Mensa, which is the Yiddish word for the German Menschen, is an organization you have to have a high IQ to enter. You may be familiar with the Nazi word Untermenschen, subhumans.
If a German organization called itself Menschen and limited its membership to high IQs the ADL would go berserk.
One thing that is noted by reporters covering Mensa meetings is that there is a fair sampling of blue collars and non-college grads there. Each of that fair sampling represents a far higher share of the high-IQ population, since very few workers or dropouts KNOW their IQ.
These are people intelligent enough to get through school and who hold responsible jobs, like repairing the subways all those college grads go to work in.
So if they are smart and if they are good workers, why couldn’t they make it in school?
I have told you here repeatedly that, if the University of South Carolina had not been the only institution of higher learning in America that let anybody in who made in the top quarter of the scores on the National College Entrance Exam — the old SAT — I would have been a high school drop out.
My grades were awful in high school. They also had a national test to compare students in high schools around the country as to how much they knew of the subjects they were taking or had taken. I ALWAYS got in the top five percent and often in the top one.
In fact, one teacher said I was quite a help in keeping Columbia High School high in the subject knowledge tests. In the course, she gave me a D.
It was general knowledge in the school that I was at the top of subject knowledge tests.
It never OCCURRED to anybody to be concerned as to why, if I knew the subject, I was making Cs and Ds.
I am not saying that no one could figure it out. I am saying that no one ASKED it.
I think we should label this a Mantra Problem. It goes in with not just understanding, but taking it for granted that no one in the education establishment is at all concerned as to why, if IQ scores were generally known, Mensa might have a majority of members who hold responsible jobs but lost out in the present school system.
A Mantra Problem is one which everybody knows about, everybody takes for granted, everybody may even take a moment to be amused at an example of it, but nobody THINKS about.
#1 by c-bear on 11/14/2010 - 8:53 am
It’s obvious what’s wrong with the school system. I’ve been saying it for years, but nobody WANTS to hear it: I’m young, smart, attractive, athletic, and WHITE. I too aced the tests, but failed miserably in high school. At 16 I had enough. I went down and took the college entrance exam, and aced that too. Theyput me in honors classes after one semester. Iwas doing research on the Bolshevic Revolution and asking toomany questions when everything went to hell. I was harrassed by the negro football players to the point of being pressured to drop out. The liberal faculity chuckled and dismised my claims. I now happily work a blue colar job. Its better that way, plus, I can reach more people.
#2 by BGLass on 11/14/2010 - 9:08 am
We used to put books inside the books they gave us, so it looked as if we were reading a “textbook,” but inside the smaller, often paperback book, was open to something more challenging. Some kids dropped out the very day they became legally eligible.
At some point, tons of “student counselors,” got jobs in the schools, and they started harping on white kids “not living up to potential.” Why wouldn’t the smart kids “apply themselves,” when “it was America and they could do anything,” and had a “bright future ahead of them.” That was the student counselor language. All the student counselors were sort of like very jewish Sean Hannities (berating on the one hand, and ragging on Horatio Alger routines on the other).
Why the smartest kids saw NO FUTURE at all was definitely never looked at. Especially in the girls who’d wanted to be wives and mothers, but who BECAUSE THEY TESTED AS SMART, had to be most siphoned off, to work 24-7, not to mention a full half year, just to pay taxes for non-white anchor babies and so on. A lot of those super smart girls just became drug addicts or drank a lot or met bad fates in fits of voiceless anger.
The more disciplined kids also skipped school and stayed home to read more challenging books, sadly without instruction, and wound up self-taught. One effect was the groups of adults visible now who skipped school to study what they liked (by themselves), and in that way, wound up with lots of knowledge in some areas, but real gaps in others.
Given Mr. Whitaker’s age, seems like it’s been exactly this way at least since the second ww.
At first, it was like a bunch of kids being penalized due to catering to a few minorities, (b/c 50 years ago, there really weren’t that many in the schools.) Everybody thought that would seem unfair. So THEN, to correct the situation (b/c that would seem unfair), many more minorities were brought in (to make it fair). So… now, if the whole school is minorities, THEN the whites aren’t being “penalized,” b/c there are fewer whites. If the whites are a minority, they cannot be penalized, b/c the majority rules (if it is not a white majority).
