Many, many times I have taken on a whole roomful of people on race. Almost invariably someone came up to me and said they were on my side, often someone who had made themselves appear to be with the crowd.
Many of the pro-whites on Stormfront will be on line but would not take the side of someone who was fighting for us in the Opposing Views section which Lord Nelson tells us I helped depopulate.
The pro-whites who did not back us up usually claimed they don’t want to get into all that, or that the pro-white was doing OK without them or whatever else a shirker always says.
But I’ll tell you one area in which those pro-whites are not shirkers. If you point out where we are making progress, they will fight you every inch of the way, until dawn if necessary.
When it comes to arguing All Is Lost, no one has the kind of energy that defeatists on Stormfront have.
I was just informed that “A BUGster who is always on message” — quite a compliment, especially considering the source — had put the Mantra in his Facebook Profile and said, “The message is spreading and we are winning.”
They came down on him like an avalanche. No, not the anti-whites; the crowd that will fight to the death to say that they love our race but All Is Lost. I honestly believe they would take pills and stay up day and night to fight for All Is Lost until the ambulance came and took them away.
When Napoleon came back from his first exile and took Paris, one old British general went to a map and pointed at Waterloo. He said, “This is where he will be defeated.”
A lot of people thought he was a Prophet. He was probably thinking, “I’ve been in this damned war for over twenty years. But they’re astonished I know how it will go.”
I feel the same way, and a lot of you are beginning to. I didn’t spend all those years developing the Mantra and trying it out and then these years with Whitaker Online because I thought all was lost. I was hitting the flint for a spark that would catch, because I knew this spark could not be quenched once it caught a set of proponents like you.
And every inch of the way I battled those who want us to read their moans and groans in huge books and whose only goal was to have others to moan the Inevitable End with them.
First of all, let me say that I have been in this and related political wars for well over half a century. More important, I have WON some. Like the old British general, I an not a Prophet. I am just a bit surprised when someone doesn’t realize that I might have an idea by now of how these things go.
Not that long ago, I was fighting alone for the Mantra and the big voices on our side consisted almost entirely of Militant Defeatists.
You and I get sick to our stomachs when we see what I call “A Jewish Wet Dream,” a very black male with a very blond girl. Every other white and most blacks do, too. It is not uncommon to hear a black say “He’s too black for HER” when a black is out to get a mulatto.
What they are doing is not only wrong, it is sickening, and they have to have everybody agreeing that it is inevitable and you better take your Tums and like it.
Whites are not trying to sneak into brown countries. A black man who gets a white woman would never marry a person who looked like the daughters they will have. He is destroying what he is after. He is evil.
This is what they cannot allow anyone to SAY. It is a house of cards, and the Mantra hits at its base.
But those who sell tomes desperately do not want anyone to see that this is a house of cards. They want it to be something dramatic, an All Powerful Conspiracy of Geniuses only they truly understand.
Others of them are simply depressives, and this world view appeals to them because it is the ideal world of a depressive.
But the bottom line is that the world view they are fighting for is not TRUE. They will fight harder for defeatism than they ever would for our race. And many of them will hate you far more than they hate any anti-white.

#1 by backbaygrouch on 11/13/2010 - 5:45 am
The beleaguered White race has found its Horn Of Jericho in the Mantra.
#2 by Luke A. Speirs II on 11/13/2010 - 7:13 am
No one can escape sound, it permeates everything. The Mantra is a ruthlessly efficient example of the “Seven Hermetic Principles” in action.
Once a White Rabbit is on message, you can’t stop that White Rabbit from bopping political correctness fanatics on the head. Imagine Little Bunny Foo Foo, but bigger, meaner, and taking the moral superiority card. Little Bunny Foo Foo is on the winning team.
#3 by Dave on 11/13/2010 - 9:26 am
It is not noticed in Leftist riots that the mob is rarely genuinely upset.
It is also not noticed that everyday life usually contains virtual riots of emotionally upset people. Perpetually upset hearts and minds are the norm. That is why connoisseurs of pandemonium such as criminals need not seek out riots. If you see people’s hearts and minds, there is pandemonium plenty, which makes people defenseless.
The defeatists on Stormfront are just upset hearts and minds being upset. The real wrong they commit is their defenselessness. The ruthless criminality of Political Correctness has no fear of them.
Robert Whitaker is in the business of minting a different kind of mind. It is the kind of mind that sees our enemies being grabbed by the throat and being held to account. Only calm and accurate minds can accomplish that.
#4 by Lord Nelson on 11/13/2010 - 9:30 am
“which Lord Nelson tells us I helped depopulate.”
Bob. I do hope you do know that, that my words were meant as a compliment 🙂
If you will forgive me a vulgar analogy. ‘White Anti-Whites are like children who keep pissing in their own pants’
No matter what their parents tell them. They will not stop doing it until the first time they get a stinging painful rash, that really hurts! Of course. There is always the danger that I may be allowing my personal contempt of White Anti-Whites to cloud my judgement here?
Apart from all those defeatists. My other pet peeve. Are those Pro-Whites who are forever trying to justify our right to exist. They seam to think that they are Hard Core. When in reallity, they might as well be reading from the Pro-White Genocide Handbook.
Here is an example of what I mean:
1. Imagine that a thief is stealing a car. Now imagine that the owner of the car has no sense of the REAL crime being commited against them. But instead, they just go around telling everyone what a fantastic driver they are. And how the person stealing their car has a drink driving conviction.
