Archive for January 9th, 2010
Hitler’s Pills
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History on 01/09/2010
Everything that can be said about Hitler, true or false has been said repeatedly.
Except one thing.
The use of speed, amphetamines and then Ritalin, in huge amounts drives down your tested IQ score. This is not well known. I know because it happened to me. When I stopped using speed and went into recovery, my IQ was down to 100. My visual memory was almost gone completely.
People don’t know about this, one medical student I know of failed a term found that his IQ was average and QUIT his entire medical career. He did not know that the IQ goes back up when you quit. He asked at his MED SCHOOL, and no one knew that!
Hitler used speed heavily till the day he died. By reading this blog, you have discovered a critical fact about the deterioration of his performance from the brilliant politician of his earlier years that the encyclopedic works about him did not, as far as I know, mention.
By the way, do not let the fact that Adolf was an energetic man fool you. Oddly enough, it is highly energetic people who tend to use amphetamine and coke. This is not the only contradiction represented by speed. Remember that it is used to treat children who are already hyperactive.
Despite all the screams against Ritalin for such children, it is the ONLY drug that WORKS. It is a Schedule 2 drug, and doctors, who want total control of any drug that has any effect, would not use it if they had any other.
There is a legion of urban myths about hyperactivity, as there are with race. Every year someone would come up with absolute proof that hyperactivity is cured by taking children off sugar, hug therapy, talk therapy, and on and on. The list is endless, and I lived through at least a dozen of them.
These answers to hyperactivity were endorsed one year and if you mentioned it the next, the same people would laugh at you and deny ANYONE ever believed that. They were another piece of accepted crap that proved that Ritalin was a Plot this time. This is the kind of recurrent dumbness that gives conservative groups their cuckoo reputation.
The difference of course, is that liberals can all agree on another explanation of why race isn’t there every year and deny it the next, but media conservatives NEVER remind them of it. Things like cutting for sugar to and hyperactivity are remembered by liberals and they CALL the kooks on the right “kooks.”

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