Considered that way: It’s just anti-white.
#3 by Genseric on 11/14/2010 - 9:41 am
My uncle is/was a member of Mensa. His IQ was in the area of 148. I say “the area of” because it has been almost thirty years since he was accepted. To my knowledge, he never took one college-level course and barely graduated from high school. After having honorably served in the United States Army, he worked for Siemens and lived in Deutschland for many years. It is safe to say that he is of superior intellect. In fact, I cannot recall having encountered a more intelligent person who can speak on so many different subjects. Science, Philosophy. Politics, Math, the economy, current affairs, sports, you name it. That is, until I became acquainted with the works of the great Robert W. Whitaker. While I do not KNOW you, I do think it is safe to say that you would undoubtedly be a member, Dr. Whitaker.
The Flynn effect actually proves IQ increases over time, as much as three points per decade. So, Bob, you are most likely off-the-charts smart. =)
#4 by Dave on 11/14/2010 - 11:09 am
Intelligent people know that being intelligent is a requirement of life, not an elective, a mental attitude vastly more important than any credential, license, or title. This is marked contrast to practitioners of philosophy and the sorcery of their demand of loyalty to words and to words alone, which indicts so much of academia and the media.
No one exposes the atavistic character of Political Correctness and the cowardly cult behavior behind it more effectively than Robert Whitaker. And the more of us that see it, the more us are sighted.
It is this SEEING that secures our racial interests.
#5 by AFKANNow on 11/14/2010 - 5:28 pm
An issue worth addressing, as always, is Mr. H. Avenger’s profound insight concerning the formation and maintainance of the Consensus Trance.
An important element of this is the Progressive practice of remving the ends of the Bell Curve – dumbing down the best, nominbally enhancing the rest, which is matched by the 24/7 propaganda system working in one direction so far as our Race is concerned, and that is DOWN.
An important, overlooked element is not so much “intelligence” per se, but the removal of the potential Warrior Caste – the high McClelland n-ach types – preferably in the womb.
Between constant referrals to athetically superior athletes – from Cassis Clay to the “comeback” of sub-mediocre QB Michael Vick – we see the continued castration of our men, pretty much from birth onward.
What does this have to do with MENSA, and White Genocide?
The smartest guy that has been demotivated to do anything is ineffective, in the broadest meaning of the term, and of no value whatseover.
Almost like it was planned that way.
Remember the Korean guy who shpt up the students at Virginia Tech?
Did you notice those studnets were all “hiding” in their classrooms – trapped in a cave, if you will – and were furiousoly dialing 911?
Contrast them with the students who ealt with the Texas Tower sniper of forty years ago – the other (MASCULINE) students went after him, with .357s.
Fory years of mass indoctrination fulfilled its purpose.
#6 by James C on 11/15/2010 - 12:53 pm
Imagine how much Political Correctness has hampered the development of society, purely from a utilitarian point of view.
Every blue collar MENSA member, every bright white person who fails to properly conform or give the appropriate lip-service to the state-religion, every creative mind that ends up languishing in a life of pointless busy work, paper shuffling, and time consuming menial labor; EVERY ONE one is a net loss for society.
What innovations have not been unleashed because their creators have been too exhausted at the end of the day to develop their ideas?
How much of an incredible burden on society is it for the productive taxpayers to support millions of overpaid, affirmative action cases who produce exactly nothing?
How many useless parasites, drawing fat government or business salaries live off the sweat of ONE single producer? How many MORE live off the innovations of one genius?
Compared to the cost of trying to socially engineer “equality” on the backs of fewer and fewer productive members of society, the budgets of the Pentagon and our perpetual wars for Democracy seems like a bargain.
#7 by Alan B on 12/08/2010 - 11:24 pm
Old Bob excelled on the National College Entrance Exam — the old SAT and other national tests yet, Bob recieved poor grades in High School and nobody asked why.
Old Bob applyed himself when it really mattered, he knew that these national tests were his ticket into college. Bob, would you have dropped out of highschool if you could have gone straight to college?
Nobody asked Bob how he aced the SAT’s while his grades in school sucked because the Public School system is an institution that equates student success with grades, public funding with grades and teacher performance with grades. Bobs SAT’s did not benefit the High School so they could care less, like Old Bob.