2. Would you not think that the victim was either
a/ Retarded ?
b/ Psychologically beaten down to the point that they were mentally broken. And no longer capable of defending themselves ?
Well sadly. That’s how I see those who do nothing but try to justify our right to exist, with endless talk about White inventions, and Black crime stats. I am not saying that their info is incorrect. I am saying that it’s not the, BLOODY POINT!
You will not find the kind ‘Justifying’ I am talking about in Bob’s Mantra. The Mantra comes straight out and calls the Thief, a Thief. This is one reason why I think of the Mantra as kind of a Road Map for Pro-Whites.
If it’s in the Mantra USE IT! If it’s not in the Mantra, AVOID IT!
#5 by James C on 11/13/2010 - 12:04 pm
When I came to the WN movement I began to see the world more clearly, but ALL the leaders and ALL the literature said only one thing – We’re doomed.
I thought Dr. Pierce was the brightest of the bunch, with the most accurate assessment of the situation, so I joined the National Allicane ready to work for Revolution. All I was really asked to do was distribute flyers and recruit for the NA while we sat back and waited for RAHOWA.
Unsurprisingly that went nowhere.
Defeatism and depression seemed like the logical response to inevitable doom.
When I learned about Bob, who he is, what he had done in the past, and more importantly what he IS DOING right now, my whole worldview changed.
The old WN leaders really didn’t know crap about politics other than we weren’t in it and it was dominated by the ALMIGHTY JEW.
Needless to say, Bob knows politics. Bob also knows how to bring down Evil Empires, and that’s what has my attention.
The enemy has what looks like an an impenetrable fortress. All of our slings and arrows bounce harmlessly off its thick walls. Along comes an old vetran of countless sieges, he gives you a simple pickaxe called THE MANTRA. This old man tells you that if you JUST USE this simple tool, you can bring down the enemy’s walls and the rest will be a cleanup operation.
We have the tool, we just need to USE it.
#6 by Genseric on 11/14/2010 - 9:02 am
Having been a member of the aforementioned Stormfront since 2004, I wholeheartedly concur that the vast majority of Pro-Whites have adopted a defeatist mentality. However, the vast majority of SF-ers are still unaware of the MANTRA. That is not to say they will necessarily understand WHAT it is all about until Bob or a BUGster shows them the door. THEN, and only then, is it their choice whether to walk through it or not. If they choose to ignore The Mantra after having been read the riot act, then it is safe to assume they are “Pro-White Genocide.”
On another note,
A highly credible source has informed me that the Mantra has been attacked with, at a bare minimum, a scare tactic. This person informs me that The Mantra has been posted on a certain politics forum of Craig’s List. Subsequently, there was a follow-up posting claiming that the Department of Homeland Scrutiny was monitoring the forums. Soon after, there was a second follow-up posting claiming that the Mantra posting was in violation of quote hate-speech unquote laws. It is my opinion that this borders on a Orwellian Newspeak likeness. FREE SPEECH IS NOT FREE IF IT IS CENSORED WHATSOEVER. The reason I bring this up is so that everyone is aware of WHAT they may encounter as the Mantra gets out there and hits the masses and knocks them on their asses. If certain entities can succeed in getting a toolkit, such as The Mantra, dubbed to be “hate speech,” then we are in for a ride.
So, my question is: “Is there a truly legitimate legal concern when it comes to addressing the issue at hand as “Genocide?” Please accept my mea culpas if this has been covered already.
If there is not a legal concern at all, then I posit that ALL BUGsters make the PLEDGE to inundate the politics forums on Craig’s List with The Mantra. We could start out by doing this once a week and then take it from there. There are a lot of people out there who don’t know what to call the general sense of malaise they are feeling. Let’s help them focus their frustration and all of that potential energy.
#7 by OldBlighty on 11/14/2010 - 10:05 am
General Comments V, would be the place to discuss this, as this page will be seen by less people each day.
>Mantra has been attacked with, at a bare minimum, a scare tactic.
As to the Hate Speech, if the Wiki Entry is correct, they must identify the protected groups, the Mantra targets and that is where their “cunning plan” falls in a heap.
At any rate, it sounds like the Anti-Whites are going into full blown panic mode. So if they do make threats, respond with something like:
“Go on, make us famous!”
Then hit them with the Mantra again.
If the Mantra is banned, that will put it over the top. The funny thing about White people is they want most, what they are not allowed to have.
>PLEDGE to inundate the politics forums on Craig’s List with The Mantra.
Post a link to a Craigslist thread in General Comments V, or one of Bob’s posts and the Pro Whites from BUGS, will stop by for a visit.
#8 by Wandrin on 11/14/2010 - 12:54 pm
“Having been a member of the aforementioned Stormfront since 2004, I wholeheartedly concur that the vast majority of Pro-Whites have adopted a defeatist mentality.”
It’s a shame about Stormfront as all the negative energy counteracts the positives.
They should split it into two sections imo – a free venting section and a productive section and the productive section should have strict moderating rules that deletes anything
– divisive
– defeatist
– demoralizing
– depressing
– anti-white in any way (even if justified)
The aim being to hone an attitude focused entirely on attacking the multicult rather than the circular firing squad stuff which just helps the other side.