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Tim on Social Constructs

Posted by Bob on May 11th, 2009 under Comment Responses

There are no social constructs under International Law.

Go to see the local Forensic Pathologists and pull a hair from your head. The pathologists will test it and tell you what RACE you are. However, to keep his job he will tell you that race does not exist. Social Science and Real Science are not one and the same.

The law only recognizes REAL Science. International Law only recognizes REAL Science. No one can plead “they were just a social construct” at a genocide tribunal. Don’t believe me? Just ask Saddam Hussein.

There are no social constructs under International Law.

  1. #1 by Dave on 05/11/2009 - 7:04 pm

    Perfect Mantra thinking.

    How long do you have to live to know that our enemies make up their own “laws”?

    Their favorite “law” is: “Any plausible lie will do.”

    That is why the Law is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Funny, that is what the Constitution (law promulgated by six years of bitter war, not by judges or legislators sitting on their asses) says too.

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