When I talk about the Obedient Generation that calls itself The Greatest Generation, people always ask me about later ones. As I have patiently and repeatedly explain, the later generations were the natural byproduct of the first one, the Obedients.
When you have a fifth of an entire generation taken in youth and beaten into mindless submission in Basic Training, and an entire generation forced to believe that anything the Government does is Glorious and Right … and all the rest of it, the crowd these people raises is going to be warped.
It is too bad for the anti-alcohol forces that Prohibition came a generation too early. The Obedient Generation would have accepted it. The Greatest Generation would certainly have obeyed Prohibition, as it obeyed everything else imposed on it.
We will never get rid of that Generation’s War on Drugs. Failure just means jam it harder. Anything that generation called a War was lost, like the War on Poverty and the War on Terror. No modern American is able to question walking around an airport with his pants at his knees and barefooted — if he’s lucky and not stripped — but I can’t see the Americans who threw out Prohibition putting up with it.
The Stockholm Syndrome is not new. It was what WWII Basic Training was all about: The Sarge reduces you to kissing his ass, probably sometimes literally, by screaming in your face and you drool over any little mercy he shows.
No, that does not “make men.” It makes slaves. It is a process aimed at producing slobbering moral cowards. Today’s military, I hate to admit, could take out the Greatest Generation, a battalion to a regiment, in short order.
I have known people on about every side in WWII. I have never heard ANYBODY praise American soldiers except Americans. If it were not for the Italians, who didn’t even know which side they were on much of the time, Americans would have been the bad jokes of the War.
As a practical Matter, I noticed early that the person who uses the word “liar” all the time is invariably a person who is very loose about the truth. Let me repeat and emphasize that this is not theory, it is PRACTICAL matter if you are in professional-level politics. I can see in my mind people who would come in to see congressional staff and start saying liars, liars, liars.
I can remember how we ALL reacted to them, while acting like we took them seriously. A lie is an INTENTIONAL untruth. Most of the people on the other side are screwed, but not lying. And calling a liar a liar is not going to phase a real liar.
As I have pointed out, a person who keeps denouncing Hate is always pretty good hater himself. He cannot see the other as different from him, and for him, hatred of what he calls Hater is a perfectly good motivation that needs no explanation.
A person who keeps talking about Mercy, Mercy, Mercy is kind to the Inquisitors.
Some time ago I talked about what interrogation is all about. The largest part of it is LISTENING. What a person says about those he hates tells you all about him. People who do not know this wonder why interrogators would like to get to terrorists early unless they are going to torture him.
Actually, if you know how to handle it, you can get answers from someone who is against you almost as well as you can someone on your side at a debriefing. If you know things like the Liar rule and so forth, a person who is not ready for such questioning will dance around information in a very predictable way. He won’t think he has given you any, but if you know what you’re doing he might as well have a neon sign on his forehead.
Which brings us to the only group in history that could call itself the Greatest Generation with a straight face.
The Founding Fathers would never have even considered such a label. Neither side in the Civil War, even the most self-righteous, would have been able to keep a straight face calling itself the Greatest Generation Ever.
A piece of wisdom which predates me says it:
“Methinks he doth protest too much.”
When the Greatest Generation was born, the white race straddled the world like a giant. They left apologizing for their very existence. No wonder they have to shout so loud.
#1 by backbaygrouch4 on 02/12/2010 - 9:55 am
The question then arises, why was the Greatest Generation such a bunch of self important jerks? Who trained them? As opposed to who trained both sides of the bloodletters of the Civil War [War Of Northern Aggression]? May I suggest it was the FDR’s Jewish appointees with a Jewish agenda? Does anyone have any evidence on the issue? I have nothing more than a gut reaction. Agreed, the Greatest Generation was brainwashed, but who did it, and why? Basics.
#2 by shari on 02/12/2010 - 11:23 am
I imagine that the self importance of the GG’s came from all the bribes after the war. The GI bill, the ponzi of social security, medicade, etc. The prosperity,of the 50’s and 60’s,built on sand. I think that Horus is right that the private central banking has to GO. Also the free hand the “social scientists” had to indocrinate. It’s the “little Jack Horner, sat in a corner” effect.
