Archive for March, 2009
The Shari Rule
The Shari Rule is this: “The better Shari’s comment the more she apologizes for it.” I have fussed at Shari for this, but she doesn’t take me anymore seriously than other women do.
Oh, well, this time there was a slight deviation in that Shari apologized up front instead of at the end:
“For what it’s worth, I’m getting some positive replies. “
This is a report from the front, which is what I am really looking for. Naturally while others run on endlessly, when Shari has exactly what is important here, she gives it half a sentence. But at least it IS a report from the field.
Way to GO!
I see BUGS as something special. But when I write about that, it tends to bore readers. Readers like my pronouncements on the state of the world better. This discouraged me, because we already have plenty of urls dedicated to how the world should be.
When I simply bugged out, so to speak, BoardAd, unasked by me, used his tech powers to go ahead without me. First he started putting in comments in the main section, and then he started something entirely new: the Skype get-togethers.
And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is the kind of taking charge all my boring discussions about the nature of a SEMINAR were all about. I keep repeating that BUGS is not about the Final Truth of Professor-Leader Whitaker. It is about showing you how to get into the fight from someone who has spent his life BEING SUCCESSFUL in it.
BUGS is not about hammering out The Only True Faith inside BUGS, but how to win the battle out there. If you read some of our comments from Lord Nelson or Prometheus or Simmons, you will see that someone who not part of BUGS would not understand it at all. Those are real BUGS comments, the ones dedicated to how we fight the actual battle OUT THERE.
There is no reason for me to dedicate my limited energy to one more forum about the ideal world.
BoardAd is my new inspiration.
Thanks, man!
Tim: Where is the revolution?
Where is the revolution?
Before last night, I had never been asked this question. But then again I don’t have frequent conversations with folks sitting on the front porch waiting for a Torch Light parade. I assumed the person asking the question was NOT being a smart arse. And I still do not know what his intentions were. It is easy to misread people online. That is a question for someone who is either blind or being a smart arse. I think the better of our race. So I assumed he was blind.
Five hundred years ago all hope was lost because this country was full of Indians. Of course, we would never be able to do anything about all the Indians. Opportunity to deal with the Indian situation would never present itself?
There was never going to be an American Revolution in Colonial America. White folks were going to take shite till the end of the world. All hope was lost. There were too many loyalist in the suburbs and these Indians had us outnumbered. They are coming to take all our muskets!!! oh no …all hope is lost.
When it comes to our race. One of these “all hope is lost” scenarios presents itself with frightening regularity. In fact, BUGS could author a General Theory of History based Aryans saying “All Hope is Lost”………and that is how we got to top of the food chain over the last 4000 years. We could deduce it down to an equation: Aryan = Perpetual Crisis = Aryan.
In the late 90’s, I got online for the first time and read about the Jews. All hope was lost against them. No one would ever stop the Jews. I believe there is a clear pattern that has developed with our folks. A rather obvious pattern. This week I goaded my liberal friends on the Jewish Question. The Liberals sound identical to the White Nationalist ten years ago. The whole planet talks about the Jews everyday. An Antisemite in 1975 could only see 2009 in his wildest dreams. Now it is happening in front of our faces. Bob called the moment in 2001 after September 11th: “the next holocaust has started”. He was right.
Aryans are sitting/straddling the whole top of the planet at 10% or so of the worlds population. We have weapons our ancestors could only dream about. And we have a fanatical core that has been created by the good ole fashioned lady……..mother nature. We have the most revolutionary communication technology the world has ever seen. Thomas Pain could only dream of something like this internet. But for us, there will never be any big openings anywhere. We will all brown out. All hope is lost. The jews will get all of us first. Oh my. An obvious pattern? Probably.
So where is the revolution?
This last week. I was watching the nightly news. I saw Tom Metzger on my nightly news talking about all the young radical racists he sees daily. I have seen the likes of him on the history channel discussing the Klan etc. But not on the midwest nightly news discussing the fanaticism of white youth…….and they were taking him seriously. They did not sit and rip the man down. This was a new scene. They were listening as he described what he was seeing every day among the white folk.
But of course it’s the end of world for us. All hope is lost.
Our race is full of technological ability. No one on earth doubts this. Unfortunately, we have not invented an Alarm Clock that gives out loud Jungle Calls at the starting point of the Revolutionary Gunfire. And unfortunately the Swiss have not come up with Cukoo clock that sings Tannenbaum at the start of the Torchlight Parade.
So where IS the revolution?
It’s right here.
And it is starting right in front of our faces. The whole system that holds up the status quo is collapsing.
A few members of BUGS are having conference call on the mantra and other topics at 4pm EST today.
If you would like to join in please contact me over skype. If you do not have skype, you can download it.
Edit: I’m sorry that we couldn’t bring you in Joe. We’re still adjusting to the interface and technical problems kept appearing.
We had a great time tonight and we’re looking forward to doing it again next week Sunday at 3pm EST. Make your arrangements now to be included in the next chat.
Revolution/Evolution: The BIG Catch-22
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, Comment Responses on 03/25/2009
On the subject of revolution covered by Tim below, anti-whites a fatal Catch-22 situation.
To begin with, the whole question of whether there will be evolution or a revolution is historically up to those who are in power. My first book, A Plague on Both Your Houses, discussed that matter at length. Any establishment which cannot adjust rationally ends up being overthrown at a huge cost to those who make it up. The British Monarchy adjusted to a parliamentary system and the Czar’s family is dead.
France’s Bourbons were famed for “Forgetting nothing and learning nothing.” So France remains a republic.
The critical problem is that our PC establishment CANNOT be reasonable about race. I have repeated the reason many times here, but the IMPLICATIONS have not been noticed. On Opposing Views on Stormfront, anti-whites are constantly saying that they have no objection to whites associating only with whites. Nobody but me EVER calls them on that because no one else recognizes this as their FATAL Catch-22.
Back to the original point: revolutions occur where the establishment cannot be reasonable. But anti-whites cannot be reasonable. Why? Because the Diversity myth is simply a myth. White people will, after a time, gravitate to any spot ON EARTH where whites are allowed to have their own communities.
The Diversity myth is so ridiculous that anti-whites cannot allow that myth to be DISCUSSED freely anywhere on earth. Debate diversity inside the US and you lost your career. Discuss it outside the US and you go to prison.
Repeat the above paragraph in any respectable publication and you are in deep, deep, trouble.
The mistake made on Stormfront is a discussion of evolution or revolution as if it were OUR choice. Pushing the race question to a matter of prison leads to revolution. But that is not because it is OUR choice. It is because the Diversity Myth is so ridiculous it can only be imposed by unremitting force.