If you need a minute to think in a discussion, you can always tell a truth:
“Yes, what you said is the standard line.”
It might be a standard liberal line or the standard Hannity line: “I don’t see a mixed couple. I see two Children of God.”
But it will be a standard line. And that REALLY sets them off. You can have a time out just explaining who all says that all the time and why or just why.
It’s amazing how WN standard tome quoting stays popular while the simple truth drives them NUTS.
This gets us back to what I keep emphasizing. One cannot search for truth until he has learned to automatically consider why the words he hears are produced. It’s exactly like discussing highways without mentioning CARS.
What brought this up is that I was watching a documentary on the gigantic Wisdom of society that is extinct. They supposedly predicted that 2012 would be the End of Days. If they were so prophetic, why are they extinct?
A guy was saying what I have heard all my life: “If you just read the papers you can see the world is headed for a crisis.”
That’s true. The fact is it was ALWAYS true. If you are reporter who reports exclusively on realistic minor threats, you had better have your application out for another job. You know you are in real trouble when they assign you to the “the sewers are breaking down” desk. Or the local flower show.
Most of my life was lived when a slip could literally have caused a nuclear war. Even the professional Doomsday crowd put its clock back 8 pm when the Cold War ended. But the bigger the catastrophe the more people want to hear about it.
Everybody KNOWS that. But nobody does any Mantra Thinking about it. Mantra thinking is so simple it’s never done. If predictions of disaster are hits in a newspaper or documentary, the newspapers and documentaries will be full of predictions of disaster.
#1 by shari on 01/12/2010 - 12:18 pm
The crisis coming will NOT be the one they are looking for.
#2 by Dave on 01/12/2010 - 2:06 pm
It is ordinary to be fooled and it is human nature to want to win at all costs.
Watch the fans at sporting events. You clearly see the role idealism plays and once you are in that brand identification you don’t want to know that you have been fooled.
So telling an opponent that their rants are “standard and packaged” is very effective.
#3 by warweaver on 01/13/2010 - 12:01 am
I was watching the news tonight at my parents’ house and we saw a thirty second story about an Iranian physicist having been blown up by a pretty sophisticated sounding bomb strapped onto a remote controlled motorcycle.
At any rate, the Iranians accused the Israelis of having had a hand in it (shock!). The Israelis naturally denied having anything to do with it, and the national news elects to interview Jane Harman, that Jewess from California, known to be Aipac’s knuckle dragger in the House.
So there she is, disclaiming that Israel or the USA had anything to do with it – as if that shit settled the matter.
I mean, CMON man. Those morons were trying to position that woman as a disinterested party in a position to know – and she said exactly what anyone familiar with her modus operandi would expect her to say.
I dont know what this has to do with matra, but it’s what I thought of when I read Bob’s most recent post.
As for the Iranian physicist, I suppose he had no business knowing what he knew anyway and so I dont care that he got himself blow’d up. But the size of the whopper appearing in the news was just too unbelievable not to mention.