Archive for December 14th, 2010
Six Million Denial and the Broken Record Strategy
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 12/14/2010
I just did a piece on why the fall of the USSR is directly related to the application of Soviet Law to Hate Speech in Europe. That makes me sure that a one week suspension of that law would bring down the Myth of the Six Million.
And it IS a Myth of six million, not denial. No one doubts that a Nazi regime is less than healthy for Jews. None of the people in prison for Holocaust Denial, or lawyers in prison for defending Holocaust Deniers, have denied that Nazis killed Jews. It is the law that one cannot deny that they personally gassed or shot at least six million Jews that gets you in prison.
Hence I propose that we start referring, not to Holocaust Denial, but to Six Million Denial. The Red Cross, which was everywhere else if not in the camps themselves, would be banned and the writers arrested who put out the on-the-spot report on the camps in 1948.
Some BUGSER needs to get an copy that report before it goes missing. BoardAd has a list of places to find it. Have any of the folks who are thrilling to the International Genius Conspiracy bothered to reproduce it on the web?
I think America is the only country on earth where you would not be arrested under international Soviet Law for reproducing it. Has anyone done that?
That report exists in other countries, in the records, but it won’t soon.
Right now we shouldn’t let people get us onto the Holocaust or slavery. In my thousands of conversations, I got back on message by repeating off the topic by saying, “Historically everything that government has sent people to jail for questioning has had something horribly wrong with it.”
I have had endless numbers of people try to get back on Mommy Professor‘s dialogue. But you know that is my specialty. No matter what they say I just repeat, “If you can’t allow people to do discuss it, something is wrong with the story.”
A Mantra Thinker is a broken record until you get back onto HIS subject.
You remember the scene in Jaws I when everyone was babbling and the old sailor dragged his fingernails across the blackboard to get everyone’s attention?
Try to imagine being at a party, no matter how drunk everybody is, and the record is stuck. You hear “Jingle Bells, Ji,” “Jingle Bells, “Ji..” As long as anybody is still conscious, somebody is going to get that record out of that groove.
I remember repeating the same thing eighteen times because in that instance I said “For the eighteenth time…” But I know I have done it a lot more than eighteen times. Once again, like the application of Inquisition and Soviet Law to the Holocaust, many Americans say “Something is WRONG with any proposition that has to be protected by law.”
“I don’t KNOW what is wrong with it. I just know that something is wrong with any proposition that requires you to arrest people who DISCUSS it.”
Nobody can ignore a broken record while he is conscious.
But whatever else you say, leave in the broken record part:
“I don’t KNOW what is wrong with it. I just know that something is wrong with proposition that requires you to arrest people who DISCUSS it. All I know is that something is always wrong with a proposition that requires you to arrest people who DISCUSS it.
“Sure the government says it might cause trouble. They always say that. All I know is that something is always wrong with a proposition that requires you to arrest people who DISCUSS it.”
They start saying you are repeating yourself, that it isn’t proof to just repeat something. So I say, “Oh, yes, I repeat that something is wrong with a proposition that requires you to arrest people who DISCUSS it.”
“Yes, every time they jail people who DISCUSS a proposition, something is wrong with that proposition. And they ALWAYS say they are just jailing them because they are offending people.”
Staying on Message Squared. Everybody listening has gotten your point.
Everybody listening has gotten your point.
And for a Mantra Thinker, THAT is winning the argument.
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