Archive for April, 2010

The Respectable Conservative Lynch Mob Strikes Again

National Review ran a special piece on how researchers had discovered that blacks have bad jobs because of discrimination. It said all the factors had been compared, and the only explanation was that blacks were discriminated against.

It would be interesting to compare black income with that of whites with an average IQ of 80. There are no special programs for THEM, so I would guess that they are doing MUCH worse. But the IQ difference is now taboo, and no one is more fanatical to lynch heretics on this than are respectable conservatives.

The Genome Project is the Only True Faith. It says that there is no difference between races except skin color. If “scientists” will skew information on Global Warning, can you imagine what they release on RACE? It took many years of hard struggle to get rid of the absolute declaration by every Mommy Professor that it was proven that all inherited IQs were same.

As I keep saying, to be a forensic crime lab scientist, you routinely have to do two things: 1) Discern the race of a long-dead corpse even as a witness, and 2) Swear on the stand that race does not exist.

Once again I am saying what everybody knows but no one on our side ever says.

The racist bit is so effective even conservatives are being irritated by it, says the “racist” Tea Party.

But none of them ever asks for a definition of “racist.”

No one THINKS. And they are moral cowards.

Like the IQ heretics, the Genome heretics will take many years to appear. They were not conservatives then and they will not be now. What passes for thought on the right can’t reach that high. I’ve lived through this before, and the “modern science has proven all races are the same” is old stuff to me.

The same violence was used against anyone who said there are innate intelligence differences and National Review attacked contrary information, except for an occasional heretic who got through their screen. Then they fell back on it doesn’t matter because we are all the Christ’s Children, after all.

If it didn‘t matter, why did so many of them demand the lynching of heretics on racial IQ in the first place?

The Bell Curve pretty well shot the last of the equal innate IQ crap, so two lines developed to counter it. One said that IQ was meaningless and the other said that IQ was everything.

National Review said that IQ means nothing. We are all Children or all men are created equal said that IQ didn’t matter and because all humanity is one.

The other line argued that some blacks had enormous IQs so the average meant nothing. Mean regression is one consideration here, and so the fact that the only reason IQ differences are important is that it shows that the races DO differ. Proving IQ differences with nurture taken into account, just confirmed that general point.

IQ differences are a sign of SOMETHING important, but no matter what you prove about them, we do not get the full import of what the difference is.

Now the Wilson Quarterly complains that people are ALLOWED to talk about the racial IQ difference. The Bell Curve could not be published today. William Buckley was the only major American opinionist who endorsed Europe and Canada’s Thought Crime laws.

Even liberals are a bit shamed by those laws, so Buckley got major Respectability Points for saying what they wouldn’t say.

That is what respectable conservatives are FOR.



How Do You Tell When You Stagnate?

In one science fiction book a group was on a planet which had once been a giant advanced society. They were trying to find the reason. They came to a town where a priesthood worshipped the Ancient Gods who had come from the sky, like the Aztecs worshipped the Fair Gods from the Atlantic.

When they found out how to communicate, one of the explorers told the priest he was there to study the collapse of civilization. The priest went deathly pale and said,

“Is civilization about to collapse?”

After all, his was the only “civilization” he had ever known.

A lot of people see some kind of “collapse” as the US slides into the third world. But what we are seeing is the third world moving at an amazing speed toward our own standard of living, but our own standard of living is just sitting there.

Marxism is based on the idea that “the economy” can be built under central direction. So back in the fifties, when hula-hoops became popular, the Soviet planners produced several million of them. They just laid there in a warehouse where they probably still are.

Marxism requires that “the economy” be a fixed thing. It’s silly.

For decades the third world tried to use a socialist model to catch up with the West. They stayed poor. One of the best-kept secrets today is that there is no more starvation and if you look at it in logarithmic terms, the third world is so much richer than it was and growing so fast it’s hard to believe.

All that was holding them back was the economic planning from LSE and Harvard.

If you get into the world economy, you can catch up.; Despite the fact that anybody in the third world with any get up and go and smarts is moving into the white world as their first entrepreneurial act, jobs are being outsourced and the results are staggering.

I am old enough have SEEN the third world. When any Intellectual bothers to look at it, all they do is whine about how someone is working for a quarter an hour. When I saw it, today’s quarter an hour would have been a nickel, and it would have been big money to a starving family.

But once again, information is produced for a reason. No one wants to talk about Africa after Liberation. Nobody wants to talk about the third world except to proved how evil the white man is and how Intellectuals should run the economy.

So stagnation does not come with a bang, but with a whimper.



Superterrorism and Shanty Towns

Eric Hoffer lived through the Depression, and he talked about how THOSE Americans got things done. A boss would hire them and give them a job and they would do it.

They built Shanty Towns and DEFENDED them. The Obedient Generation would NEVER build such a town, and a guy with a piece of paper would order them off of it if they did. That was back when Grandma with a shotgun sat on the porch and waited for the developers to tear her house down.

Grandma lost, but nowadays Grandma wouldn’t BE there.

It is typical that Bella Abzug, who dedicated her career to letting repeat rapists back on the street, founded NOW and started screaming about how repeat rapists were victimizing women. It is typical that Hillary wrote “It Takes A Village to Raise A Child” while she dedicated her life to fighting the whole concept of a village or a group of people who naturally do things together.

