wildly, while only developed countries would be restricted.

I have been TOLD that cracking, even before the improvements that will inevitably take place, is already cheaper than buying oil on the world market.

America has more coal than anybody else on earth. Coal cracking would make America an oil source that would put the Middle East to shame. Fighting it will be next big push of the Jane Fondas, in tandem, as before, with the oil companies.

In our lifetime, coal cracking could take care of Peak Oil.

Will the crisis be enough to silence the Fondas?



BUGS Thinking, Mantra Thinking, PRACTICAL Tomesmanship

There is another movie being advertised on TV that has a Young Radical screaming, “This is OUR city!”

Presumably this scares the Federal Government silly. I won’t watch this crap so I’ll never know.

This is straight 60s stuff.

In the 60s, people would challenge me:

“OK, what would YOU do if were president and radicals took over the cities?”

I replied, “Cut off the water.”

People listening always laughed uproariously. But they hadn’t thought of that. They were so wrapped up in the Power of the Young and Black that they totally forget simple reality.

Which is what WE are here for. We are here to state the simple reality of anti-whites, as Shari says, sweet or no-so-sweet, in the Mantra. We are here to bypass Tomesmanship and make listeners laugh at the Capitol Building as Classical. We are here to point out that Affirmative Action Beauty is Big Brother in action. We are here to step back and point out blaming everything on whites is just white supremacy. We are her to make them look as s\SILLY as they are with things like “Cut off the water supply.”

THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET PEOPLE TO READ THE TOMES. No one is impressed by your pretensions to knowing it all because it’s all in some book. They will not be impressed by you and they will not be impressed by the tomes unless you begin by shocking them into it.

Mantra Thinking is the only PRACTICAL Tomesmanship.


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Affirmative Action “Beauty”

You can’t tell who’s “beautiful” today without a scorecard.

We all know what it means when the first thing a person says when looking at a blond-black couple, “Oh, God! They will have such BEAUTIFUL children. I am getting an orgasm just THINKING about it!”

Since the first that occurs to EVERYBODY when they see a black with a blond is “ugly children” the first thing every respectable conservative says is that “they will have BEAUTIFUL bronze-colored children.”

This kind of “beauty” is called “exotic.” On the sitcom “Unhappily Ever After,” the sister and brother were talking about what words really mean. The boy said, “Like ‘exotic.”

“Yea,” said the girl, “It means ugly.”

EVERYBODY, in a SITCOM audience, knew what they were talking about.

And laughed.

Haille Berry, black woman in reasonable physical condition, is now officially “beautiful.”

Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, Baywatch, with its Nordic lovelies in skimpy bathing suits, jumped to first place in the WORLD among TV shows. Then, on command, they started throwing in non-whites and declared them “beautiful and the show ceased to be with us.

South America, say respectable conservatives, is a place where the races are BEAUTIFULLY mixed. Especially Brazil.

Take a look at the people South American choose to look at on television. They range from blond to Nordic-featured with dark hair and light eyes. NO obvious mulattoes

In his novel 1984, Orwell said that the essence of freedom was the right to say two and two is four. You can tell Big Brother is watching when everybody rushes to agree that ugly is beautiful.
