Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. Conservatives insist they are anti-racist, but everything they get paid to bitch about is a direct result of that anti-white program.
The most basic drive is not money and it is not power and it is not being a Tough Guy from World Wart II. Every drunk will shout to you that money is everything. I have listened to people tell me for fifty years that their heroism is everything.
But the only REAL imperative is producing offspring that look like oneself. Long before World War II billions of animals gave their lives to save their group. Every social animal will make sacrifices so that their GROUP will live and go on.
What does it do to a social animal if there is a massive social engineering program to cut out this instinct?
Of course no one likes to call the drive to convince whites to do themselves in “social engineering.” But what else COULD you call it? No one else calls it that because the very term exposes the problem. The term “social engineering” is not popular because it brings up the question of what ELSE is affected.
Any time you use the term “social engineering” it strips naked the POWER question involved. Anti-whites hide behind the mantel of Idealism. But ALL social engineering sees itself as idealistic.
The term is unpopular because people immediately ask:
1) “Who does this give power to?”
2) Who decides what is good for us? And
3) If you interfere with people’s instincts in one area, what affect does this have on the rest of their minds?
None of these questions arises in regard to anti-whites.
Not only is getting rid of whites social engineering, it is social engineering on the most basic instinct of all.
Every social animal protects its borders. But we cannot protect our borders because there is no we. It becomes a random selection of Hispanics being kept out by a random selection of Hispanics in the border patrol. We do not have what every other social animals has had for a hundred million years: a gene pool to be protected.
Secondly, every nation is an accumulation of its individuals, as in we the people of the United States of America and OUR posterity. The Constitution no longer holds. You simply cannot have a multiracial, multicultural state and refer to ourselves and OUR posterity at the same time. We have gone from a contract where people give up certain powers to a propositional state.
In a propositional state, all power goes to whoever INTERPRETS the Proposition. The Judiciary is to be obeyed by all, because it has taken the place of the balance of powers. The President could say in his oath of office, “I swear to uphold and defend the latest opinion of a majority of the Supreme Court.” That is what he does. The old document is not what he upholds and defends.
All of this flows naturally from anti-white social engineering. Conservatives bitch about the symptoms but they shriek at all heretics and demand the right to lead the lynch mob.
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#1 by BGLass on 01/31/2010 - 11:30 am
Girl Perspective: All little white girls do know –intimately, personally—the collateral damage of socially engineered, biological attack. What else COULD it be: “to choose” sterilization, drugs to end menstrual cycle, abortion, incitement to rape, imperative to adopt foreign, school that say your kind is a blot on the planet: To little girls, it appears, at first, as the inexplicable, ceaseless terror of somebody trying to kill THEM. Children of Liberals who openly peddle Pro-Genocide DO NOT YET REALIZE other Pro-Genociders even EXIST. They just think their parents hate THEM, personally. Anti-abortion conservatives smugly want THEIR KIDS to live, but seemingly nobody else’s. Pro-life is good FOR THEM. In the Cheated Young—and thanks for that—Mr. Whitaker says the Great Generation told kids to be cowards. But after 1965, adults told all little white girls to DIE. People see this as ‘girls told to kill THEIR unborn kids.’ But it’s experienced like DEATH, from the perspective of the girl, b/c she sees reproduction as a necessary part of HER OWN LIFE. She’s not only made a murderer, but her OWN LIFE is ended (as it was biologically meant to be.) Maybe Propositional Societies can work to a point. Still, in NYC, 170 languages are spoken daily. So, what “proposition” could cover THAT MUCH difference? So girls there get to school through metal detectors and train stations where guys hold machine guns. It’s not a police state, but to PROTECT them from a police state. Just like they’re going to have a big nice family someday. If a White girl drinks to cope, therapies will convince her mommy and daddies are bad people, and that she has alcohol-ISM, a core disease of the self that, like Original Sin, can never be cured. Since alcohol-ISM is Genetic (the only Genetic condition in whites recognized in the U.S., lol), it provides another pressure not to reproduce, (in order to save the unborn child). Minorities, of course, can drink to cope with social trouble and have a baby that gets an all-expense-paid fresh start. Well, this much came full-circle: “Never trust anybody over thirty.” (This used to be because adults only cared about money or something. Now, every little white girl knows, deep down, it’s b/c the whole society wants her DEAD.) —a girl.
#2 by Dave on 01/31/2010 - 12:27 pm
I remember the leftist slogan well: “United States out of North America!”
Think of the meaninglessness of a “tea party” before this fact.
