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To Pro-Whites, ALL Institutions are Alien

Posted by Bob on February 15th, 2011 under Coaching Session

The article “It’s Ugly!” pointed out that the product of a Jewish Wet Dream, a blond woman and a black man, was just plain ugly. The answer is that this doesn’t matter, that a kinky-haired, blue eyed black having to go through life looking like that means nothing.

All that matters is that, at the time of copulation, the Jewish Wet Dream couple was “in love.”

If you can take that crap seriously, that being ugly is nothing compared to the emotions of two people at one moment in time, one of us is a very sick puppy indeed.

A lady commenter said that blacks were mean to the blonds they marry. A chorus of commenters said that was not the point, so I was spared the trouble.

This is the problem with a real seminar. It is one reason they no longer exist. In a seminar, the young graduate students are deadly serious. Everybody really catches hell from time to time, so the young lady just ran into something all of us have to catch from time to time because we are serious.

It beats hell out of what they now call a seminar, which is young graduate students learning what they are supposed to say and vomiting it back. It is a continuation of grammar school, as is Middle School, high school, and college.

Mommy Professor’s “education” is one long grammar school.

If our lady commentator thinks about it, it is a hell of a lot better to catch hell at rare intervals rather than sitting there for hours listening to the grammar school Political Correctness drill year after year after year after year after year after year..

The point here is that the destruction of our race is more important than how a female race-traitor is treated or Love Conquers All.

In the more general context what the other commenters were saying was what we all said when Stormfront got into a debate about whether one could be pro-white and not be a practicing Christian:

“Why in the hell does one have to be loyal to an institution to fight for his race?”

On this front we have had some hot words about Catholic and Protestant behavior.

I use churches as the prime example of independent institutions, which doesn’t get mentioned in any classroom. Our race is being destroyed in the name of institutions.

It is VERY important to get the pro-white position on this straight: Loyalty to ANY institution is anti-white.

It is impossible for any person raised in society NOT to have feelings for some institutions. Even me. When someone says something nasty about the South, my back goes up like an infuriated cat’s. When Catholicism is just plain insulted, Backbaygrouch reacts as someone who has stood for that sort of thing for decades would be expected to.

I know more bad things about the South than any of its detractors. BBG knows more dirt on his church than outsiders do. But it is still a touchy point with us.

It always will be. But we all have greed and all the other Deadly Sins, too.

What we have done here is to take this loyalty to institutions out and see it is no longer moral when our race is literally being obliterated. That is the ONLY MORAL consideration.

The fight going on about a commenter’s sayings about Catholics and Protestants will not be settled by me or anybody else making some soothing remarks to soothe the feelings expressed.

The ONLY thing we must remember is that we are in a graduate seminar. We have outgrown our college education whether we had one or not. If a commenter makes statements that he or she feels are relevant, they are going to sound like insults to some institution.

But. Unlike today’s so-called seminars, this is a real one. It is up to the commenter to keep insults down. It is up to the other commenter to not let the whole thing go off in a defense of any institutions.

In short, it is a matter for grown-ups not Mommy Professor’s lifetime children being nice to each other. A real professor, now a vanished breed, would use this occasion to point out the real point of the real discussion: We must grow out of our loyalty to institutions.

  1. #1 by Epiphany on 02/15/2011 - 6:28 am

    Well, anyhow, I wonder why anyone would hate the White Race, so much, that they would want us to be bred out of existence?

  2. #2 by backbaygrouch on 02/15/2011 - 7:11 am

    That institutions are not at one with our cause does not mean that they are opposed or cannot be recruited. It is necessary to exploit them whenever possible. Bishops have sung many different tunes over the centuries. Tomorrow they will sound different. The high politics we are concerned with does not conflict with the Church’s core any more than it agrees with it.

    Entanglements of necessity drag institutions into other areas. The trick is to get them entwined with ours. Our race’s greatest triumphs over adversity are when the race has been coupled with independent allies. Tours, Lepanto, the gates of Vienna, the shipyards of Gdansk. We will not win alone. We are too few though in victory we will remain alone.

