Many people still look at religions by quoting their texts. Since each religious institution, like each country, is the product of its PEOPLE, this Wordism leaves them stuck in Never-Never Land and unlikely ever to leave it.
The old Judaism grew up in the Middle East. It was one of the very few of the thousands of smaller religions that survived the competition as society became larger.
In the time of Herodotus all of the Middle East was part of Persian Empire. He traveled on the Persian Roads in the same way that historians tell us that European travelers went on Roman Roads.
To Herodotus, in fact, as to our own historians, the Middle East was the wellspring of everything. Herodotus devoted his studies to proving that Greek gods were derived from the Egyptian ones. In fact, in that way he sounds so much like a modern historian that it sounds as familiar as it is absurd.
Herodotus spent his lifetime desperately trying to hammer the Aryan Greek Pantheon into the totally alien Egyptian Pantheon, just as historians now try to hammer the progress of Europe into something called the Renaissance, which seriously tries to say that everything we do came from Ancient Books.
What we actually got from this Renaissance crap was things like a capitol and “classical” monuments that any Roman or Greek would have laughed himself to tears about. Our history looks as ridiculous as our architecture when we try to insist that Calculus had its origins in Roman Numerals.
In the Persian Empire religions took on the look of Zoroastrianism. Jews were not monotheistic until they became part of the Persian Empire:
“No other gods BEFORE ME” as any literate person notes by now.
Zoroastrianism is by far the oldest monotheistic faith, and was The Only True Faith. But, like Judaism, it was limited to a select people: Aryans Only. There were probably a hundred sizable Only True Faiths that grew up like Judaism limited to ITS Chosen People.
Today all Jehovans are desperate to forget Zoroastrianism ever existed. As I said in “Silence IS Consent,” that is the method institutions use rather than disputing their rivals. Once established, they burn the records and make up their own history.
#1 by Epiphany on 01/22/2011 - 7:47 am
The whole idea of Monotheism now seems rather Totalitarian. There are three Totalitarian Religions these days: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
#2 by backbaygrouch on 01/22/2011 - 8:22 am
John Derbyshire has a piece in takimag yesterday illustrating an example of dogma trumping reality in today’s USA.
Money Quote: “One of BGI’s [Beijing Genomics Institute} programs is studying the genetic basis for IQ’s heritability, variously estimated by researchers at between 40 and 80 percent. Prevailing dogma in the US, however, insists the correct number is zero percent, so that no such work could be done here, certainly not on billion-dollar soft loans from the feds.”
Untold billions will be shoveled to the teachers unions to prove that the races are equal something for which there is no evidence whatsoever.
#3 by Dave on 01/22/2011 - 10:19 am
Anybody who has grown up around black people knows how easy they are to get along with. Europeans don’t understand white Americans, particularly white Southerners who have lived their lives around black people. When you know blacks, it is easy to be comfortable around them.
I have never met a black person who I would characterize as having a complex personality. This is true even of the mulattos like Barack Obama. Even the blacks that are full of hatred and resentment are easily mollified. Blacks are pretty much what I call WYSIWYG people. What you see is what you get and they are by nature simple, straightforward, and friendly.
But anyone who knows black people knows that they are mouthy. And when you move into the political realm with black people, words are everything. Blacks are soooo comfortable with words and it matters not one wit to them what is actually true, it is words that matter. To blacks words are true and they don’t even think about what is actually real and don’t care.
Barack Obama is so transparent. He is so easy to understand. In all of American history Americans have never had such an easy and simple to understand personality in the White House. Like all blacks Barack Obama loves words and he is absolutely sincere that what he says means it is true because he says it. Barack Obama loves to talk and he really believes what he says is true. He talks about economic development and job creation and has no problem keeping a straight face. A white person could never pull it off in the present circumstances, but for a black person like Barack Obama, no problem. He is actually sincere and he is not troubled in the least that there is no connection between what he says and reality. One more he doesn’t even think about it.
This is black people. Barack Obama represents them perfectly.
It is also historians. “History” by necessity is storytelling. The whole cloth of it is made up in a tapestry of stories. Whenever I walk past a graveyard I say to myself, “History lay there, just as dead as the people inside the coffins, buried there right along with the corpses.”
The past is gone folks! All that remains is a story and like black people in general, Mommy Professor likes to make it up. Why not? She gets paid handsomely for doing so and all the elaborate storytelling is fun to boot.
But we whites have an obligation never to be stupid as to believe these stories. ANY OF THEM.
#4 by shari on 01/22/2011 - 10:51 am
Monotheism is taken out of context. Made to seem that is ALL there is. Christianity got worked on, from the beginning.
Christian wordism has to go. But nothing that is simply true will die. This is what the Alabama govenor got backwards.
#5 by BGLass on 01/22/2011 - 11:48 am
That analysis of Barack is worth everything written about him to date. Wish I had the conviction about never believing words.
The connection between them and reality always confuses me. They’re always in a relation and that relation is always part of what’s going. Sometimes regular people cut through them saying, “let’s get real.” That means “who are we really and what do we want, and we’ll go from there.”
