Archive for May 2nd, 2011

Saint Bob is Damned Near Human

When I made an appeal to be sure we remember to keep our disagreement on approach with AmRen Civil, I got two comments that by themselves made the thing worthwhile.

They were sort of opposite ends of the same stick.

One commenter decided that I was writing the piece as a response to some criticism of AmRen HE had made. Another who probably resents what I said because he admires Jared Taylor, said “I thought that” meaning respect for other pro-whites, “was a given.”

To the latter writer, let me repeat that one of the basics of which we keep reminding each other here at BUGS is that NOTHING is taken as a given. We REPEAT what, in a sane world, Should be givens.

I don’t think that anyone in BUGS, AmRen or any other pro-white activity is under the impression that we live in a sane world.

Let me remind you that God gave mankind ten commandments, and when Jesus came to earth he reduced them to two. When it comes to simple decency, intellectual retention is not one of man’s outstanding virtues.

Certainly someone who has made the Mantra his main cause would not be the one to be suspected of repeating a truth purely because of some comment or to attack a fellow pro-white.

What I said about not attacking fellow pro-whites was, in fact, probably motivated by the fact that I, Saint Bob Himself, needed to hear it.

Fifty years ago I had been in practical politics enough to be sent to the Young Republican Leadership Conference. It was the only time in my life when I actually won a prize, third in actual personal canvassing that was part of the training.

In well over fifty years of politics I have developed a hide so thick it makes Moby Dick look like a newborn babe. So I shouldn’t worry about taking anything personally, right?


I noticed that I was enjoying it a little too much when commenters described my technique as superior to those of others. I am used to fighting it out alone, and it felt good for change.

Then it started feeling TOO good.

I also noted I was writing an awful lot of reminiscences of the times when I was regarded as the peasant sidekick to the Regular Conservatives because I actually went out there and, proudly, showed I could SPEAK FOR those Wallace Democrat types conservatives were theorizing about.

Sorry, if you’re building a Shrine to Saint Bob, the money could better be spent elsewhere.

I am practically heroic at not letting it influence me when I am treated as an outsider and still am the most loyal one around to the Cause itself.

But I am not INDIFFERENT to it. So when James Edwards takes seven years to have me on his show again and Jared refused to review my book and was never asked to speak at a convention, it was the same old same old, I had been there and done that.

But let me once again tell you something that should be a given: In the battle for power, the one person you can NEVER afford to try to fool is YOURSELF.

If that reminder was especially for anybody, it was especially for ME. If anybody here is going to get into a snit against prominent pro-whites, it is going to Ex-Saint Bob.
