I have talked about the Politically Correct Pecking Order, white goy males at the top, whites in general next, human beings in general higher on the list than animals. Everyone knows it, everybody USES it, but nobody TALKS about it.
So when anybody is conversing in public, he knows that he must be very careful about non-whites but he can say anything nasty he wants to about whites. We know that but we don’t THINK about it.
In the 1960s what Society called “criminals” were the good guys on the pecking order. So when Attica Prison was seized by the inmates, who were overwhelmingly black, protesters shouted “ATTICA! ATTICA!” because the guards were largely white and those poor babies inside were Victims of Society.
John Lennon was crying for the poor Victims inside.
Now that even leftists have had enough of being hit by professional criminals, this little incident has gone down the Memory Holes.
And, of course, we LET it go down the Memory Hole. Only leftists repeat the history they want to talk about. Attica makes them uncomfortable, so conservative respectables never mention it, and we go along. Most of us in the real opposition spend our time repeating what shows up in the media.
You can’t have a lot of conversations without someone mentioning Hitler. You can find a program about the Fall of the Third Reich regularly. I haven’t seen a picture of Stalin in so long a time I don’t remember the last one. See how many people know what a “kulak” was.
The only “Gulag Survivor” I can remember ever being mentioned in public was Solzhenitsyn. Most people say, “Who?
All evil plots in movies while the Soviet Empire existed were set up by white Americans in coats and ties. The TV series “Hawaii Five-O” did have one really evil Communist villain, but he was Red Chinese back when we saw the Chinese as REALLY bad Communists the US had not yet recognized.
That was an interesting case because it was assumed that the OTHER Communists would have nothing to do with this Bad Guy.
The only people responsible for plots and murders in our media were those who were fanatically AGAINST the People’s Peace-Loving Democratic Republics. I seem to be the only person, including the John Birch Society, who ever NOTICED this.
After Katrina, Popular Mechanics, of all things, had a cover article pointing out that all the tales about Katrina were “myths.” Blacks, they said, behaved like little angels through the whole thing.
It is not that we let this stuff slip through. We don’t have anything for it slip through.
#1 by Simmons on 04/28/2010 - 11:14 am
Speaking of saying nasty things about whites, I address this in my little post on a TP thread. It seems that little hard core band of IQ and Crime studiers want to barge in on the Big Mommas of the TP and give them the “truth”, but as is said they cannot handle that in large doses. (it is not on FOX, yet)
I tell them to address the anti-white left and things will fall into place.
#2 by Dave on 04/28/2010 - 11:43 am
What does the Politically Correct pecking order mean for the future?
We must not view ourselves through the eyes of others. The only thing that must concern us is the behavior of other races toward us, behavior that is entirely too wild and MUST be curbed.
The treason that has been committed against our race affects every facet of our lives. There is no escaping what has been done to us.
Therefore, there is no escaping the necessity to fight our way out, deaf, utterly deaf, to the moral charges against us.
An assured sign of victory will be a change in the tone of the rhetoric of nonwhites from moral fault finding and blaming of whites to a tone of appreciation and praise of white people.
Here’s the arithmetic: The more segregation, the more praise and appreciation we will receive from nonwhites. The more we insist on an unequal relation between nonwhites and ourselves, the more nonwhites will defer to us.
The less welfare given to nonwhites, the more love we will receive from nonwhites. .
The more we curb the rights of nonwhites, particularly their freedom of travel and their freedom to change their place of residence without registration and approval from us, the more they will adore us.
A termination of the civil rights of nonwhites altogether, particularly their voting and free speech rights, will cement the relationship between nonwhites and ourselves. For example, Martin Luther King Day will become an occasion for blacks to gather together to sing the songs of appreciation, gratitude, and praise to the white race for all our people have done to raise blacks up.
They will do so fervently.
If you don’t understand this, you don’t understand the politics of social relation – where real life, real social behaviors, and the real world transpire.
#3 by BGLass on 04/28/2010 - 12:24 pm
We must not see through eyes of others, but it’s very difficult. When I was young, you could still see Oswald as a communist. He SAID he was a communist, and his trips to Russia were documented and so on. No conspiracy movies existed. The fifteen year ad campaign, with books, movies, etc., had not yet been made from Thomas Harris books and Hannibal and so on—all on the “lone gun nut” figure, and genius white psycho.
Now even I can’t look at Oswald without thinking: “Nazi!” Understanding the general principle of what’s occurred and having the time and inclination to monitor ones’ own knee-jerk responses seems key.
Around where I live, the rich white liberals (who really aren’t anywhere as rich as they want to believe) seem to be wondering why they can cut whites down. Is it really b/c they have so much power, which is what they were assuming? Or is it b/c they have no power at all?
#4 by Dave on 04/28/2010 - 6:39 pm
It is not a matter of whether they have power or no power; it is a matter of their mentality.
The phrase I hate most is, “A basic sense of fairness”.
White people enunciate that phrase a lot. It is a deadly phrase said by those who have too much comfort. Again, what enables people to pretend is what makes them weak.
You can’t care about fairness and have a real society. A real society is by necessity exclusionary. It has to be to protect itself. Whites are hardwired to believe they can parse this issue. It is the real reason they tolerate the depredations by nonwhites and their guilt trips.
But as we all know as a matter of personal experience, the very moment you step up and seize power by affixing an elevated rank to one’s own person that is the right of our race, and lay claim to an inheritance and a posterity that does not belong to others, the “Fellahin” out there become a damn sight politer.
This is what annoys me about Nick Griffen. He thinks he has to treat nonwhites as equals. Whenever you are confronted by a nonwhite, all you really need do is exclaim, “What the hell are you doing in my country?” If the respondent tries to reply, quickly shout them down with, “I didn’t give you permission to address me!”
And then resolutely continue to SHOUT THEM DOWN by denying them the right to communicate with you.
That is called “assuming your position” (in the genuine order of things).
#5 by Simmons on 04/29/2010 - 2:33 pm
What isn’t said is the phrase “anti-white” (go ahead try and remember when in respectable discourse you have ever heard that phrase)
Once it breaks into that discourse our day has arrived.
Now preferably it be said in a calm matter of fact voice without any attendant wordism (NONE) and then move on to the next point.
Liberalism is nothing but fad and fashion quickly forgotten more embarrasing than bell bottoms and disco. Being “anti-white” amongst most libkids is that, nothing but fashion, mock them first, threaten them for being “guilty” second, dominate them thirdly.
When our day arrives and after the phrase “anti-white” is used to bait a lefty the speaker will be able to run down the list of Mantra clauses like they were reading it from a note card, and Mommy Prof had better cut the pony tail or grow out her hair and assign themselves to the organic garden.
#6 by Simmons on 04/29/2010 - 2:37 pm
FTR Mommy Prof semi respectable Tom Fleming used the term “anti-white” in his latest screed against his wordist foes.
Now of course in a one on one debate away from his echo chamber he would not use the term “anti-white” to describe any antagonist of his, but I do believe the day is close at hand when it rolls of the lips of the semis and respectables like “beer here” rolls off a ball park salesman’s.