In war, they talk about remnants of populations, and the threads of their wordisms that can be used forever to energize or de-energize, usually for some future war. Also, they can take on a life of their own. Like if a communist educated “Jew” decides which books will be available on kindle in some publishing house on his way to an anti-censorship meeting, or whatever. You can’t “unpack” the various word groups that led to a moment like that and people never make any sense.
It would be nice if we could allow ourselves to exist without the endless justifications, but it doesn’t seem we ever have done so. If so, there would not be a record of all the justifications, (history), so maybe that’s what we did in “pre-history.” OTOH, more likely, a really intensive book burning went on, and then “history” began, just like now.
In school, (for becoming teachers) we always had to do the “position paper.” This was to justify our existence. To– “legitimate our position.” This carried a strong message (unknown to teachers on a level) that someone unknown apparently felt we had absolutely no right to exist in the first place. Jobs depended on “justifying” ourselves.
Jesus said you know a tree by its fruits. He could have said, know them by whichever story they are –usually unconsciously– asking you to articulate yourself in. Through which word group are they mostly understanding you?
Sometimes, thoughts like that seem far from the life force, like stupid exhausted academic thinking, and there’s envy for those who pick a narrow word group and make big bucks on that. OTOH, sometimes it seems enlivening, like you got somewhat closer to life beyond a bunch of words, and reality should be worth something, somehow.
The strongest thing I can say is that I really like my extended kinship group, as psycho as they are.
#6 by Epiphany on 01/22/2011 - 12:16 pm
Most of our History has been lost to us. Once there was a World Wide Civilization called Atlantis.
#7 by shari on 01/22/2011 - 12:26 pm
Why is my comment awaiting moderation?
#8 by BGLass on 01/22/2011 - 1:20 pm
Many feel something is wrong, but cannot understand that some religions not only do not “respect” them, but in such a religion, the practitioners KNOW there is no possibility of ANY god for any of the others at all, not ever, not really.
The god spoke to them, only to them, and is in communion (covenant) with them, and only them, and that god who only loves them, and only talks to them, is the only god and if they aren’t doing well, it is because god is bettering them, and if they do well, god loves them only.
YOU exist outside god, altogether, outside any god at all, anytime you are around them. No one ever says it, but you can feel it. This indoctrination of their own permeates everything. The atmosphere of it is “elite,” rarified air, you may be “in the club,” basking in tossed off light, but it’s not the club as you understand it, but a club in which the inner circle cannot even conceive what the others are, on a level.
Like, a “leader” on t.v. yesterday at some blowup at an airport, gesturing vaguely and saying, “Idk, they’re just violent.” It’s always that weird mob out there. A vague sense of your own luckiness if they let you in. And yet they “respect,” others. What could “respect” even mean in judaism or zoroastrian? It can’t mean what it means to the others—as they “respect” in a mindset where no one else can never have any god.
The representation of yourself always exists as some “weirdness,” or “funkiness,” some “home video,” or strange grinning faces in Fargo, just some funky thing out there.
So, respect can’t enter into it. There is one god. He spoke only to me. The mob has a silly spinoff from my religion. We give them that. We’re really nice people. Conversion is difficult– the throwing off of any capacity of what most call human.
In jewish voices in college, a few would go on about how “They gave Christians a religion.” There was nothing before them. The Christianities were kind of weird and sort of like giving the Queen’s powder puff to a maid who doesn’t know what it is or anything about it and then laughing and making a home movie of her when she powders a table.
It says, “God Himself simply did not want you.” You are not a part of the order of the universe. There is one god. He spoke only to me. He only wants a relationship with me. He just didn’t want the other ones.
If only they could have lived up to it. One meets them and thinks– how on earth could such a person make such claims for themselves. And yet they do.
#9 by Epiphany on 01/22/2011 - 3:15 pm
What I personally do not believe is that the Jews ever cared about the Blacks. They may have claimed to, merely as a divide and conquer strategy against the gentiles. But, I doubt it was ever really heartfelt. No, I even suspect that the Jews owned most of the Slave Ships, which, brought Blacks to the North American Continent all those years ago. I am sure that Jewish people secretly hate Blacks, with all of their heart and soul. Also, some of the worst slave masters were Jewish, rather than White Gentile.
#10 by Epiphany on 01/22/2011 - 3:39 pm
The whole claim of the Jews, in America, rests on their contention that they, somehow, cared about the plight of Blacks. This, of course, is one of the most weird lies to ever come out of their mouths. Eventually, the hypocrisy of it must be exposed forever.
#11 by Epiphany on 01/22/2011 - 3:43 pm
I am sure that the whole canard, of Jews caring about Blacks, will eventually be exposed forever as the lie that it truly is.
Feminism, like Communism, was merely another divide and conquer tactic invented by Jews to divide the Gentiles against each other, in their sick little game. I often wonder why others do not see what is actually happening these days? It is not like they make too much of a secret about it, either.
Well, eventually people will come to the realization that most of what they refer to as History is Bunk. I think that Henry Ford said something about that, as well.
I am glad that we can begin to wake up and realize what is actually happening to us, here and now. It took me years to figure the whole game, but now I have. I will eventually be able to look back and see how wonderful it really all was.