Archive for March 20th, 2010
Stockholm and the Weakest Generation
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, Political Correctness on 03/20/2010
It amuses me how people talk about the Stockholm Syndrome as if it were something new. Twelve million Americans, most of them male before Basic Training, were given the Stockholm Syndrome at government expense, not for hours, but for eight WEEKS.
In the 1960s Abbie Hoffmann and a lot of other New York-type Jews ran the “Radical” groups. When the Chicago Seven were tried they kept yelling at the judge about his being a Goy. But that was less than twenty years after World War II, and the WWII Generation was in charge, and they were unable to handle a guy screaming in their faces.
A black in prison, I think he was in for carjacking, once told me, “Some of these old guys, you yell at them and they’ll suck your ….”
He was more accurate than he knew.
For the WWII Generation all they had to do was scream at them and they went into worship position. No earlier generation of Americans would have let Abbie Hoffman get a sentence out. But almost the entirety of what started out as American males had been taught that a Real Man is made by screaming into his face and MAKING THEM LIKE IT.
The Stockholm Syndrome, which was named long after a whole generation was subjected to it, means that you are held captive by someone who can do anything they want to to you, and your gratitude is overwhelming when they DON’T do something to you.
Every member of the Weakest Generation went to bed at night grateful to his sergeant. They admired their sergeants. They WORSHIPED their sergeants.
Solzhenitsyn talked about how differently women reacted to being called for questioning from the way men did. A lot of women would primp. They would have this MAN trap them alone with them in a room. In short, S&M.
But those were WOMEN he was talking about. This wasn’t any Syndrome, it was just that a lot of women enjoy that kind of treatment from men, as a quick trip to any emergency room will show you. Some men do,, too, I’m sure, but I understand they like WOMEN in leather outfits doing it. I saw one case on Operation Repo.
The guy tied up in Operation Repo asked the repo gang to come join the girl in punishing him. So when you really get into that stuff apparently you can start asking men to join in. The WWII Generation was in a very, very sick environment.
The result was a period in which whoever screamed loudest and insulted them most got whatever they wanted. The magazines had screaming blacks with their mouths wide open on the covers. To get a civil rights act through blacks just had to burn down their own neighborhoods — the cops weren’t emasculated yet — and scream into the ever-ready cameras.
So when I talk about the Weakest Generation, I believe I am telling you what many have asked — “What happened to AMERICANS?” What happened to the people who took the land from the Indians, who whipped their slaves, who did the LYNCHINGS?
How did they go from one extreme to the its S&M worshiping opposite? I watched it happen. It began at a very suspicious time.
When I was less than ten, I always found a lot of the TV shows puzzling. They would have some alien or some Indian — always innocent — being threatened by a shouting mob. Superman or the Cisco Kid or whoever showed them how wrong that was.
I could not imagine a mob of guys like that, even in South Carolina, out in the open yelling for blood the way I later found lynch mobs did in the 1930s. What a difference a few years make! Those mobs were real to the people who wrote the scripts, but not to the kids who watched them. They were as ready to believe in a mob of outraged white men as they were in the ET they threatened.
And for the same reason. There were no outraged white “men” after WWII. So our age began in World War II.

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