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Posted by Bob on November 16th, 2010 under Bob, Coaching Session

Irony is funny because it is true. It is also cruel because it is true. But as Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, a name only BBG will probably recognize, once said, “Man is the only animal who laughs. Man is also the only animal who knows he will die.”

One of the strains of writing for BUGS is that I will start on one subject, then realize that where I am going is somewhere else. A change of direction means a complete rethought and a complete rewrite. This actually involves several rewrites.

In other words, most of the WORK here comes from a change of direction. When I put this in plain English to myself the simple answer as to why BUGS is harder than writing for money becomes a piece of irony:

“When I wrote for money I wasn’t GOING anywhere.”

When I wrote for money the route was laid out. I was writing in terms a certain public would understand and in the language of the person who had hired me. In short, I already knew what to say, and I knew exactly what the style would be.

I got paid because, as with the Populist Forum, all I wanted to do was truly represent the person I was writing for and put it in terms the people I as writing to would understand.

Another irony is that it was easy because what people would understand was so limited. So my books, even the ones in my own name, were dedicated to getting across just enough new ideas, which were very old ideas to me, so my particular public would understand and to give examples they would recognize.

To be perfectly frank, when you were limited to those subjects there was little danger of me.

BUGS readers are an entirely different matter. I can talk about Wordism and a dozen other concepts that would require full explanation to others. I do not have to devote my writing to explaining these basics.

I can GO somewhere. I can be writing here and suddenly remember that I don’t have to go through the old explanations and deal with the “DUHH!!” bit.

Within the old bounds, it was easy for me to do what seemed near superhuman to some.

When the heat was on and a congressman needed a speech fast, he would bypass his own staff and call me on the Committee. I had explained the same things, with a little twist to spice up the speech so many times I could do it on an entirely new subject at, literally, record speed.

In fact, I could do that on entirely new subjects. It was a technique.

I wasn’t GOING anywhere. The tracks were easy to see. If I got off the track nobody would understand what I was talking about.

But talking about something that is new to ME is a whole different ball game. I am not just explaining something I have had years to think over. But when I connect different concepts together for the first time here and come to conclusions I hadn’t considered before, it’s a different thing altogether.

I do more mental WORK for you than I did for anybody who paid me.

It is new kind of freedom. And like any new kind of freedom it has elements of strain.

  1. #1 by Dave on 11/16/2010 - 10:46 am

    BUGS is instruction in siegecraft, the art of breaking sieges.

    How do you convey to people that the method of war that has lead to the mass nonwhite invasion of white lands and that attempts to spread division and undermine natural feelings of racial loyalty among whites is as old as war itself?

    There is nothing that is happening to us white people that have not happened to other races and peoples a thousand times over through history. As vicious and evil as Political Correctness is, Political Correctness is an ordinary method of war, and war routinely seeks genocide.

    The aim of eliminating entire peoples and races is common. It has been going on since the beginning of time, yet our people seem incredulous that this is actually happening to them. And incredulousness and denial is to be expected in these kinds of attacks which are usually very lengthy involving multi-generations.

    It has been normal throughout history that entire peoples suffer under corrupt and treasonous regimes, regimes that serve foreign interests and carry out warfare secretly against their own people on behalf of racially different foreigners. Our regimes’ attempt at multiculturalism is no different that what has happened countless times before. Foreign powers use a traitorous regime to attack and destroy their own people under the auspices of a foreign hegemony that is denied and rationalized by the domestic traitors.

    Who can honestly say that the governments of all the formerly Anglo Saxon countries are not in full scale treason against our own people? All of us whites with any intelligence know that our own governments are making war on us and want to destroy us. They are transparently eager to serve anything foreign and nonwhite. Our governments’ hatred of us is blatant and palpable.

    The Robert Whitaker’s of this world are absolutely necessary. Somebody has to organize resistance to the war of genocide being carried out against us. We have to resist.

    The students of BUGS are being trained to be specialists in spreading knowledge aimed at breaking the siege against us. The siege we are under is in a very advanced state. This war has been going on a long time and is going to last a long time for many generations into the future. BUGS is seeding resistance to the genocide against us. It is resistance that must occur.

  2. #2 by Wandrin on 11/16/2010 - 4:17 pm

    Pace yourself. Every day may count.

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