Archive for January 31st, 2011
Demanding Free Speech is the High Ground
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 01/31/2011
In General Comments (link at top of this page) one pro-white pointed out that one attack consisted of what pro-whites on SF are always saying: It’s too late to save the white race.
The commentator was too wise to fall into that trap.
This “too late” business is a prophet only tactic they have against the Mantra: getting off the subject. Look at the Mantra. What is says is that white genocide is a legitimate topic of discussion on what is a legitimate subject of concern to white people.
The Mantra points out that this would be a natural topic of concern for BLACK people under the same conditions. Like amateurs in Stormfront, anti-whites want to go straight into the hopelessness of it all, which shows why the SFers are amateurs: They make the anti-whites’ points FOR them.
Kicking into your own goal is a great way to lose.
The answer to this is, as I say, IN the Mantra. This is a legitimate concern of white people. What is the first thing an intelligent human being does when faced with a legitimate problem?
Anti-whites use this “hopeless” business to SUPPRESS any DISCUSSION of a legitimate problem. We refuse to get into solutions — like the Final Solution to the White Problem they are pushing under the euphemism “race” problem — until we are allowed to DISCUSS our legitimate concern.
Right now we are saying we should not be called racists to gag us from talking about white genocide.
Another GC 5 pro-white quoted a anti-white as saying we were just whining. He said we are complaining because WE don’t have enough children. This is the same mistake Lord Nelson was falling into and immediately got out of as soon as I called him on it:
This is not just immigration and “being overwhelmed by numbers,” it is the fact that any time someone presses intermarriage as a “solution” he has in mind that one of the partners is white. “Assimilation” is being pressed as a Final Solution to the WHITE Problem, not the “race” problem.
Keep YOUR objective in mind. Those who attack us are NEVER doing it to DISCUSS white genocide, they are ALWAYS demanding that all discussion of it be SUPPRESSED.
Our goal now is to argue that we have a right to discuss this without being yelled at or arrested. We deserve the same public forum freedom of speech allows anyone. It is the thugs attacking and screaming down our spokesmen that freedom of speech is designed to stop.

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