The ideas of Robert Whitaker lead to whereabouts that are unknown to the standard dialog on our plight and his ideas are nothing less than an entirely new way of seeing.
#3 by shari on 01/31/2010 - 4:35 pm
BGLass, You are able to say,in a personal way, just how evil, anti-white racism is. And is it ever! I was a boomer who had no idea what was happening, but I did feel an urgency in my teens to have children soon, before you had to have a license or something. I didn’t know what. Anyway, I know that you are right about the horrors inflicted on young women,before they could even get their feet on the ground. We have got to keep pointing out the deliberate policy of genocide against us. Hang in there! I hope everyday,we’ll feel, more and more, a fresh wind that blows the old sadness clear away.
#4 by Dave on 01/31/2010 - 6:44 pm
In the white community, the caterwauling and mewing is deafening when young unmarried girls get knocked up.
I knew a beautiful young high school girl who got knocked up and her parents made her give the kid up so she could go to college.
That says it all, the desire for a world and a life that can’t exist, so the life that can exist is given up.
That’s white people. And that is how you get damned to hell.
All these young girls looking for the husband with good prospects and the Barbara Billingsley home.
It never occurs to them that they have no right to make such demands on the world.
And then God visits a terrible punishment upon them, and they claim they are the victims.
There is way too much carrying on about “the plight of young girls”.
Leave that to the goons of Political Correctness and it is not possible to be too young and get knocked up. Just make sure the kid is racially pure.
#5 by shari on 01/31/2010 - 7:56 pm
We are coming from very different perspectives,aren’t we? But the truth of white survival remains the same. Make sure the kid is white.
#6 by Alan B on 01/31/2010 - 10:17 pm
Traditional Conservatives and the Religious Right preach Family Values, Pro Life, Morality, God, Country and Flag worship as our salvation. I have heard this crap for 30 years, I cannot hear it anymore, and my ears are just fine.
The election of Ron Reagan in 1980 was a sign of hope. Today, the Conservative Right harps about the Reagan Legacy the same way a proper conservative reminds us how multiculturalism is wonderful and diversity is strength, it is all bullshit!
White gods are White Wordist, their religion is multicultrialism, whites are evil. Black Haitians practice Voodoo worship,they cast spells and stick pins in dolls. Voodoo Haiti was destroyed by an earth quake two weeks ago. Pat Robertson said it was gods revenge. Pat Robertson is White and Anti White at that. Pat champions traditional American values. I think my head is going to explode soon!
#7 by backbaygrouch4 on 02/01/2010 - 6:42 am
My thinking on poor little white girls was handed down to me by my Scotch-Irish grandmother who mixed practicality with wisdom. As for getting knocked up, she observed that bearing children was like everything else in life, practice makes perfect, that is, the first one can come at any time, but once you get the hang of it, it takes nine months.
Beneath this was the recognition of the responsibility of both parties to rear the child which is best done within marriage. Note, that the church recognizes birth as legitimate, [and it only matters in Canon Law for a few uncommon conditions mostly not existing today], a child born to parents married even when the marriage occurs years after the birth. The attack on the centrality of marriage being children, in a regular fashion, is an assault the mechanism by which the White race preserves itself. Scratch a proponent of redefining marriage and you will find an enemy of the White race.
The creation of life is a biological imperative that entails responsibilities, one of which is to not create a life that is needlessly impaired, such as a mixed blood life. Today’s bishops be damned, there was a time when this was understood by learned churchmen. An important step in our movement is to reinvest the Christian church, in all its multitude of forms, with men of wisdom superior to those we have today. Man is sufficiently spiritual that it cannot be done without the church. Give me that old time religion.
#8 by BGLass on 02/01/2010 - 8:15 am
As a new user of the Mantra and Mantra thinking, I didn’t mean to say anything controversial, if I did. Mr. Whitaker was speaking of collateral damage of “social engineering”–since the phrase brings up “what ELSE is affected” (which is plenty) and shows raw power (that some prefer hidden.) As a kid, (and kids have little power of their own to work with), I saw Memory as the only possible form of Activism. I thought if I remembered all these things and told others when I grew up, things would change. So I evolved the phrase “In my Experience.” It was sort of like “In your Opinon, I’m a racist. You’re just saying that b/c I’m white. Anti-racism is a code word for anti-white.” I would say, “In my experience, this is how it appeared to me…” If I had names, dates, times, places from real experience, it would shut them up, since it’s hard to argue with what Actually Happened to Somebody on a given day. Now, I can say, “In Your Opinion…” That way, I’m no longer even trying to explain or justify myself to those $%*#’s anymore. “I’m just stating an opinion.”