Archive for July 1st, 2010

Weapon Words

I will never forget when the term “politically correct” came in. It was WONDERFUL!

It is hard for you to imagine how it was before that lovely term was accidentally adopted by liberals from Marxists. “Oh, God, the same old leftist crap!” or some other saying had none of the impact that wonderful phrase did.

In two words, one was able to cover a century and a half of leftists repeating the Party Line: Political Correctness. God, leftists got tired of it FAST!

On the Internet you saw endless contradictory explanations of where it came from. It always demonstrated that political correctness was the product of the Giant Right Wing Conspiracy. No leftist had ever said it.

To give you an example you can relate to, political correctness was in the same league with the leftist use of the word “racist!”

Weapon words do a job no amount of argument can perform. I would like for some BUGSTERS to notice some of the weapon words developed in BUGS. In our no child left behind society, Mommy Professor is deadly.

“News and jews” is another invention of a BUGS commenter I grabbed like a gold nugget.

Mommy Professor is deadly because it expresses something everybody knows about but can’t express without a lot of words, like political correctness. It stays with anyone who hears it.

“Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White Countries for Everybody” is too long, but it is in the weapon word category.

Multiculture is a weapon word. In one jab, it makes clear that there is nothing multi about this, it is substituting Mommy Professor’s prescribed culture for all the others.

A weapon word is a great discovery. But it must always be a breaking down of the truth. A NEEDED breaking down of the truth. Even racism has a factual basis in slavery, anti-Semitism, colonialism, and so forth.

But as far as I can tell, only here in BUGS have we ever APPRECIATED the genius of weapon words.

Some people tell me there should be some summary of BUGS concepts. I can’t do it. I am horrible at coming up with examples. But some commentators like Dave are careful to repeat our concepts, like temporal provincialism, to keep on topic.

I would appreciate it if you did your best to repeat our weapon words the same way. Let’s use BUGS terminology in BUGS as often as possible.
