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Thanks, Tim, an Old Man’s Favorite Subject!

Posted by Bob on December 28th, 2008 under About Bob, Comment Responses, History

Tim must not have any old relatives, because he asked me to talk about me.

And I just took a pain pill!

Typing is now fun and I do not have that obsession with making sense that bothers me at other times.

What could you say about me in a Wiki?

First of all, as Tim points out, NOBODY wants to talk about me. Long before they switched sides, Tom Fleming, Clyde Wilson and others ceased contact with me. Considering the decades we had worked together this was hardly a coincidence.

They stuck with me all that time because we were on the same side. They knew what I had done, but only pros did. I was astonished to hear that my 1982 book was being used as a textbook in her son’s school. I’ve seen it cited in grad texts and my first book in the book Beyondism.

There must be a lot more because I found these by accident.

The point is these were professional books. Knowledge of me was not on Donahue.

I was astonished to see myself noticed in each of these cases.

I have a tendency to be on the long-term winning side. But the old saying is that “Victory has many fathers, defeat is an orphan.” So when after two decades of marching and writing I finally was a major force in getting Republicans to unite “Wallace Democrats” with conservatives to elect Reagan, everybody took credit.

Here is a rule most people here know. There are people who do the work and people who know how to get the credit. After the Reagan victory in 1980 it turned out that every Republican leader had been all for this coalition from the word go.

So what would a Wiki say about me? “He wrote the groundbreaking book,” as William Rusher said, “that made the coalition undeniable?”

You would have to read Jeffrey Hart’s review of my first published book in National Review, “Read This One!” and the COVER ARTICLE attack on me to see there was any debate.

After 1980 everybody with influence had said he had always been all for it. These were the powers in the Republican Party.

Anyone who disagreed with them would make an enemy he couldn’t afford.

So are you going to say in Wiki that Bob had pivotal role in forming this coalition?

No way! EVERYBODY had a pivotal role in it.

Because it WORKED.

As Jeffrey Hart pointed, my book sounded genuine because I had BEEN with the grassroots populists on truckers’ strike, the farmers’ strike, anti-busing marches, wildcat coal mine strikes.

But I also had first-hand experience with the Infallible Geniuses of the Communist Conspiracy. Nobody in the grassroots would let THEIR “activists” in, but my tiny Populist Forum was overwhelmed with requests to speak for REAL working peoples’ grassroots protests. So the Communist World said we did it by our heavy conservative funding.

There were three of us, and we didn’t even have a bank account. And regular conservatives would rather fund the CPUSA than us.

National Review, in “To the Nashville Station,” implied we WERE Communists.

What the CPUSA, those Infallible Geniuses, did NOT see was that we were forming the coalition that destroyed their indestructible Soviet Empire.

OK. You are going to do Wiki on Whitaker, explaining just this one aspect of his life: how he was pivotal to a coalition everybody claims credit for.

Lots of luck. And that’s just one chapter.

I had the same sort of role in saving the Space Telescope and stopping racial quotas imposed by IRS in private. They were lost causes when I got in on them and at the finish everybody had been for them from the word go.

So what would you say about me in Wiki?

My hope is that someday history will say, “White people finally realized that this ‘anti-racist’ program was actually genocide aimed against THEM.” Students will read this and say, “Of course they did!”

It’s obvious once it’s done.

I am a genius. I put my finger on what is, in hindsight, obvious.

Try explaining THAT in 500 words or less in Wiki.

Screw it, Tim. You and I have a war to win, and you need to use me while I’m here.

I don’t need a Wiki. I need a WIN.

  1. #1 by Dave on 12/29/2008 - 1:02 am

    The great thing about real intellectual development at both the individual level and the mass level, it sure isn’t incremental. It is those “dawning realizations” that do the trick, like waking up to discover that your life savings have been stolen.

    Things like that get you to enlightenment quick.

    Consequently, your life becomes one huge “reactive dilemma “, which is what you experience when you discover that a pickpocket has made off with your wallet.

    And that is what is coming down for white people in their race relations and the harsher it gets the more the Mantra resonates.

    If you can respond to a “reactive dilemma” by doing the “alpha male” and doing it right, all is well and good. But that fact is straight forward muscle rarely works.

    That is why we have personality cult politics. That was what Ronald Reagan was, a successful personality cult politician. Alpha male muscle always underlies a personality cult, the role of which is to veil muscularity (i.e., Reagan’s determination to actually crush the goddamned Soviet Union) by seemingly to employ the methods of political schmooze. Schmooze politics are much more acceptable to the public at large because in the large the public is timid.

    But the fact of the matter is that the emerging and ever growing “reactive dilemma” (to our totally out of hand nonwhite tsunami) drives a result which leads people (the smarter types) to search for an intellectual to explain things.

    It is funny about the persistence of intellectual work. I have not failed to notice, for example, that whenever George Will writes a book, it takes something a little less than light speed for it to be put on the 95 cent bargain rack at Barnes and Noble or Borders.

    In contrast, Robert Whitaker’s books never made the show at Barnes and Nobles or Borders, but his books just tend to persist. And that is the way it is with really good intellectual work.

