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Another Elephant

Posted by Bob on September 30th, 2010 under Coaching Session

When I was organizing conservatives in college it surprised nobody that the two biggest groups against the left were mutually exclusive.

The Young Americans for Freedom went by the Sharon Statement and allowed huge differences in how it was interpreted. The one thing they required, though, was that one believe in God.

Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged was at the top of the charts then, as it has been recently. They called themselves Objectivists and claimed only one point of view, but their arguments were as furious as any other group’s.

But the one thing that you could NOT do and claim to be an Objectivist was, of course, believe in God.

On the left there are differences of means but not of ends. If you are a Christian Socialist your ends are the same as those advocated by Communism, Social Democracy, and Marxist Anarchism.

The end is “from all according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

The left agrees this end is difficult to the point of near impossibility, but it IS the end of the entire left.

No one was surprised that the fundamental credo of the two anti-leftist groups were exactly opposite. It was taken for granted that the ideal society of the young, Catholic backbaygrouch would be a shrieking nightmare to the Objectivists, and vice-versa.

I have said before that you have to disconnect your Knee Jerk Button when you read BUGS. Whatever else may be said of Randian Objectivists, they are NOT conservatives in any reasonable rendering of the word.

I formed an anti-leftist coalition, and in that time and place any anti-leftist was a conservative, just as in a European country where 99% of the population are either Catholic or Lutheran, all the other denominations are called “sects.”

On campus all opposition to the aims of the left came under one label. The fact that the two main groups were mutually exclusive did nothing to the fact that they were automatically classified together in Mommy Professor’s domain.

This fact, which we never THINK about, is proof that the campus is, indeed, Mommy Professor’s domain.

The left does, indeed have a single aim. Its ideal is “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” A leftist priest and a Marxist have no difference on this goal with an agnostic social democrat.

We accept that anyone who does not accept this goal is classified, without question, in the media and on campus, as a “conservative.”

It is sitting there like an elephant in a living room, the assumption that there is one Direction, one Faith, toward which our society aims, and all opposition to the One Direction has been openly classified as a single Heresy all our lives.

But nobody notices.

  1. #1 by BGLass on 09/30/2010 - 10:07 am

    “…The left does… have a single aim… “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” A leftist priest and a Marxist have no difference on this goal with an agnostic social democrat…”

    Atheism and the God-centered life are exactly the same; preachers preach atheism every day, to be sure, and construe it as a god, using a word called god.

    But the aim, in a way, is not really to distribute according to need, but just for each of the most selfish leftists to be in the Catbird Seat when it comes down, and to be the Head Honcho Mommy Prof who GETS TO DECIDE who says mirror on the wall, who’s the neediest of them all?— (and to step on the money as it passes to the sycophants who sucked up and groveled and debased themselves to Mommy Prof, to constantly prove their horrible neediness, so they could get a buck, or food, and this endless job of deciding who, exactly, is the Neediest of them All is so hard, so difficult, that a fat cut of the check must go to the Mommy Prof who decides.

    I knew a double Ph.d. in both economics and statistics who studied “wages” and who was obsessed with wages among minorities, but due to having all those degrees never once questioned Spending Power, and truly did not seem to understand that a dollar in one country is not the same as a dollar in another. Nor would the Mommy Prof mention it if he knew.

    What no one talks about, imo, is what horrifying beggars this scenario turns average people into— as they must reconfigure themselves (how they think and feel and present themselves to others socially) into THE NEEDIEST OF THEM ALL!

    The Neediest of Them All is the very best thing to be! For that is the only way to a buck, or some food, or to get to be the one who is allowed to have a child and family, biologically!

    So everyone winds up being more victimized, more pathetic, more put-upon, more stupid, more handicapped, uglier, more disabled, more laden with baggage—

    There must be this endless one-up-manship of proofs of personal flaws and neediness, more whining, more groveling, more self-debasement, more cataloguing of the horrible things one has been through and therefore how Deserving one has become through the Suffering!, more PSYCHIATRY to dig deep into the oppression of the spirit and blame it not on Mommy Prof, but on the biological mommy (because in psychiatry the real world outside some infantile world one cannot recall simply does not matter–very conveniently!…

    Because the Needy People get food! They need it!

    And neediness is everything. A worthwhile Cause will be discussed on the nightly news! With a Needy Cause, you can be a Star!

    If you want stuff, you must go on and on about how awful Life is, how hard, how impossible for you…

    There was a guy on NY t.v. who had gotten an essentially free 3-story home (in Manhattan!) for 300K. No joke. He had called the news station to report on some mold in the basement where he had not cleaned! It was a scandal! He needed more money, bc the PTB had given him a faulty home with mold! He was terribly put-upon. No one could have done him a more terrible turn than to thrust this townhouse in Manhattan upon him! He was going to sue! T.v. talking heads were on the scene!

    Nothing can ever be enough—- b/c getting anything relies on PROVING you are in Dire Straits and live in a constant state of neediness. You must be hungry, tired, lonely, stupid, sick, and talk about it a lot!

    Of course, when people really do need anything, they are screwed, as neediness is just a game and has lost all meaning, really.

    Because going on and on about Needing, creating the strong impression of yourself as Needy, is how you eat.

    That is the real job: Looking needy. Or Deciding who gets to be needy. These would –logically– be the only two possible jobs.

    Each according to his ability— really translates into those with ability trying to hide, so they aren’t discovered and therefore have to work themselves into an early grave for absolutely nothing. And each according to his need, translates into everyone going on and on about how Needy they are, needier than everyone else! And then Mommy Prof collecting anything He can get from wherever he can get it, to step on it as he distributes to whatever will be decided to be “Needy” this particular week.

    Ability and need become overused and often meaningless.

    There is a pissing contest of Neediness.

    Rarely do people consider that, if they were not engaged in the Needy Pissing Contest, that their whole internal reality could be different, not comparison and envy-based— that it is strange, perhaps, to have Competition be for who is the Neediest and more incapacitated (for that is how one must feed).

  2. #2 by Dave on 09/30/2010 - 10:11 am

    Take a sheet of safety glass and smash it with a hammer. See the extreme fracturing. That fractured glass is the white race. Look up from the shattered glass and you will see a caisson with the partially clothed corpse of a white man laying on it. His boots have been stolen. Who is it that stole those boots?

    Mommy Professor’s punishment is the she is barred from the reality of the world so she has no notion of real justice. This goes for her students also. And it is natural that she will condemn as heretics all those offering taboos that compete with her own, even though her competitors have nothing in common.

    But the BUGS approach is different because we know that the conflict is about justice, not about taboos and ideology.

    The thief that stole those boots must be found, captured, and made to pay for their shame.

    That’s Mantra thinking.

  3. #3 by shari on 09/30/2010 - 10:21 am

    These two comments go together. If you are NEEDY, you best not be white,to make it work for you. If you are white, you better know how to write those grants and give presentations that are “well received.” Anti-whites can be very self-deceived.

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