Archive for January 15th, 2010
The Mantra is LEGAL!
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 01/15/2010
As you know the Canadian Government seized my last book, held it for two months, and decided it did not violate their stringent Hate Laws. One of its major themes is the Mantra. The big review of that book by the BNP emphasized that “It’s LEGAL!”
I cannot get anybody to REALIZE that I am a PROFESSIONAL at this business. I spent decades riding on the edge of a professional ruin for racism that would be worse than a year or two in a prison. I danced the dance with some success.
BoardAd has just notified me that a nationalist site in Europe that rivals Stormfront. And, bitch as I might about SF, it is BIG and it is scares the enemy. SF also gives Europeans an outlet they cannot get there. They can be anonymous, hard-core and legal on SF.
The reason I am writing this is that BoardAd just informed me there is a LEGAL WN website in Europe which is HUGE. It might seem wimpish compared to SF, but it HAS to be. So what does it need?
It needs something hard core that is NOT illegal.
And if by this time you don’t realize what is hard-core AND legal, put down the cocaine and have some liquor to cool you back down to earth.
A commenter and I exchanged examples of experiences where you deal with white nationalists, get them on track, and an hour later they’re right back to the same old s***. I keep quoting Kipling, who dealt with it a century ago, The Three Certainties:
“The bitch returns to her vomit,
The sow returns to her mire
And the burnt fool’s bandaged finger
Goes wabbling back to the fire.”
And the Fourth Certainty is that white nationalists go wabbling back to despair and tomes.
The Mantra is critical only of whites. It points out that no black man would be so insane or immoral as to allow his own people’s “idealists” and the rest of the world to target EVERY black country and ONLY black countries for immigration and assimilation. This and “anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews,” which always gets a laugh, a laugh AT our enemies, are removed in the shorter versions.
The authorities grit their teeth, but they see no case can be made against an attack on an ideology rather than a race.
Everybody sees how good he Mantra is except US.
“The burnt fool’s bandaged finger keeps wabbling back to the fire.”

Group Dynamics and other comments
Posted by BoardAd in Coaching Session on 01/15/2010
In an effort to increase our traffic, the owner of has graciously allowed us to post Bob’s articles on his website. He has two rules; the first is no racial slurs, the second is no holocaust denial. If you have any articles to suggest, please let me know.
I wanted to talk about the stories that Bob and I had shared with each other. After many drafts and delays to this article, much to my editors’ annoyance, I kept finding myself without the right words to part with my lesson. In every story we had to share there were repeatable and observable events that are important to the blog. These events occurred with such frequency with groups I dealt with that one can consider them to be fundamental group dynamics of white nationalism.
The longer a collective group of individuals is together, the more the opinions of members of the group matter to others within the group. Those with contact but not within the direct sphere of influence of the group who make statements which are viewed as disrespectful or incorrect by just one group member are thus mercilessly chastised by the whole group, even if the individuals opinion was asked for or was given in an appropriate manner.
Overall group conduct will achieve commonality with the least behaved member present. Those within the direct sphere of influence are free to insult and impugn members with no accountability. However other members are reprimanded for divisive behavior when responding to the attacks of privileged members and calls for decent conduct are rejected as moderation from those who consider the image they present highly important.
When the proposition of message standardization on common beliefs is presented to the group, one is met first with kneejerk refusal, ideological testing to their leaders and tomes, and finally the rejection of the idea. Conversation then moves into an all consuming fantasy about when the S*** will hit the fan, and their intended actions of preparation for once it does.
As Bob says me tough! Me do nothing.
Keeping these events in mind, when talking with groups of WN’s you are able to quickly separate potential BUGS people from the people who will reject you within a few conversations.

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