#3 by Dave on 02/12/2010 - 1:22 pm
The GG wasn’t bribed, it was drafted. An accurate name for the draft is government sponsored slavery.
Freedom is on the march. I doubt whether there will ever be another draft in America. Today’s public would refuse to comply. Refusing to comply means insisting on being free.
By the way, I don’t hold it against the GG that they were lousy soldiers. Men raised in affluence, comfort, and security have no business being subject to the brutalities of combat zones.
#4 by BGLass on 02/12/2010 - 2:25 pm
Re training of the OG: Country Life Movement, 1920, as seen against backdrop of “progressivism,” maybe. http://www.acclaim-math.org/docs/jrre_archives/v7,n2,p21-28,Theobald.pdf P. 26, argues the “folk depletion as racial suicide.” The urban-led movement to harness the country children, etc. Shortly later, Eleanor had Arthurdale and her planned, monitored whole TOWNS in Appalachia, (when she got the depression really working for her). Pre-gutting for control, monitoring, dependency. OG is broken down, re-educated by GI, then their kids “act out” in controlled “rebellion” and more controls are implemented. The more you consider it, the freakier it gets. Not even work could have set Eleanor free.
#5 by BGLass on 02/12/2010 - 2:32 pm
Here’s an Arthurdale link that doesn’t do its bizareness justice. http://www.arthurdaleheritage.org/history/ There were many such government towns: here, unemployed WV miners held in hostage-dependency and experimentation. WWII boot camp, and licking a Sergeant’s ass probably looked like Freedom!– after life with Eleanor Roosevelt, lol.
#6 by DeepfriedElvis on 02/12/2010 - 7:07 pm
I wouldn’t describe a generation comming out of the depression as affluent. More likely most of the equipment the US went to war with in 1941 was subpar. Who could be courageous in a piece of junk like the Sherman Tank?
#7 by AFKANNow on 02/13/2010 - 12:04 am
As I review what calls itself “Progressivism,” particularly as it applies to the “education” system, it is only obvious that the purpose of “Progressivism” is to develop the temporal equivalent of a religion, removing the outliers from Humanity, and forcing one and all into a broad, easily controlled middle.
This philosophy is running at full tilt in the Educracy, even today. After all, “equal” – defined as mandated equality of outcomes – is the functional equivalent of Heaven for them, and if that means lowering White scores to equal Black scores, so much the better.
Dave’s criticism of Shari’s comment actually compliments it – Shari’s focus was on the post WW II carrots offered to the veterans who stayed in line, and did as they were told. Dave’s focus was on the fact that they had a simple choice – the small stick of Fort Hood, for Basic Training, or the big stick of Fort Leavenworth, for incarceration.
Given the economy falling back into Collapse in 1937, the choices were pretty easy, and they only had two.
Upon reconsidering WWII, I firmly believe it was a perfect example of social engineering, with the powerful indoctrination of Army Basic laying the framework for their Adult lives.
After all, their indoctrination shifted from obedience to Authority, IN UNIFORM, while IN UNIFORM, to reverence to uniformed Authority of all kinds.
Hence, the 101st Airborne escorting their sons and daughters to class at bayonet point for he purpose of racial equality.
Can you imagine such a thing happening in the 1920’s?
No, of course not.
THAT is the power of Wordism, matched with the emotional transformation of the target population, the de facto gelding of the Self Proclaimed Greatest Generation. And, of course, The Destroyer made very sure the pictures of this compliance – at bayonet point – went all over all ofthe media. The nonverbal message went everywhere, and was hammered in as part of the New Righteous Order.
Incidentally, another meme that was hammered home was compliance with the orders of the Federal Judiciary. In time, the Federal Judiciary was the tool by which Real Power operated, allowing politicians to proclaim their clean hands were tied by a “Federal Court Order.”