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Is Loyalty a Sin?

Posted by Bob on February 10th, 2011 under Coaching Session

I pointed out that while every human being had always dealt with gravity, Isaac Newton did the Mantra Thinking and THOUGHT about gravity. I pointed out that every successful businessman back to Neanderthal practiced supply and demand, but Adam Smith went Mantra and THOUGHT about it.

I have talked about how no one ever fails to join in a discussion of “Is Eastern Europe READY for immigration?” but nobody ever THINKS about it. Why should Eastern Europe be ready for immigration and not much richer countries like Japan or Taiwan?

The Mantra THINKS about that and points out “Eastern Europe is White.”

We all learn about the Medieval struggle between Church and State and, like early men with gravity or traders with supply and demand, we didn’t THINK about it. We know why that struggle happened, just a men always knew about gravity and supply and demand.

It never occurs to us WHY we know.

The answer is simple: Church and State were two institutions competing for the same resources.

Backbaygrouch was a bit grouchy when I insisted that the Catholic Church was anti-white. But unlike others, he caught on immediately when I pointed out that ALL institutions are anti-white. All institutions compete for a limited resource:

Our loyalty.

We have watched Stormfront having a knock-down-drag-out fight about whether a person can be pro-white without being a Christian. We are wearily aware of all the people who want to destroy the white race because they are loyal to respectability.

The Reformed Church in South Africa switched sides on apartheid, just as Bob Jones IV did on the Confederate flag. Did either of them honestly believe that GOD had changed his mind on these issues at just the right time?

Rome declared Joan of Arc a saint after World War II. She had gone out and, in the Name of God, killed the English invaders, who were then also Catholic, for the sake of her King and country.

But the Catholic Archbishop of New Orleans excommunicated lifelong loyal Catholics who publicly opposed integration.

If you are to understand Christ, you have to view the institutions that claim His name as institutions, just as you must understand that the men who speak for religion are just men.

We all know that, but while we would say we know it, we don’t THINK about it.

Christ did. In fact the quotes we have from Christ himself show a deep, penetrating acceptance of human nature:

“Not all who call me Lord, Lord, will be saved.”

Not all who called him Lord would be right.

Each real church considers that it represents the true Christ. God knows what the rulers of the mainline Protestant churches believe, if anything.

But churches consist of mere humans and as no one has considered enough, each one is an institution which has survived in competition with every other institution. Realizing this evolution of institutions is every bit as important as understanding the nature of humans in general.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 02/10/2011 - 6:50 am

    October last Pope Benedict stated, “States have the right to regulate migration flows and to defend their own frontiers, always guaranteeing the respect due to the dignity of each and every human person. Immigrants, moreover, have the duty to integrate into the host Country, respecting its laws and its national identity.“

    This does not contradict the universal mission of the Church. It is a variation on “Render unto Caesar.” Yet it is an important movement away from applying universalism inherent in the spiritual sphere to the political one that has been absent from the discourse since WWII..

    A cynic would note that this fits in nicely with a concern about the growth of Islam in the Christian heartland rather than a loyalty to the White race. But the two interests do dovetail on the issue of immigration. My enemy’s enemy is my ally.

    It will take a while to turn the entire Roman Catholic hierarchy around. The tide is turning. Now lets get the Prods moving.

    Aside. Can WordPress tell you how many hits the Mantra gets by country? If so, what are the numbers for the Vatican?

  2. #2 by shari on 02/10/2011 - 11:17 am

    If loyalty is a sin, I would like to quote a bit of Old Testament that seems appropriate. It’s the last verse of Malachi. ” He shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse. “

  3. #3 by BGLass on 02/10/2011 - 12:02 pm

    “… it is an important movement away from applying universalism inherent in the spiritual sphere to the political one that has been absent from the discourse since WWII..”

    That’s helpful way of stating. Many around me use non-whites to prove their holier-than-thou spirituality. With Catholics, the pope’s statements help & most I talk to reference Vatican II, not WWII, but even if they won’t talk about race, reversals from up top have effect.

    American prods in mainstream seem affected a little differently, more fearful, motivated by just stopping attacks on themselves, and it’s bound with many other self-identifications s/a being colonists, killing indians, having german blood as many do, having family in confederacy, being berated by pple s/a glen beck who goes on about their “horrible manifest destiny,” etc. (As opposed to a doctrine that allowed them to settle land everyone else so enjoys now, which could be said, instead).

    So, the religion-race thing is bound up with the attack on their whole ethnicity/history. If they say they love blacks, indians, jews, whatever— it might make attacks finally stop—and that’s all they care about, being left alone.

    Only Shelby Steele thinks there’s “white guilt” (guilt would be what one would feel if one bought the entire t.v. show history). Fear is the emotion in the prods, the desire to make attacks stop, and not just on their race, but everything about them.

    B/c more de-centralized, non-authoritarian religiously, etc., so the individuals feel sold out in isolation and leave churches, etc., never admitting why, voting with feet while non-white-missions continue to be main product of sell-out pastors. Prod seminary websites are page after page of the lone blonde girl surrounded by africans. A person coming from outer space would think god knows what.

    –yes, An outer space alien would think prod is a Religion made up of Blonde girls whose Doctrine is to save blacks and asians. 3 lines from scripture can be construed to sort of seemingly support this, and therefore it is their whole cult now.

