Surely there are some among our thousands who think that Bob came up with all this stuff from sheer genius, like the gods who sprang straight from the head of Jupiter.
My poor Ego, which has suffered one constant beating since I was born the fifth of five children seventy years ago, begs me to tell those who have the idea that I am some of demigod to PLEASE keep on thinking so, and not to read this article. The poor thing has taken a lot of beatings, back to my older siblings and a football coach who used to yell out, when I did something stupid AGAIN, “Feel around you, Whitaker, maybe you’re still in bed!”
Then there was Washington, DC.
Nonetheless, I just came up with an idea for the Mantra that one would think would have occurred to a Mantra Thinker, not just The Great Genius Himself, long ago.
In discussion, the problem is to change the focus of the discussion from “I have no problem with a black man marrying a white woman” to the whole world view of which that is a part.
Now that we have a critical mass of people to try it out, may I suggest you TRY, “That is a very provincial point of view.”
Now the last thing on earth someone repeating this Politically Correct crap ever considers is that he is being Provincial. That is his main point of pride against us, that WE are a bunch of hillbilly throwbacks. You might get some shocked silence from calling them that in which you can explain, rather than ram in, the Mantra.
In some cases, you may get deep interest, since no one has ever heard an anti-white called “provincial” before, and the rest of what you say may be interesting.
I am wondering whether I should go ahead and anticipate how different the discipline may be for you not to allow them to get off the point when you use this sneak punch on them. Reading Comments VI I am often reminded that some of you have become better at this toe-to-toe and snout-to-snout battle than I am.
After all, you have done what the Mantra normally avoids. You have introduced another subject besides “ALL white countries and ONLY white countries” into your attack. They could try to switch the debate to the definition of “sophisticated.”
But I doubt it. These people have NEVER had ANYBODY argue against them, so they are usually too stunned to deal with the stated Mantra. But the problem is that a whole different world view is hard to get time to STATE.
If a regular opponent — which you shouldn’t have unless your debates give you an audience — does come up with this, you can lightly disavow the claim to sophistication and say that is a point of view larger than just an individual country or an individual marriage. But if some of you actually TRY this, you will develop your battle formation better than you will by taking ANYBODY’S untried theoretical talk — even that of Bob Hisself — as your guide.
This is the first time I have developed a possibly very important strategy and had the luxury of leaving it to YOU to try out. I want reports on it from YOU in action, not you in theory.
It seems to me that, when a group is talking and someone gives some version of “multicultural” talk or the standard line on they do not mind interracial marriage, someone who simply said, “That is a very provincial point of view,” might often get a complete silence and interest that will give him the chance to hit them with some more, instead of trying to jam the whole Mantra in at one go.
When George Wallace was running for president in 1968, the proud Governor of Alabama got a ten thousand dollar check from John Wayne. It came with a very short note:
“Sic ’em, George!”
So I am proud to present this far overdue strategy to you with the words:
“Sic ’em, BUGS!”
#1 by dungeoneer on 03/28/2011 - 6:44 am
I`ve actually seen British anti-whites use the American hillbilly tag for us British pro-whites before LOL.
This will be fun,experimenting on our captive lab rats.
#2 by OldBlighty on 03/28/2011 - 8:15 am
I have a friend who when he talks to these rubes, likes to say, I have a television as well. I know what I am supposed to think.
I’ve asked them directly if they are stupid, after pointing out the illogic of their last talking point. But suggesting, they are narrow minded and uneducated? lol
It is what they have been doing to us for decades. It is passive aggressive. It suggests they can improve with application. And best of all, most will not notice the attack, while it affects them on a deeper level.
I like it. It is certainly worth trying out.
#3 by BGLass on 03/28/2011 - 8:23 am
They say ‘no man is an island,’ but Manhattan is–and you can walk the whole area in an hour, since the place is only about two miles across. Many Americans, including “hillbilly throwbacks” both have and grew up in bigger back yards than that whole town. So, that’s the world the “pundits” live in, lol. Less than the usual person’s backyard. Amazing no visitor to their studios on t.v. points this out.
Isn’t it better just to say it?— Like, when a person says “I’m not against a white marrying a black,” –to put it where it really is, and say That’s not the real point, are you serious? We’re talking about larger issues, how this whole things is USED, politically, by whom, for what end, and so on, the underlying assumptions of the point of view and who generated them.
