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Group Dynamics and other comments

Posted by BoardAd on January 15th, 2010 under Coaching Session

In an effort to increase our traffic, the owner of has graciously allowed us to post Bob’s articles on his website. He has two rules; the first is no racial slurs, the second is no holocaust denial. If you have any articles to suggest, please let me know.

I wanted to talk about the stories that Bob and I had shared with each other. After many drafts and delays to this article, much to my editors’ annoyance, I kept finding myself without the right words to part with my lesson. In every story we had to share there were repeatable and observable events that are important to the blog. These events occurred with such frequency with groups I dealt with that one can consider them to be fundamental group dynamics of white nationalism.

The longer a collective group of individuals is together, the more the opinions of members of the group matter to others within the group. Those with contact but not within the direct sphere of influence of the group who make statements which are viewed as disrespectful or incorrect by just one group member are thus mercilessly chastised by the whole group, even if the individuals opinion was asked for or was given in an appropriate manner.

Overall group conduct will achieve commonality with the least behaved member present. Those within the direct sphere of influence are free to insult and impugn members with no accountability. However other members are reprimanded for divisive behavior when responding to the attacks of privileged members and calls for decent conduct are rejected as moderation from those who consider the image they present highly important.

When the proposition of message standardization on common beliefs is presented to the group, one is met first with kneejerk refusal, ideological testing to their leaders and tomes, and finally the rejection of the idea. Conversation then moves into an all consuming fantasy about when the S*** will hit the fan, and their intended actions of preparation for once it does.

As Bob says me tough! Me do nothing.

Keeping these events in mind, when talking with groups of WN’s you are able to quickly separate potential BUGS people from the people who will reject you within a few conversations.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 01/15/2010 - 3:17 pm

    It is the same on the Left, their forums usually fall to the lowest of the accepted in groups.

    Never debate the group’s crazies, target the Big Mommas or Tender Papas, place the responsibility for good or bad on them.

  2. #2 by Alan B on 01/15/2010 - 6:24 pm

    For some of you the name Gary Kroeger may ring a bell. Gary performed on Saturday Night Live and spend almost two decades in LA before moving back to boring old Cedar falls, Iowa, where he grew up. What makes this interesting is this, Gary wrote a lengthy article in the local rag explaining why he left exciting LA for the quit life.
    Gary mentioned how things had gone to hell in LA. Gary mentioned the high crime rate, taxes, awful schools and neighborhood violence, he was affraid to let his kids play outside. In contrast, Gary talked about the low crime rate in Cedar Falls, good schools, safe streets, quit neighborhoods and nonviolent community gatherings. Most reads assume that what exist in LA is what stays in places like LA.
    Gary pointed out the obvious yet he never actually said it, that is, Cedar Falls is White and LA is Diverse and Multicultural. This is the mentality of those in denial, it hit me like a ton of bricks, I wanted to shout it out. To sum this up, a couple of pages past Garys article was another article anoucing the opening of the Museum of Multicultrialism at the Univeristy of Northern Iowa. I laugh out loud after see that story.

  3. #3 by backbaygrouch4 on 01/16/2010 - 7:18 am

    The 2 No-Nos
    One. Racial slurs. A matter of style. Trivial.
    Two. Holocaust denial. People always defend most vigorously that which cannot be defended, that is, they concede the argument. This requirement betrays that the holocaust is believed to be a fraud by those insisting it cannot be questioned. I concur with their judgement and scorn their cowardice.

  4. #4 by BoardAd on 01/16/2010 - 12:14 pm

    Probably locked in moderation. I did see the site has thousands of comments.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 01/16/2010 - 12:11 pm

    No comments at this “huge site.” Where’s da beef?

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