Archive for October 10th, 2009
The Cost of Fads
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 10/10/2009
The TV ad showed a modern American tragedy. A man was writing a letter to a friend talking about “you remember when we used to say WHEN we retire?” Not too long ago another ad showed a man trapped in a huge office building while another was shown happily walking around in the country in his retirement.
Today I was reading a feature on California as a failed state. For the first time in history, it has lost half a million in population after two centuries of steady rise. Economically it is in a state of collapse.
These are problems I predicted long ago. One comes from the Soylent Green Syndrome, back when everybody who got paid for social commentary predicted a population that was standing on each others’ toes. As always, this evil was blamed on WHITE people having children.
At the time of Soylent Green, Europe was undergoing a population bust unmatched since the Great Plague, but Europe is the most social fad-oriented people on earth, so commenters condemned child-bearing in Europe while the population explosion was in the third world. America went along, of course.
So now the generation that went along with the Soylent Green fad can’t retire.
Poor babies!
But there was another fad that was supposed to take care of the Soylent Green one. Instead of having white children, we would take care of TWO guilt complexes by not having any white children and importing colored ones to pay off our retirement.
That would idealistically get rid of whites and at the same time make sue it wouldn’t cost US anything.
The Libertarians were ecstatic with that idea, open borders!
I pointed out the problem with the latter solution in a paper to an economists’ society which included Nobel Winners and then a chapter in my The New Right Papers, the latter in 1982 when this fad was becoming policy. The disaster I predicted is now shown in California.
You see, what the libertarians cannot see is that labor VOTES. California now has a Politically Correct voting majority which led to socialist mentality which led to the economic collapse described today.
So the end of retirement is simply the result of fads of the past.
By the way, there is no economic collapse in California. All that is happening is that a third world population is returning to a third world existence. It LOOKS like a collapse when a first world economy and government turns into a third world one, but it is not a collapse.
All that is happening is a demonstration of an obvious reality: when you move a third world population across an imaginary border, the country across the border becomes third world.
As I told them in 1982, it is the rankest kind of superstition to actually BELIEVE that a brown-skinned people will prosper because they have crossed a line where Magic Talisman called The Constitution or libertarian books exist.
You accept the fad, the pay the price.
But gee, Bob, it felt so GOOD at the time!
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