    Today Pat Buchanan’s column traces a tectonic shift among the political elites of our mother continent. He traces the now respectability of acknowledging the utter disaster of multiculturalism through Merkel of Germany, Cameron of the United Kingdom, Sarkozy of France and Aznar of Spain. In the time of the Internet leaping the Pond does not take weeks.

    Money Quote:
    “They wish to live their faith and their culture in our countries, to live alongside us but to dwell apart…. The real questions: Whose idea was it to bring these people in?”

    He gives a nod of credit to a book published last year in Germany by Thilo Sarrazin. But the author was punished and stripped of his position at the Bundesbank. Why are his ideas now respectable? A few days ago I pointed out that last October Pope Benedict gave the green light to defending Western culture, a working equivalency of the White race,

    At the risk of insulting all here, but we may be on a path to respectability. They are catching up to us. The statements being made are tentative but promising. They are not spouting the Mantra – yet. But the wind is blowing that way.

  3. #3 by OldBlighty on 02/15/2011 - 8:06 am

    “That institutions are not at one with our cause does not mean that they are opposed or cannot be recruited.”

    I have come to the opinion, that all we need to understand about the power of institutions, is the need of their constituents to earn a living.

    If we can find a way for them to make money from being pro white survival, most would change their tune very quickly.

    “He traces the now respectability of acknowledging the utter disaster of multiculturalism through Merkel of Germany, Cameron of the United Kingdom, Sarkozy of France and Aznar of Spain. ”

    If they weren’t all then proceeding to talk about greater racial integration, I would see it as a good sign.

    So I don’t see this a sign of respectability yet. I see it as a sign of fear from the regime. They will move to the right, to take support from the far right and then move back to left of center.

    Fortunately the Mantra will not let them get away with it this time.

  4. #4 by BGLass on 02/15/2011 - 10:31 am

    Loyalty to ANY institution is anti-white.

    It is impossible for any person raised in society NOT to have feelings for some institutions…What we have done here is to take this loyalty to institutions out and see it is no longer moral when our race is literally being obliterated. That is the ONLY MORAL consideration…”

    Yes, anti-white program permeated ALL institutions and, through each, replicates itself. “Anti-white” grafted onto different institutions in different ways, which offer different opportunities to introduce a solution: genocide is not as moral as you’ve been taught to think it is.

  5. #5 by shari on 02/15/2011 - 1:39 pm

    I think that what gave us joy, pride, a sense of belonging, in our instiutions, has been laid very low, with only a kernal of truth hidden there. Apparently, this happens to us, at times, because we forget that We, Our, Us, comes before institutions.

    I’m thinking that when we regain our right sense, that we will rebuild institutions. Healthy, pro-white ones. These in time could fail too, but I think they will be in good health for sometime, since the “red hippo” won’t be roaming free.

  6. #6 by backbaygrouch on 02/15/2011 - 4:45 pm

    Old Blighty.

    “If they weren’t all then proceeding to talk about greater racial integration, I would see it as a good sign.
    So I don’t see this a sign of respectability yet. I see it as a sign of fear from the regime.”

    Spot on. They are in retreat for the first time since before WWII. This is a major shift. Expect them to fall back to every defensive position imaginable. But they are in retreat. This is new. It is not a done deal. We must redouble efforts and persist. No compromise. When one domino falls, slog forward to the next.

    First the myth of multiculturalism explodes, then the myth of assimilation must be mined. And it will not be the last myth.

  7. #7 by Epiphany on 02/15/2011 - 8:51 pm

    You should check out the SSPX, and Bishop Richard Williamson. He seems to be our best hope, within the Roman Catholic Church! He is an interesting ally.

  8. #8 by PakehaRabbit14 on 02/16/2011 - 4:05 am

    Me a white rabbit, You a white rabbit.

    If they are pro-white thats all that matters the details can be left to after we stop the onging program of genocide.

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