Archive for January 28th, 2010
The Filter Down Effect
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 01/28/2010
Filter Down has always been accepted in all societies. Newly discovered ideas and techniques take a while to be accepted by the general population. Ideologues who refer to themselves as Idealists say that their progressive concepts have not yet “gotten accepted.”
This was legitimate in earlier times. In earlier societies basic knowledge remained fairly static, so the only dynamic was the filter down of the different TAKE on people’s knowledge and world view. But now we have a dynamic which is even more rapid than the fastest filter-down process. Today our view of reality itself changes far faster than the analysis of OLD world views filter down.
Marxism has filtered down into Political Correctness. But Marxism is a set of ideas derived from Kantian dialectics and, far more so, from the realities accepted in the mid-nineteenth century. Marx assumed that only human beings had institutions. Everyone in his time knew that only man had borders.
Marx assumed that only men had inequality. Marxism did not move a whit from those positions. Political Correctness is based on them today. Lysenko took over Soviet agriculture insisting that genetics was not important.
Today the Missing Frontal Lobes (MFLs) on our side get paid to debate the Communist fairy tale as if it were a serious point of view. If they took the Flat Earth Society that seriously, they would probably be institutionalized.
You will never get rid of this outdated crappola by taking it seriously. To coin a phrase:
When I was a child I thought as a child.
Now it is time to put away childish ways.

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