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BUGS is a Tiny Corner of Sanity

Posted by Bob on November 18th, 2010 under Coaching Session

BUGS is not only a refuge of sanity on race.

For every word we exchange on the practical causes and sources of warped thinking in our society, there are literally a million words out there about the Pure Evil and the Evil Geniuses who put society in wrong directions.

This is true in our movement but it is even more massive out of it. The left is one gigantic Conspiracy Theory about how the Military and the Rich and the Religious Fanatics conspire to dominate the minds of people and keep the intellectuals, Mommy Professors, from guiding things as they should go.

“Christians” and Social Progressives are united in their battle against Mad Scientists. Mad Scientists want to use embryos that should properly be thrown away to find out how to make the crippled walk and the blind see. The Prince of Wales is waging a battle to prevent nanotechnology from being developed being it could be put to bad uses.

The environmentalist left is desperately fighting to end the advance of Fusion energy, just as they ended the advance of nuclear power.

I observe this, but I don’t see a Giant Conspiracy. The simple fact is that the Prince of Wales can OPPOSE science without knowing any of it. For every real technical degree given out there are a score of social science or education or religious “experts” credentialed.

There are a few hundred thousand doctors and three million lawyers. So every scientific advance, or for that matter every medical procedure, will have twenty professionals trying to stop or criticizing it for every person who is DOING it.

More important, there is only one tiny publication which will state this fact.

  1. #1 by James C on 11/18/2010 - 9:16 am

    The theories of Grand Conspiracies and Evil Geniuses are alot like the theory of Intelligent Design.

    Thinking that toxic ideologies and tragic historical events must be the design of all-powerful supervillans is the same as the belief that complex lifeforms can only be the handiwork of an all-powerful mastermind with magical powers.

    The fact that it’s complex and it’s HERE is seen as proof of the magic-wielding mastermind’s existence. The possibility that it’s here because it EVOLVED, and that, in one way or another it works, is dismissed.

    Everything that doesn’t work eventually gets fazed out. Either a dumb idea gets fazed out by the people who hold it, or the people get fazed out because they won’t dump their dumb idea. Either way there’s no fighting Nature; She always wins.

  2. #2 by Luke A. Speirs II on 11/18/2010 - 9:48 am

    There are a few hundred thousand doctors and three million lawyers. So every scientific advance, or for that matter every medical procedure, will have twenty professionals trying to stop or criticizing it for every person who is DOING it.

    The “TESLA FACTOR”: You have this Aryan so far ahead of the meat puppets, that the meat puppets won’t truly understand the concept until a century has passed. Then they all agree it is true, and it was always obviously true.

  3. #3 by Dave on 11/18/2010 - 10:05 am

    The belief in hidden forces which is nothing but animistic thinking is so deeply hardwired into the world it takes fairly heroic effort to overcome it and it has been mostly white people that have had any success.

    This kind of thinking is natural. There are two aspects to people, homo sapiens and primates. Homo sapiens are immortal and descend in the form of culture. Home sapiens are known to believe anything and are easily tricked. Primates die. Primates must be realistic to survive. Primates mostly act on instinct and without thinking. Fear is a big part of the life of primates.

    Political Correctness hates primates because they insist on being racial. Primates refuse to ignore race. The major aim of Political Correctness is to build up homo sapiens at the expense of primates and to make war on primates. For example, primates being obsessed with actual racial biological descent refuse to be anything but mortified and disgusted at the hideous attempt of Political Correctness to legitimize make sexual perversity through the ruse of “homosexuality”.

    Homo sapiens are deeply into magic and magical practices. That is why so much of so-called “science” is bad and poorly conceived. Ninety-nine percent of “research” is pure crap. There are very few people who know how to do actual science. It takes a truly superior intellect to do real science. That is why your life is in peril whenever you walk into a doctor’s office.

    Your typical doctor fancies himself a keen observer with superior interpretive abilities. He is nothing of the kind. There are too many IQ points between the reality of his mind and what is required. And it really is IQ. An off the charts IQ is required for good science and that is why there is so little of it, the frauds of academia notwithstanding.

    And BUGS is a tiny corner of sanity. This is a place of accurate observation.

  4. #4 by shari on 11/18/2010 - 4:48 pm

    Somebody can always say something that many or most people can’t argue with, because they don’t know enough about it. The area of “sanity” would nessessarily be narrow, or a tiny corner.

  5. #5 by AmeriXan Moses on 11/19/2010 - 10:42 am

    I was having a difficult time dealing with the ‘political correctness’ practiced around me until I started reading BUGS and using the Mantra.

    The politically correct say ‘all the races are the same and equal’. Observation and common sense says otherwise.

    Thanks to Dave when wrote “Political Correctness hates primates because they insist on being racial. Primates refuse to ignore race”. Primates are racial and refuse to be ‘politically correct’. Primates are ‘Racially Correct’.

    Dave’s point about primates is expandable to ‘racial correctness’ animals, as well.

    Wild animals are ‘racially correct’. Ever see a white dove mating with a blackbird? Cats running with packs of dogs. An African lion mating with a hyena?

    Racism as “racial correctness” is a thought worth pondering.

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