Hoffer talked about how routine it was that someone would hire a group of men desperate for work and tell them to go prepare a site. He went there a week later and the site was prepared. He was trying to explain what I am trying to explain.

Americans then didn’t need a Chain of Command. They were descendants of people who went out in the country, drove out the Indians, and built farms and villages. They understood each other without a Sergeant marching them around in step.

They would have driven Hillary crazy.

But a society is not only inclusive it is also exclusive. Get rid of the exclusion and you have to agree on a set of Rules. The lesson of the USSR is never discussed because it tried to organize everything on a set of rules and destroyed  Society. When things got tough, it disappeared in a puff of wind.

To fight the Nazis, they had to violate Lenin’s absolute rule against patriotism and call it The Great Patriotic War. They were also blessed with the fact that the Nazis were idiots. If the Nazis had not come in treating them the way Stalin did, the Wehrmacht wouldn’t have had the fight the Red Army at all in the Ukraine. The Ukrainians would have made their country impenetrable to the Russians, and many of the Russians would have done the same thing.

To survive Stalin had to forget his Wordism and depend on what was left of the Society.

That is the position we are in the case of Superterrorism. America before the Obedient Generation would have resisted and organized itself. Much of the 2009 plan rests on THAT America.

The 2009 plan assumes that unloading tens of millions of shrieking minorities and helpless Yuppie whites into the countryside is the same as it was when we still had prejudices and loyalties, the world before Mommy Professor.

When desperation hits, the Government can’t handle it. Society has to take over.

We don’t have one.



Random Comments on Survival in Superterrorism

When I go to Libertarian meetings, one thing always occurs to me. I look around the room and try to imagine a group of people who would MORE helpless left in an anarchical situation.

Can you imagine trying to hold a piece of ground when everybody there is dedicated entirely to his own interest?

I don’t think Survivalists would survive Superterrorism because they are not a SOCIETY. Hispanics and blacks will hunt down those White F*****rs With the Food.

In the real world, this whole business of Retiring to a Piece of Ground is another diversion from REAL thought.

The government is not good at protecting citizens, but it is GREAT at taking their guns and driving a settled group away from where they are. But all the groups I hear from assume they will be left where they are, armed.

Yea, right.

You have to have he one thing Libertarianism and Survivalism do NOT emphasize. You need a GROUP. Not only that, it must be a SOCIETY. If you have to FORMULATE rules, I believe that they will not work.

You can’t afford minorities in your midst. But you also can’t afford “Christians.” In a lot less crucial situations than this I have seen “Christians” see how tough things are and suddenly find a quote from the Bible that INSPIRES them to do what a Libertarian would do under the same circumstances, switch sides.

If your morality comes out of a book, ANY book, I don’t want you near me when things get desperate.

The same is true of the various white attempts at communities. They end up with a couple of trailers out in the ass end of nowhere. They are not mentally organized enough to formulate an argument for their race’s SURVIVAL, much less hold what they’ve got.

In fact, we have the same old problem here. How can you have discipline when you don’t have mental discipline? Any discussion of Superterrorism collapses the same way our common front collapses on race, where people become fascinated by their own oratory and anxious to pursue any point the other side makes or show how just plain smart they are.

The documentary on the suitcase bomb went off this way. It had a few relevant facts and then went off into what a TRAGEDY it would be, how some number of people would be killed and burned and how hard it would be for the heroes in costumes to reach them.

They even got off on how the Men From the Afghanistan War were available for such a situation. It is sign of the times that they didn’t get onto the Greatest Generation.

Their only reference to the fact that more bombs may be on the way was that there were plans for evacuating cities.

Yea, right, a hundred New Orleanses at once.

They have a Plan. They have a Book.

I feel SO much better.



Superterrorism and Society

The Great Plan for dealing with suitcase a-bombs or biological terrorism includes “plans for evacuating big cities.” It calls for the kind of thing they did during Katrina, but on a titanic scale.

The whole city of Chicago runs and gets together under government orders in centers the government has set up. You have the whole black South Side, all the immigrants, and the rest with you.

No white person will be allowed to take a gun in to defend himself. That will be a major priority. But suitcases will go in.

Would any sane white man go in there?

So what would any sane white person be looking for? He will want a place where he knows the other people, a small group.


A society is a place where you do not need Emergency Broadcasts to tell you how to act. By definition, a society is a group that KNOWS how to act.

The planning leaves out another factor. It may be a suitcase bomb AND biological warfare. The spread for these weapons is ENTIRELY different. Trying to get a Politically Correct population of a million crowded together with a biological attack under way would be impossible even if the whites there were all from The Greatest Generation.

A black population in a non-crisis situation today is routinely ruled by the nastiest f***rs around. In a state of total panic, this is not likely to improve.

When he invaded Britain, Caesar pointed out that the Britons could have won easily if they had broken up and kept up sallies against his forces. Instead, he discovered that they fought Robert E. Lee – George Washington style. The US Army can’t handle Baghdad, a routine occupation.

Try to imagine the situation, a situation where the FIRST explosion has gone off AND the FIRST disease is spreading.

If you saw the movie Red Dawn you will remember that it was taken for granted that Europe would just quit. What was left of the small-town society resisted. That is one reason the low-budget movie was so realistic.

But those who saw the movie didn’t THINK about it.