Anti-whites seem more to have “pinkie-ring sophistication”— like they’re in somebody else’s more formal parlor, trying to drink from a teacup for the first time, the parody of drinking tea with a pinkie extended.
Real sophistication is actually knowing about different groups, their cultures, how they think, operate, maneuver, and so on.
That’s what sophistication IS, (the real definition).
Repeating Trotsky memes from a billion years ago, and even worse–memes intentionally devised for proles, to play on their egos, so they can feel like a somebody, is not sophisticated, obviously.
It really doesn’t get more provincial.
A friend used to say in reference to liberals: “Indians are people, too.” Then laugh wildly.
B/c that seems the level of their headset. They really DON’T KNOW Indians are people, too. They think “supremacists” really don’t understand “indians are people too” and so anti-whites are trying to tell them–Indians are human!
Meantime—some so-called supremacists are actually reading history, thinking, and seem to know full well that other groups are groups, and so on.
Pinkie-ring sophistication goes on about Indians are people, too— never realizing other people figured that out by the age of five, and they really expose themselves as provincial and superficial.
#4 by BGLass on 03/28/2011 - 8:29 am
It might be kindest to just quietly pull them aside, so as not embarrass them further, when they go on, and say, “Careful, you run the risk of exposing that you really don’t know anything about practical politics and the larger world.” It’s just kind of xenophobic, and I know you don’t want to come off that way.
Or…can just ask directly if they’re a trotskyite. When they don’t know what you’re talking about, you can point out they are repeating something generated out of leftist social science—which is fine if it’s intentional, but if it’s just a provincial mistake, then they might want to know about it.
#5 by dungeoneer on 03/28/2011 - 9:29 am
We have a bite from the anti-whites:
Hey Soylent,tell us why you think “anti-racism” is “sophisticated” and “worldly-wise” when most of the world laughs at your hair-brained “race does`nt exist”BS?
dungeoncrawler55 42 minutes ago
@dungeoncrawler55 When did I ever say any of this?
SuperSoylent2 10 minutes ago
#6 by Peter Whiterabbit on 03/28/2011 - 9:37 am
Provincial isn’t a commonly used word. In fact I didn’t know what it meant when Bob wrote about it years ago. This shows how sophisticated I am. I have used “inbred” and “hick” to describe professors and their stoolies while speaking to pro-whites. On a few occasions, it changed the prowhite’s outlook on professors. They were giving them far too much credit. When they heard “hick” and I went into a little detail, it was an ah-hah moment was eye-opening for them.
#7 by Frank on 03/29/2011 - 10:12 pm
Good point Peter. I’ve used “provincial” in related discourse before and got glazed eye response: many don’t know what it means.
Here’s another word: “Hillbillies”. I live near a University which is on a hill above town. I think “Hillbillies” will be a great term to spread here, and elsewhere if you live in a similar situation.
I’m breaking Bob’s Rule here and commenting w/o actually doing battle with “Provincial” yet, but do think that we could use similar words that sort of shock them into realizing someone has told them they were dumb, but politely. The idea seems to be to create a stall and a clearing for mantra insertion. It seems like Bob’s idea is to get the enemy to INVITE you into their space so you can hammer them. I like that! Will be back soon with field recon report.
#8 by OldBlighty on 03/29/2011 - 10:33 pm
It may not work so well face to face, depending on your audience. If they are ordinary people, maybe not. University students studying Humanities, should be hit between the eyes.
On the internet, it will send them scurrying for the online dictionary. Them having to do so, will compound the fact that they are provincial
At any rate, these are just thought experiments. I will definitely be trying it out.
#9 by Simmons on 03/28/2011 - 9:52 am
Let me run my mouth for a second. IMO most of the people we call libs (white gentiles only here) are what I call, “gentle souls.” But they are kept in line by the minders of the cults, for ex; that goof cockney coughlin a screaming psychopath is a minder. Not everyone spewing the line is like that nutter.
Just how sophisticated is genocide?
#10 by seriouswon on 03/28/2011 - 7:48 pm
Being anti-White is SO 1990s.
#11 by Cleric Preston on 03/28/2011 - 9:20 pm
Being anti-White is SO September 10
#12 by Frank on 03/29/2011 - 10:21 pm
I’m getting “fatal error” not only on GC6, but any other GC.