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If You Are a “Professional.” Why Don’t You KNOW?

Posted by Bob on March 22nd, 2011 under Coaching Session

As revolt goes on in the Middle East, Professional Journalists are asked about the rebels. The question of whether the US should support the rebels would be influenced by what the rebels themselves stand for.

I guess I am going to be the only one to bring up a major point about this. Professional Journalists are asked about opinion among those rebelling. In every case, they simply say “I don’t know.”

But everybody is supposed to realize who the Professional Journalists are.

When Patty Hearst was kidnapped, the Professional Journalists were playing touch football on the lawn of the Hearst Mansion, while a non-Professional went out and found out where she was and who the black group was that had kidnapped her.

As usual, a Professional is one who is credentialed by other Professionals. They don’t have to produce a damned thing.

No one is going to ask a Professional Journalist, “Well, why DON’T you know, or at least how do you plan to find out?” It never occurs to the public to wonder about that.

Intelligence is the same way. An admiral who ran the CIA effectively ended all on-the ground information gathering, the sort of thing I dealt with elsewhere, so when 9/11 came along, people were finally jolted out of their sleep by the fact the CIA had no moles, no inside people , no NOTHING.

The point was that the man was an admiral and therefore a Professional.

We just went through a period when approved Financial Professionals were handling the banking system, and the banking system exploded in our faces.

One again, the Financial Professionals we not required to show anything but that they were approved by other Financial Professionals. Someone who hired a Financial Professional to handle his investments got the same average returns as someone who did it himself, minus the Professionals’ commissions.

Tens of billions of dollars went to Professionals inbuilt huge buildings and put the Professionals in penthouses, and they did not produce one single net dime. Then there were Professionals who rose into handling the whole financial system. The result was the same as turning the banking system over to Joe Blow, except that nobody would let Joe Blow get away with it.

  1. #1 by JasonW on 03/22/2011 - 6:42 am

    Professional journalists are not journalists for the most part. In fact professional journalists have become our shamans, people with a megaphone and a deep commitment to the dominant narrative that has been imposed on us all.

    We still frequently think they do research and report fairly, but their real duties are to educate, chide, shun, and celebrate those among us who cling closest to the dominant narrative.

    There are many ways around this, but in discussing anything with a reporter nowadays it is important to remember that they are shamans, magical interpreters of the signs, signals, and speech you present according to how those things match the requirements of the dominant narrative.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 03/22/2011 - 7:43 am

    “…but in discussing anything with a reporter nowadays it is important to remember that they are shamans, magical interpreters of the signs, signals, and speech you present according to how those things match the requirements of the dominant narrative….”

    at least it’s amusing when O’Reilly has on that lady who reads body signals. It’s like high priests in the old days chatting about interpreting entrails of birds. Look how he leans forward! Look how he nods!

  3. #3 by Dave on 03/22/2011 - 10:47 am

    There are very fundamental reasons for things.

    Often, natural abilities trump everything else because most people are tremendously unfocused.

    I can’t stand urban art galleries because they are full of crap turned out by unfortunates saddled with college degrees in “fine arts”.

    You are supposed to ignore that fact that most of these “artists” have never even advanced beyond novice skills and are not even able to visualize genuine journeymen level standards.

    Here is the problem Mommy Professor ignores: (1) It is rare, exceedingly rare, to find even a journeymen level Mommy Professor in any art school anywhere; (2) You have to be apprenticed AS A YOUNG CHILD. With few exceptions the skills required are too difficult to acquire if you haven’t started the process young; (3) There are very few masters anywhere, sometimes none.

    Now generalize this problem to all fields and you begin to get the picture.

    Simmons hit the nail on the head when he exposes the very essence of Political Correctness in that you are supposed to ignore the fact of human nature.

    Human nature means PRETENDING. That is the world of professional credentials. It is costuming oneself with splendid feathered hats. It is also that idiotic Marine walking down the street festooned with tattoos or that 75 IQ black mutt who thinks his 9mm Glock makes him authentic.

    It is that young kid conned into paying Mommy Professor real money for her nonsense.

    Government is chock full of people receiving splendid pay who don’t know how to do anything and who have no talents.

    These facts are why tuned up people like we here at BUGS are so dangerous. We are not part of this picture. Robert Whitaker is certainly not part of this picture. He is one of the rare masters so difficult to find.

  4. #4 by James C on 03/22/2011 - 9:23 pm

    You can always tell the Official Position by the opinions and “analysis” of the professionals on tv.

    If they don’t have an opinion on an issue, it’s because they haven’t been issued one yet.

  5. #5 by Epiphany on 03/23/2011 - 4:23 am

    Just do not watch television, and tell all you know not to.

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