One of the things that is totally different with BUGS is that we look for our ideas in OTHER BLOGS.
Everybody else looks fore the growth of their OWN audience, their OWN membership. I don’t think there is another group that does what we do: Look for the spread of our IDEAS. This is so unique that I only noticed it today.
Stop and think about this. Someday it is going to be absolutely impossible for people to think this just happened. It had to be planned.
It gives us a lesson in what drives people to think in terms of conspiracies. ONE lesson here is that people think of the other side as evil, and that they do not do things simply because they honestly feel that way. The reason we plant ideas without so much regard for our own expansion or recognition is obvious to US.
We are honestly only interested in what we have to say and planting our Mantra Thinking because we are actually only interested in the only thing nature is interested in, insuring that future generations look like us. This is absolutely impossible for others to believe.
But that is not the way those who oppose us think of us. We have an ulterior motive, so any success we are having cannot be because that is ALL we want. We did this successful thing because we had an Ulterior Motive. If you think that way, and that is the way people DO think, anything we do that turns out to be a success has some other motivation.
Some commenters have talked about how some of us might be successful in the future. Those will be looked upon as having gained their positions not because they simply have a way of thinking that made sense, but because they planned it that way.
No one wants to think we came up with something that was so obvious and they and their heroes were so busy doing the old thing that they sunk into oblivion because they were unoriginal and BORING. They will insist that their side was always right, not just mentally static.
If they look at us as we are, we deserve a lot of credit, but that is because realized they were ridiculous.
Damned few people are willing to admit in retrospect that they were just plain SILLY.
In order to avoid that conclusion they have to raise themselves and their own brilliance. In order to do that they have to raise US to the level of prophetic geniuses. That is why all Conspirators end up as all-powerful and superhuman. Whatever else you may say of the Learned Elders of Zion, you must admit it raises Jewish leaders to a level of all-seeing genius.
That is why I was so impressed by the fellow on Ventura’s show who said, “They’re smarter than we are.” He did not say it in an admiring way as conspiracy theorists or respectable conservatives do. He was simply saying that they were smarter than those who simply didn’t SEE it.
Respectable conservatives are that way. They cannot admit that conservatives have been a bunch of approval-starved morons. So they see leftists as the epitome of sophistication who are EVEN SMARTER than that Great Sophisticate William Buckley.
Conspiracy theorists will not admit that they are saps, but they also cannot give the other side credit for sincerely believing in what they say. So they explain it all not only by the Power and Genius of the other side, but also by their Evil: “We’re not dumb. We just lost because we’re Good and True and therefore Trustful.”
So they cannot learn from their mistakes. Their only weakness comes from their devotion to Good.
No one who thinks that way can ever learn simple basics.

#1 by shari on 01/29/2010 - 9:39 am
For too long ordinary white people have let themselves be called EVIL, by those who had NO business saying that. Who do they think they are?
#2 by Dave on 01/29/2010 - 11:41 am
Because I was raised in competitive athletics, I was given a big advantage over others.
Robert Whitaker is a good coach.
You don’t win in athletics by being wrong about what works.
And quality sells itself, especially when what is lacking in others is revealed by what you have become.
The “psych” game that goes on in the locker room is irrelevant and you can always tell a loser because he or she thinks these psychological games matter.
It is always a sign they don’t understand competition, and believe me, that accounts for a big piece of humanity.
I have seen the Democratic Party in the locker room a thousand times and the “Respectable Conservatives” are always there sucking up. I won’t mention where they like to sniff.
A good coach can work miracles with the right material.
#3 by BGLass on 01/29/2010 - 11:44 am
“I killed all the Indians, enslaved all blacks, reneged on all treaties, gassed all Jews, dragged all homosexuals, burned all witches, etc.”–and all b/c I just like flinging around my personal power. It is HARD to give up such a terrific level of Evil. If I had a choice between being “empowered” with “voice” v empowered by “silence” in which I am the receptacle of projected EVIL, I’d take silence/evil any day of the week. And if I did want to be truly evil THEN, nobody would know what I’m thinking, so I’d probably get away with it, lol. Which I’d want, since I’m so EVIL.
Again, it reminds me of the black lady on t.v. night before last on O’Reilly. (I have no idea if she was African OR American). She saw an “advocacy commercial” (for pro life) as EVIL FOR WOMEN. It took away their Choice. (Even though most women have never seen such a commercial while simultaneously innundated with pro-abortion funding/ads/etc.) Anything not what she wants is EVIL. And yet, where would she, herself, be without EVIL WHITES and their BIRTHS? Really…would there have been as many scholarships, that same sense of noble suffering, of “carrying the morality of America,” as one t.v. pundit once put it, of the sense of specialness, deserving-ness, of being owed? Of Goodness? It’s so much harder to just ‘want what you want’ –no forked tongue of morality to lick the wound when you fail. No consolation prize where you get to be Good. It’s pure will. Anyway, they’re always Good when they win AND Good when they lose. The scariest thing that can happen to a person, maybe, is realizing the level of Projection of Evil onto oneself by others–of EVIL thoughts you never even considered thinking! It seems a window into THEIR interior. THEY were thinking all that Evil all along, but saying it was YOU. But the EVIL was in them! And then, of course, YOU PROJECT their ulterior motive— and say “they have POSITIONED US” badly by pretending to think we are EVIL, when they KNEW I didn’t kill all the Indians, enslave all blacks, etc.. How evil of them! I’m not the one who did that. I am Good…
#4 by BGLass on 01/29/2010 - 12:19 pm
…Hmm. This Wordist Society evolved a whole new mental diagnosis “bi-polar” disorder, I guess b/c one group will inevitably wind up holding the BAD BAG, just so that absolutely everybody else can be Good. Thanks Mr. Whitaker. You really do help clarify things. Of course, once they genocide whomever holds the BAD BAG, they are in trouble all over again, lol.
#5 by shari on 01/29/2010 - 12:32 pm
BGLASS The BAD BAG. That is FUNNY! I like it.
#6 by BGLass on 01/29/2010 - 1:51 pm
Glad to hear, lol. If I look inside at all that Evil and feel a bit sick about it, I try not to forget I’m still holding the bag. Thankfully, I can always just puke in it, then deposit it in the nearest receptacle marked Hazardous to your Health.
#7 by backbaygrouch4 on 01/29/2010 - 1:56 pm
The all knowing other is a real but curious concept. For some reason it sustains itself against all reality. You meet dumb people with dumb ideas and yet fear their all embracing cleverness. Yet hey put their pants on one leg at a time too. The antidote of personal preference is the belief in liberty, my right to be wrong and a will to see that they, the others, have the same right thought they to exercise it more often. It is a variation of mother’s, “Everyone is queer but me and thee and lately even thee seem a bit odd.” The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
#8 by Simmons on 01/29/2010 - 2:58 pm
Of course they cannot learn, they are fools, too stupid and blinded by the abstract. Bismark’s advice to learn from the mistakes of others goes right over their head.
As for the all powerful Jews. I can solve the Middle East’s problem between the Israelies and the Palastinians – Intermarriage. Now if the SFers would at least rise to that level I would feel we are getting somewhere. But instead we get the old, Three rabbis enter a bar, conspiracy theories of Hebrus Omnipotentus which our PHDs pound out like dime novels.
#9 by Simmons on 01/29/2010 - 3:07 pm
A PHD asseses our economic plight concludes it is all because of “It’s the will of the Jew”, and I respond.