    If the folks on this blog haven’t read The New Right Papers, A Plague on Both Your Houses, or Why Johnny Can’t Think – The American Professor Priesthood, they need to. This stuff is not dated and as intellectual work and the work of somebody who really knows American history, it is top tier stuff.

    And you have to respect it, because top tier stuff is hard to come by.

  2. #2 by Tim on 12/29/2008 - 8:30 am

    Oh my Bob,

    Finally, we get all kinds of new info on you! I know we have more important to talk about. But the only thing I knew for sure that you did was in regards to segregated busing in Chicago and Boston. You forgot to mention that one.

    You also forgot to mention something most folks would never know about —that you help stop the IRS from demanding integration at Private Schools via the tax code. But I already knew about busing and the private school stuff. Now I got some more things on you.

    It seems like you used to tangle with the IRS a WHOLE lot back in the day. Interesting, most folks talk about losing to the IRS. You actually scared them as well. LOL. Bob, the racist that could scare even the IRS. I like that.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 12/29/2008 - 10:41 am

    Probably a wiki entry using the Populist forum and book credits. It might be of some use to us, the wiki entry that is.

  4. #4 by Tim on 12/29/2008 - 8:49 pm

    Does anyone on this blog ever go on the Political Cesspool? They have the best radio show. They start off sounding like normal conservatives and then show their radical stripes.

    (Besides Bob, I know he has been on there)

  5. #5 by Pain on 12/29/2008 - 9:54 pm


    The purpose of a Wiki entry is to generate interest in your ideas and what you have written.

    Obviously, anyone can edit a Wiki, so eventually you would be characterized as a wicked Nazi. But in that would be an exposure of your unique approach.

    Now think about this: Wikipedia has an agreement with Google that always places it at the top of search results. That means millions of search hits for your blog.

    It would have to be done right.
    (1) You would have to write your bio;
    (2) We would have to find bibliographic references proving that the bio is true;
    (3) To make sure the article stays up and is not terribly massacred into an account of how evil you are, your bio must include the best from your CV; ie your Reagan post, congressional work, RFA. That would attract the support of Reagan fanatics and anyone who loved your congressman.

    Look at Paul Craig Robert’s Wikipedia article. It looks good the last time I checked, and he even publishes articles about the worthiness of the Nazi era now and then.

    I think you would love writing a brief bio about yourself — “an old man’s favorite subject”. We would, with your help, put in the bibliographic references.

    Wikipedia would produce MILLIONS of hits on your Mantra.

    But if not, at very least, Bob, tell us some old stories about kicking in other men’s knees. We like the tales of manhood, and even the stories of heartache are good, too.

  6. #6 by unjew on 12/30/2008 - 1:32 am

    Wikipedia would produce MILLIONS of hits on your Mantra.

    Making the structure of the blog easy to crawl by google and yahoo bots will produce even more millions of hits. BUGS has no meta tags or sitemap. Tech staff, please read:

    1. Meta tags in WordPress

    2. Meta tags plugin for WordPress

    3. Google sitemaps.

  7. #7 by BoardAd on 12/30/2008 - 7:04 pm

    unjew, we are very aware of meta tags and crawling.

    The site has been crawled very well. So much so that we were shut down from it’s high CPU usage. To open it up to crawling would cost Bob $43 per month.

    Google knows how to do it’s job, believe me. Age and content already gave this blog standing… but, the content also gets it suppressed in what actually comes up on the pages of Google.

  8. #8 by AFKANNow on 12/30/2008 - 6:07 pm

    for tech staff and Bob:

    Why not reserve the internet domains for whitemantra – dot come, dot net, etc?

    • #9 by Sys Op on 01/02/2009 - 4:43 pm

      AFKAN — about reserving the dot coms… Dave might consent to that. It’s beyond what Bob wants to deal with in technology… and it will have to be paid for by someone for YEARS! (Sorry Dave… spending other people’s money could get habit-forming for some) It could/might be something someone would want in conjunction with National Salvation. Someone with long-term guts, mindset, money and thick skin for what’s coming — GO FOR IT! Bob and I are too old! 🙂

  9. #10 by Pain on 12/31/2008 - 12:00 am

    All the Wiki would have to say is Bob was born in a dirt-floored hut in the back side of the piney woods, worked 12 years for Congressman Do Right (R) of Ohio, was a mercenary in Rhodesia for 17 years, conducted undisclosed classified activity for 23 years, was appointed by Ronald his Holiness Reagan to approve high level security clearances for the USA for 8 years, wrote for the VOA for 17 years, etc.

    His works published under his own name are (with links to Amazon).

    Then say, but Bob believes his greatest achievement is what he calls the White Mantra, which reads: ….

  10. #11 by BoardAd on 12/31/2008 - 5:48 pm


    To my knowledge, excluding Bob, no one from BUGS have been on the political cesspool. In the TPC archive there is a list of guests that you can review.

    As a reminder, unlike Stormfront Radio, The Political Cesspool is a syndicated show and you must conform to any standards set by the Republic Broadcasting Network.

  11. #12 by Tim on 12/31/2008 - 5:35 pm


    I never knew Bob was a mercenary in Rhodesia! Glad I started this thread about BOB.

    I am going to ask it again. I assumed no one on here has been on the Political Cesspool?

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