There was a very interesting comment which discussed “busses,” meaning people on whom other people depend. For example, a small business owner is a bus on which all his workers and his family ride.
They pay their fare, but the ride can’t take place without the “bus.”
There is a lot of talk about “precious resources,” which usually means semi-retarded kids society is supposed to dump money on so they can “be all that they can be.”
But a society that concentrates on a kinder and gentler conservatism or such like is to that extent taking its mind off its buses. In Asia the society concentrated entirely on fawning over old men who sat around and said Wise Stuff while children passed out with hunger all around them.
The Wisdom Busses of China were broken down, and the society had lots of Wisdom and stagnation.
America has had a zero growth rate for going on two generations for the first time in our history. As Asia starved and talked about Wisdom, America has stagnated and talked about Social Progress.
We have long since discovered that the Social Progress we derived from our ideas of Nature, a society without the class distinctions and territoriality caused only by man’s unnatural acts, is in fact the opposite of actual nature.
In fact, China threw out its Ancient Wisdom for Marxism, which is based precisely on the idea that all class distinctions and property and territoriality is artificial. Now China has found that that was as bad a Wisdom and is trading it in for capitalism and Social Progress.
In other words, as I suspect it has done for three thousand years, the Orient is adopting whatever it gets from Aryans.
China, by the way, is not even all that ancient. White India developed aquatic rice, the kind China is based on, and Aryan India developed the gurus, suspiciously like Chinese Wise Men, after the truly early Aryan invasions.
I’ve never seen any of this, especially the relationship of White India to China, discussed anywhere else.
But history’s bus always seems to comfort those “Scythians” or that series of “Northern invasions,” now called eastern invasion, that kept coming in the Middle East.
So who can be called the bus of history?
The Middle East?
Or those people nobody can trace who keep coming into history and causing its next stage?

#1 by BGLass on 11/15/2010 - 8:14 am
So who can be called the bus of history?
Doesn’t belong here, but recalled this nice statement from a site about picts.
‘We, the most distant dwellers upon the earth, the last of the free, have been shielded…by our remoteness and by the obscurity which has shrouded our name…Beyond us lies no nation, nothing but waves and rocks’—
The above words by the Pictish chief Calgacus are recorded by the Roman enemy in the words of Tacitus and are a perfect example of the obscurity and legendary status held by the Picts …2,000 years ago.”
Recorded by somebody who knew somebody who may have talked to somebody who knew somebody, and so on, lol.
#2 by Dave on 11/15/2010 - 10:13 am
Somebody explained oriental despotism to me this way:” If a Chinese hotelier is having a problem with his lobby staff putting their hands in their pockets, instead of issuing new uniforms without pockets, he will sew their hands to the inseams of their trousers and skirts.”
This is Political Correctness. It is obsessed with modifying people to meet the requirements of things, instead of modifying things to meet the requirements of people. It is obsessed with bullying.
This is what is behind Political Correctness and its demand for loyalty to words and words alone. It is nothing but the lust of bullies for applying force to make those around them comply with their whims. The words are simply an artifice to veil bullying.
Political Correctness is manically obsessed with force and the use of force. Our people get lost the very moment they focus on words. The words of Political Correctness mean nothing. Its ideals and stated aims mean nothing. Any set of words and stated aims will do, just as long as it furthers our destruction. The issue of Political Correctness has nothing to do its words, ideology, and utopian aims. It has everything to do with bullying and its vandalism and destructive pleasures.
Bullies are manically obsessed with force. All stagnant societies are bully system societies. There is no nonwhite society that is not a bully system society. The browner the skin, the more it is dominated by the bully system.
However, all white societies today have deteriorated into stagnant bully system societies and the unfortunate domineering veil today is the genocide of white people.
For example, our courts have become blatant. Not only is there no concern for justice, there is a maniacal and blatant obsession with the prevention of justice in favor of raw power for the sake of raw power. The aim of the destruction of white exclusivity provides fertile soil for the judges’ pleasures as bullies.
What is the first thing you encounter when you enter any public building and especially building containing courtrooms? A uniformed officer and a metal detector and the demand that you perform the humiliating task of partially stripping yourself and submitting to personal search. This is of course done on a “nondiscriminatory basis” except that the judge himself or herself is never searched and humiliated in this fashion.
How blatant can you get? The judicial bullies kick your ass and make you kneel before you even get in the door.
Then every procedure that calls itself judicial is deliberately designed to celebrate the raw power of the judge to do anything he or she wants without restraint at your expense and at your humiliation. Every procedure right down to the minutest details is designed to prevent even one instance of justice from occurring while the judge and his or her pals reap considerable personal monetary profit at your expense all the while pleasuring themselves by kicking you around any way they want to kick you around. That is a courtroom today in white societies.
I cannot imagine somebody so stupid as to expect justice in a contemporary courtroom.
And so it goes with every institution throughout our society. They have all deteriorated into nothing but raw power and bullying.
Every political and economic issue is motivated by the desire for raw power and bullying and nothing else. That is why the Tea Party is such a travesty. All these respectable conservatives are no different than the race traitor liberals they denounce. The whole political establishment is in agreement right and left: they are all manically obsessed with kicking people around and making them comply for the sake of force and raw power. Everything else is just a veil and a cover. Vandalizing the racial interests of white people is such a juicy veil for bullying. The Tea Partiers go into bacchanalian joy at the thought of using the doctrine of racial equality for their particular pet projects aimed at bullying people.
It is all about the pleasures of force and raw power and making people bow and kneel.
If you listen to words, you are not getting what is going on at all. For bullies, any words will do. Any plausible lie will do. There is no real political debate. Just bullying and raw power pure and simple.
#3 by shari on 11/15/2010 - 10:41 pm
The bus of history is us, no matter if we feel like it or think so. Any ordinary, white man or woman carries a long line of something special and should hold on to that. There might not any longer be Picts, but their qualities are still here.