Archive for July 2nd, 2008

Khaldoun-Spengler Versus Race

One thing we will never be able to calculate is the cost of all the mulattos replacing white children. This is an obvious Catch-22. In order to know the breakthroughs that REAL white children would have produced, you would have to know what the breakthroughs would have been, but not knowing what the breakthroughs would have been is the cost we are talking about.

There is not an intellectually productive mulatto country, that is, a country with any mental breakthroughs, on earth… But we do not count that is cost, because they are all that way. It never occurs to us that the white blood thrown away there is a cost.

A world of mulattos and Orientals will think it is doing just fine. It will follow the route that al-Khaldoun described and Spengler described seven hundred years later, a retrace of ups and downs, all in the mind of the observer.

The ups will be big monuments and long periods of peace. The downs will be the opposite.

Actually I have never heard of a WHITE society going through Spengler’s “stages.” Everywhere you see a collapsed society the people became brown-skinned.
