Good points. And this is exactly why I am so optimistic. We are the only ones working. It is a miracle we are still making progress. Conditions are perfect for us. Of course, we own nothing but the internet….LOL. They can have the old media. We’ll take that later.
We have a movement—and we are the only ones moving it. In fact, we are the only ones MOVING period. LOL. We got a struggle going and we are pulling fools by their pant seats. They are either going with us or going brown. Choose or loose!
It is like we BUGsters are pulling a huge bus up a hill. Each of us has a big rope and Bob is out in front pulling and pulling. Like on one of those Strong Man shows on ESPN. Sooner or later we will get up this bus up the hill and that is when it will get interesting.
This will all be funny to us some day. Bugs will have its own TV channel teaching Aryan Logic to the young’ns. Everyone white will be a member in their local racist party. And Bob will be hitting the little ones with stories about how we had to walk 20 miles in Stormfront snow to put out the message that saved our race.
#1 by BoardAd on 02/17/2009 - 9:03 pm
No, just busy setting up a bluetooth network, an irda connection, printer, cardreader and replacing the battery in my PDA.
wow, I really could go for some brew!
#2 by Tim on 02/17/2009 - 8:15 pm
That type font is tiny again. Bugs tech support crew must be getting into to those home brews of yours. I guess we got to keep the help paid some how??!!?
Anyone heard of this Maitreya stuff they are rolling out for the age of Aquarius? Kissinger said it will happen with Obama in office.
#3 by The Dude on 02/19/2009 - 7:49 pm
Today I listened to the radio and the host was talking about the new negro Attorney General’s comment on how “we” are still cowards on the subject of race in the USA.
This host disagreed with that statement and went on to compare the USA with Finland and other white countries and “only white” countries and how much progress “we” have made by electing Obama and he appointing this negro….. BINGO!
I had a great opportunity to call this poor misguided white radio host and educate him on the subject of the “mantra”.
Did I get on his show? No, but I educated his call screener and that is how this works for “the dude”.
Always find a way to advance our struggle.
#4 by Tim on 02/19/2009 - 8:00 pm
Attn. BUGs,
Patrick Buchanan just went to Defcon level 4 regarding race on MSNBC. No he did NOT go nuclear with the Mantra. He is still in need of a Bugs education. BUT he did go way farther than ever before. I have never heard anyone else go this far on Main Stream TV (other than David Duke).
What was funny was that his counterpart (Deeson??) was shell shocked. Africans are not used to being challenged.
I was actually surprised that a Catholic like Pat would go to Defcon 4. I am used to him ducking out. Maybe he will duck out and apologize. Or maybe he will get more Amrenish or even Stormfrontish. I prefer Bugsish. But I am realist. And Pat is still a Catholic.
We got to stay on Message. IF someone like Pat read our Mantra at one of his national speeches it would go BANG! No, we Bugs folks would not be famous. But gawd would would we have the power. And that is all we ask for —the POWER.
Patrick B could be a Mussolini and rushed into office with our Mantra. I prefer Duke. How about both?
One thing I will say about Pat Buchanan. The man can give a speech. He should go nuclear.
I wonder if one of the old school real conservatives of the Republican party put him up to it?
#5 by Prometheus on 02/20/2009 - 2:11 am
There are quite a few heading down the BUGS path.
Pat being one with potential.
They need to hear us and most importantly, no one must own or lay claim to this. People are far more likely to adopt it, if they can pass it off as their own.
What we want is for people like Pat to hear the mantra and see it as the logical progression, nay, conclusion.
#6 by Simmons on 02/20/2009 - 10:15 am
Lord save us from high elective office, whose only purpose today is to sell off our patrimony to savages in exchange for peace and prosperity. Nope we need the long march, by example Bob’s insurgency against Communism. Even the respectable conservatives by sometime in the 80s had to proclaim that they were for drubbing the Soviets.
Way before I found Bob I thought that the large grass roots anti-communist movement was the key to victory. Now I am putting the pieces together on how mass movements are put together.
BTW we are no where near that yet, but we are doing okay. As of now the respectables and semis are still bowing before the witch doctors of the left when they swing the smoke pot of “racism”, but one day the Rs and Ss will notice that their audience is near revolt over the genocide and they will Mantra like they invented it.