    Such seminary websites say it all. A reminder of de-centralized past, non-institutional and anti-authority roots— are helpful in introducing mantra to individuals, but mainline does not seem to even notice anything happening. The energy is in CI, home church, etc., those furthest from, or reactive to, mainliners who define their “church” AS having two masters and serving, not God, but non-whites.

    It’s most moral to be one’s real self, obviously, and true to one’s real (god-given) nature, and to the natural feelings for one’s extended kinship group, etc— than to base one’s life in propaganda, lies, manipulations, as lies just breed lies. And yet, they keep pumping out these seminary websites. No neo-Luther ambitious seminarian seems on the horizon yet to straighten them out.

  4. #4 by BGLass on 02/10/2011 - 12:05 pm

    maybe that’s a vid. Just screen shots of the website pages and then the question: what cult is this? what “religion?” and mantra.

  5. #5 by JasonW on 02/10/2011 - 1:34 pm

    “Only Shelby Steele thinks there’s “white guilt” (guilt would be what one would feel if one bought the entire t.v. show history). Fear is the emotion in the prods, the desire to make attacks stop, and not just on their race, but everything about them.”

    Steel links his notion of “white guilt” with the notion that the diverse white American peoples have no right to organize. He’s very explicit about that, but he’s unwilling to discuss either point in public debate.

    He made a prediction in early 2008 that Obama could never be elected president, and he has offered no mea culpa for that error since.

    Some of his rhetoric is undigested bits that possibly are pillow-fed to him by his wife who is of a different religion and ethnicity than he is. We have learned in cases like Steele’s to look at the spouse to reconstruct the writer’s real meaning.

    He occupies a prize niche at Stanford University as a senior fellow in the Hoover Institution just up the road from San Jose.

    His role is, however, that of an all-knowing guru who dishes out his brand of wisdom without considering alternative interpretations.

  6. #6 by Gator61 on 02/10/2011 - 8:36 pm

    Hey video makers. I think this text would be an excellent text with just a few edits.

    I’ve made the edits that I think it needs for a youtube audience.

    I’ve removed where Bob says “I’ve said before” The people we are trying to reach on Youtube haven’t heard Bob before.

    I’ve also changed BBG to a catholic friend. People on Youtube wouldn’t have any idea who BBG was.

    I also removed the word Mantra thought. I believe that it may be confusing to people outside of BUGS. They may think it is some Indian religion.

    I think we have to keep in mind the people viewing these videos and what their background knowledge and connotations are.

    Anyway here is what I think would be an excellent script for a video.

    Every human being had always dealt with gravity, Isaac Newton THOUGHT about gravity. Every successful businessman back to Neanderthal practiced supply and demand, but Adam Smith went Mantra and THOUGHT about it.
    No one ever fails to join in a discussion of “Is Eastern Europe READY for immigration?” but nobody ever THINKS about it. Why should Eastern Europe be ready for immigration and not much richer countries like Japan or Taiwan?
    We need to THINK about that and point out “Eastern Europe is White.”
    We all learn about the Medieval struggle between Church and State and, like early men with gravity or traders with supply and demand, we didn’t THINK about it. We know why that struggle happened, just a men always knew about gravity and supply and demand.
    It never occurs to us WHY we know.
    The answer is simple: Church and State were two institutions competing for the same resources.
    A Catholic friend was a bit grouchy when I insisted that the Catholic Church was anti-white. But unlike others, he caught on immediately when I pointed out that ALL institutions are anti-white. All institutions compete for a limited resource:
    Our loyalty.
    We are wearily aware of all the people who want to destroy the white race because they are loyal to respectability.
    The Reformed Church in South Africa switched sides on apartheid, just as Bob Jones IV did on the Confederate flag. Did either of them honestly believe that GOD had changed his mind on these issues at just the right time?
    Rome declared Joan of Arc a saint after World War II. She had gone out and, in the Name of God, killed the English invaders, who were then also Catholic, for the sake of her King and country.
    But the Catholic Archbishop of New Orleans excommunicated lifelong loyal Catholics who publicly opposed integration.
    If you are to understand Christ, you have to view the institutions that claim His name as institutions, just as you must understand that the men who speak for religion are just men.
    We all know that, but while we would say we know it, we don’t THINK about it.
    Christ did. In fact the quotes we have from Christ himself show a deep, penetrating acceptance of human nature:
    “Not all who call me Lord, Lord, will be saved.”
    Not all who called him Lord would be right.
    Each real church considers that it represents the true Christ. God knows what the rulers of the mainline Protestant churches believe, if anything.
    But churches consist of mere humans and as no one has considered enough, each one is an institution which has survived in competition with every other institution. Realizing this evolution of institutions is every bit as important as understanding the nature of humans in general.

  7. #7 by BGLass on 02/11/2011 - 11:24 am

    Maybe vid could be called “Understanding Christ” —which could bring in much more audience? And maybe not read in southern voice since, although I love it, others identify that as evil, sadly. it is a great writing, and hooks me, and fosters real unity, also.

  8. #8 by Genseric on 02/12/2011 - 9:35 am

    “Don’t make me ‘Go Mantra’ on your ass!”

    I can’t wait until the phrase “The Mantra” has been so ingrained into the European lexicon that people start saying things like, “Don’t make me ‘go Mantra’ on your ass!” when someone says something anti-White.

    It’s going to happen.

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