Archive for March 27th, 2010
The Donation
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History, Religion on 03/27/2010
The end of the last article read, “And that could make ‘practicality’ in the new age a totally different thing.”
This has happened before. The development of printing made Luther’s power possible, but it did not occur in a vacuum. Western society invents things it has a need for.
By contrast, the printing press and the mechanical clock in China came on in a vacuum and disappeared in a vacuum. Printing in China, and in Korea which had an alphabetical script and only 24 letters, came and went in the same nothing.
This is why the example of the Donation of Constantine is so critical. Charlemagne’s court invented the Donation of Constantine. This is incomprehensible to accepted history, which sees Charlemagne as trying to get back to the Roman Empire ruled from Rome. Charlemagne had no such interest.
In Charlemagne’s time there was a recognized, legitimate Roman Empire, which had not had a break in its Imperial line since Constantine moved its capitol from Rome to Constantinople. It never occurred to anyone in the actual Roman Empire that moving the capitol constituted the Fall of Rome.
If it did, then the moving of the American capitol from New York to Washington would have been the Fall of America.
In his own time, the Court of Charlemagne had a practical problem. The Pope, probably against his wishes, had made Charlemagne Emperor. The Pope, who was blind and had had his tongue cut out, did not feel safe.
He desperately wanted the Imperial Power to cover the City of Rome.
This was a cosmic challenge, because the Emperor — actually Empress — in Constantinople was not only an Imperial power but a power in the religious area as well. The Emperor Constantine called the Council of Nicaea which defined the Christian Faith, though he himself was not only not a bishop but was unbaptized. He was referred to by all bishops as The Supreme Bishop.
Today the Eastern Church still considers itself a part of the State, a subject of the Emperor.
The Pope had to redefine ALL of that. So he produced a forgery called the Donation of Constantine.
The history I have just explained is justified by the fact that this forgery was supposedly written by the EMPEROR, not by Saint Peter or Paul or any other religious authority. In the Donation, Constantine gave the Church to the Pope.
People KNOW this, but they don’t THINK about it. For centuries the Papacy based its claim to power on being given power by an Emperor. That meant the Emperor had it to give. People never THINK about that, just as they never think about the Temptation of Christ, when Satan offered all the kingdoms of the earth to Jesus.
The latter meant that it is assumed that Satan OWNED the kingdoms of the Earth, which is definitely not Old Testament, but is pure Zoroastrianism.
The Donation was discredited in the fifteenth century, when literacy was so widespread that the word could spread before, as he expected and said, it could be burned at the stake.
This was just before printing took over. And that in itself, if you THINK about it, can tell you a lot. In the West, literacy was ready for print. Print became powerful in the West because it did not appear in a vacuum and disappear in the same vacuum as it did in the Far East.

Thanks, Snappers!
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, Comment Responses on 03/27/2010
My Catholic BUGSers let me criticize the Catholic Church without going to pieces.
But if one is going to discuss institutions, one MUST discuss the Church. In fact, it is hard for someone not raised in Western society to understand what I mean by an institution, because they have instant recognition of what an institution, meaning an institution with a separate existence from other aspects of society, really is.
I have discussed the outright queer nature of British “public” schools, and everybody knows about that. But, as with the Mantra, you have a problem with them that only occurs to one who has spend his life, and made his living, explaining things to people.
Sure the British “public” schools are protected by an institution, but WHICH one are you referring to? The British Clahss system? The political left, which in this case is busy denying the origin of much of its own politics?
As I explained recently, even the Orthodox Church does not have the instant institutional identity we understand because of our familiarity with Catholic Church history. Since Constantine, it has been hard or impossible to separate Church and State in the Orthodox world.
This is a practical problem, and if you can come up with a pure institution to compare with the Catholic Church, I could sure use it.
People not familiar with legal history do not realize what a pure invention the corporation was. The Norman Invasion was a Joint Stock Operation. So was Iceland. So we had the mentality. But anyone connected with THAT Joint Stock Operation took the liabilities home with him.
If you were part of a joint venture, it was taken for granted you could be tried for what it did, and that every person in it was liable for its debts. The idea of having a SEPARATE ENTITY, an institution in which people risked only what they invested, was a completely new thing on the world stage.
The corporation is a PURE institution, but the corporation is made up of PARTS of different people. It is made up of different parts of different people.
The Church is the only institution I know that has its own existence, whole people, and the same part of the those who are not full time religious. So not only do I think the Church is the only example of as pure an institution as I need, but I don’t think the whole idea of corporate institutions would have been invented if it weren’t.
BBG doesn’t have to recite to me the reasons for anti-Catholic bigotry on Mommy Professor’s part. Hell, man, anti-Catholicism was called The Anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals even before we were BORN.
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