Archive for July 2nd, 2010

Wordism and Ted Bundy

War in a society is different from what we are fighting. There is a Geneva Convention-type atmosphere in a regular war in a regular society. Russians who surrendered in WWII starved to death in German camps, not because of the Germans, but, as Solzhenitsyn pointed out, because Stalin disclaimed all POW rights for Soviet soldiers who surrendered.

So Stalin treated German prisoners the way Confederates were treated at Camp Douglas, where a much higher percentage died than Yankees at Andersonville,. There was plenty of food up North, but the prisoners didn’t get it.

General Lee died regretting that he never saw what I am pointing out. Any conditions in war depend on both sides being a part of the same value system. Their loyalty to their side is mitigated by their common loyalty to a common race and culture.

General Lee died bitterly regretting his thinking that the Yankees he was fighting were the Yankees he had been with at West Point. He surrendered honorably, by that code, but he subjected the South to an enemy who denied the whole concept of HIS IDEA of honor.

But the Soviets and the Yankees were Wordists. They had no common ground with other white men, something Lee took for granted. Soviets were Wordists. They had no common ground with anyone who was not of their Faith.

The Founding Fathers were very aware of this difference. To them the Inquisition and the Calvinist burnings of heretics was recent. They watched the Hispanic world become a colored mass whose only concern was religion, not race. In their day the Inquisition was still a reality.

There is a very slippery slope here. Do not get the idea that the person talking to you is anything but an alien if he speaks in terms of “all people.” One who claims loyalty to Humanity is an entirely different animal.

This is a lot like dealing with the millions of actual psychopaths around us. As long as they are hemmed in by a society, they do a better job of acting normal than we do. So General Lee thought he was dealing with other white men who would deal with the people he was surrendering accordingly.

When I was negotiating air deals with Communists, they were a bit comical, drinking straight vodka with bananas and stealing pencils from the negotiating room. But they were the same people who shot anyone who tried to escape the countries they owned and considered torture a routine assignment.

Wordists remind me of Asimov’s definition of robotic thinking, “Logical but not rational.”

This is a warning it will be almost impossible for you to remember when a Wordist “Christian” is simpering at you when it suits his purpose: “Trust me, I’m just like you.”

If a person cannot think, “He is a white person, I’m a white person.” you are not dealing with a person who recognizes any rules at all beyond what you can enforce right now. Something that belongs to everyone belongs to no one. In EXACTLY the same way, someone who belongs to All Mankind is part of NOTHING.

As with a psychopath, the Wordist does what he can get away with at the time. When you are e arguing with him, you think he is just too biased to keep this thinking straight.

His thinking IS straight. His only interest is his Wordism, which is always referred to by its code name, “Loyalty to Humanity.” The good of all mankind is his Word. His ideology or religion. There is nothing else there.

One who has loyalty can stick to the truth. The truth, after all, is something which affects him and those to whom he is loyal. But the person you cannot but think of but as looking like you and talking like you has only one loyalty, loyalty to his Truth.

He is a psychopath. You need to rethink all you normally assume about such people. Or you can make the same mistake a lot of women did about that nice Ted Bundy
