Archive for July 16th, 2010

The “Never Let This be Forgotten” Industry

Comments on my demand that we hit the heirs of anti-whites forever, the way the left chases ex-Klan and Nazi people forever, have concentrated on the justice, aka, revenge aspect.

There is nothing wrong with that, but that is not the whole picture. Revenge is a part of human nature, simply because any social animal that does not revenge itself for its wrongs is unlikely to survive.

Jesus denounced human revenge, but the revenge for sinners that he counted on made the human sort smaller than an electron compared to the sun. If you had faith, justice would be done, or overdone.

I would find it hard to take property away from young people who were themselves dedicated pro-whites. I find it hard to remind people who have seen the genocidal program for what it is that they STILL were dedicated to parts of the worse program in human history.

But there are a lot of things I have had to do I didn’t like. I am not Jesus, and even his “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is very much a part of THIS world.

I have suffered a lifetime standing alone against these people, and revenge is not my motive. But I admit that, as a human being, I would feel better when I have to leave this fight, hanged or committed, if they had to PAY for it.

Having said all this, let me remind you that this program is a PRACTICAL matter. We have seen this method of never forgiving action, and it WORKS. We face it every day, but, as usual, we LEARN nothing from it.

Rounding up people and punishing them for political crimes lasts until the government ceases to be an absolute and open despotism. But having people get rewards for looking up what well-to-do people did that requires fining their offspring will last forever.

Meanwhile, the idea that these people’s actions will be regretted as long as human beings want rewards makes it more worthwhile for US. I want the person who defended genocide of our race to have his words and acts looked up and regretted until the end of time, because this is not a disease that will go away on its own.

I cannot imagine any other method that would do the job.

This is quite a switch from usual thinking in such matters. We always think of the Holocaust as being perpetuated by Jews with a grudge. In the real world there are vanishingly few who lived through the Nazi period.

If someone belittles the Holocaust they do not get a letter from a hundred-year-old man, but from a person who makes his living in some branch of the Holocaust Industry.

That is why nobody ever gets a letter when he ignores the millions who died in Stalin’s War Against the Kulaks. Stalin himself told Roosevelt that that was a more vicious war than the one he almost lost against the Germans!

But there is no Kulak Industry. Both Hitler and Stalin are eclipsed in numbers by the Chinese who starved and were exterminated in things like The Cultural Revolution. But even if that were not exempted by the fact that it was left-wing slaughter rather than a right-wing one, who would bother with it?

There is no Chinese Peasant Industry, either.

The only thing that works is PAYING people to be Professional Never-Forgetters.

For once, let’s use a lesson from actual history that actually WORKED.
