An awfully lot of my thinking is done right here.
For example the idea of Zoroastrianism kept teasing my mind and I brought it up here years ago. There were a LOT of complaints about what that had to do with general theme of Whitaker Online and then of BUGS.
I couldn’t answer because I was thinking out loud.
What you have here is a mental process, not the delivery of a set of Guric (Guru?) Final Truths.
In the back of my mind was this tendency of our Aryan religions to turn toward suicide. Political Correctness didn’t invent suicide as an ideal. If you read the sayings of the Old Norse, most of which are still not translated because historians about antiquity spend all their time on whether any particular Pharaoh had pimples, a huge part of them are devoted to why one should NOT commit suicide.
Zoroastrianism went from an Aryans-only pro-life — in the REAL sense of the term — to a spay and neuter suicide tradition which it passed, through Paul, to the early Church.
But there are more Aryan religions. Hinduism and its descendant Buddhism both seek Final Death. Rebirth is a curse. Transmigration of souls is not a hope, it is the damnation of the Wheel of Life.
Suicide itself, as a personal act, has a different significance in the entire Orient from its meaning in the West. Suicide in Japan, for example, is a form of apology. Reports to the Emperor in China would routinely end with the polite request that the official sending the report be allowed to commit suicide for letting His Master down, no matter how well he had done.
If the Emperor didn’t like what they did, he usually saved them the trouble.
But the point here is that suicide, despite the fact that it was more common in Japan than in the West, was always a sacrifice.
This is what sets ALL Aryan thinking so far away from Oriental in this regard. In every case, the Aryans asked themselves “Is life worth living?” and in each case, from Iceland to India, they kept coming up with “No.” This is not an apology or a self-sacrifice. This is what we would all a “chilling conclusion.”
It is the absolute opponent of Oriental thinking about self-destruction.
And this, after all, is one of our central problems: How do we locate this tendency in our people to see self-destruction as the highest good and get RID of it?
It is true that our enemies USE this tendency to make self-destruction the ideal. But they are using what is THERE, not what THEY invented.
Oddly enough, a few years after I started scratching this intellectual itch about the whole Aryan tendency to adopt self-hatred, the Da Vince Code came out. The one big point it brought out from MY point of view was that this self-destructive tendency was NOT in the Old Testament. Jesus said NOTHING against sex with women except, very specifically, adultery.
Libertine fornication was looked down on by everybody. But Saint Paul’s fanatical screaming against any kind of sex between men and women is totally absent from anything Jesus ever said.
You could have knocked me over with a feather when The Da Vinci Code pointed out the obvious fact that we don’t even know whether Jesus himself was MARRIED!
I wasn’t raised Catholic, I was raised in the depths of the Bible Belt, and I assumed Jesus was a virgin just like every Boston Southie did.
Meanwhile all the tomes were telling us that this suicidal tendency was from an Alien Plot.
You can’t cure your racial disease if you insist on a false cause for it.
#1 by rdc75 on 05/06/2011 - 9:01 am
“How do we locate this tendency in our people to see self-destruction as the highest good and get RID of it?”
The reason for this self-destruction is that many put altruistic fame and glory above their own (egoistic) propagation of their genes.
How to get rid of it?
As a start, why not look at those groups that got rid of it? Like the Amish for example which are the probably the White group with the highest birthrate. They must have done SOMETHING right, right? They don’t live in some “Union”, but in small independent groups.
When you look at the countries that have some success, they are all SMALL countries:
Hungary and Denmark have implemented harsh immigration laws. Switzerland has even implemented a law that allows the deportation of criminal refugees (a big NO-NO for most UN-worshipping countries, unthinkable in most countries to deport those poor refugees, no matter how criminal.)
Iceland is the only White country with a birth-rate above replacement a part from very few Phillipine wifes and the genetic remains of black GIs (thanks USA!), there are no non-whites in Iceland.
In Belgium, Netherlands and Austria anti-immigration parties are either the strongest parties or almost the strongest.
Compare that to the ex-empires (Germany, France, UK, USA, Spain, Russia): All of them are very deep into suicide and collapse. Russia and France will have a muslim majority within 20 years. Germany is dying. USA overrun by Mexicans. And in none of them there is a strong anti-immigration party (even the French Front National has started to use Arabs in their commercials to pander to them – and Putin may be strong on rhetorics but isn’t remotely successful in preventing even the tiny Chechens from colonizing them).
The most successful groups are small. Huge centralized empires with dozens or even hundreds of millions of people just don’t work, they always destroy their own people. (Or do you see any Romans out there?)
The solution for the Whites is secession (at least psychologically: Instead of worrying about the next election, raise a family) for small groups from the dying empires. All the past empires will fall, all have peaked a very long time ago. The future belongs to smaller groups that will not just be independent from the empires but also from each other.
#2 by rdc75 on 05/06/2011 - 9:37 am
P.S.: Also the only positive development in the USA is Arizona, a SMALL state – and of course against the wishes of the centralized government.
#3 by BGLass on 05/06/2011 - 10:21 am
Idk. Always kind of thought it was from creativity, itself.
A handful of whites always obsess on how it could have been otherwise. Or if only they could create this or that, then something else would be possible. They think about the big picture a lot.
This quality also implies that where they are now is somehow awful. Or…they always feel a limit, or an awfulness, which leads them to make some new thing. Creativity, itself, is always a critical look at what is. (you will be making something to change it).
Sometimes, if they can’t find a way to enact their vision, they say life is not worth living. If it can’t be the great way they see in their mind to make it, then it’s too awful to bear.
Non-creative people just do not have that problem. Life might feel sort of awful but they totally accept it as the only way it can be, so why try suicide? Why would they want out of the only way things could ever be (which is all they can see). They don’t have the same attachment to symboloization and abstraction maybe.
This is totally different from living in hell, b/c you see constantly, very clearly how differently just the invention in your mind, like a telephone, could make things.
Systems animals commit suicide all the time b/c they sense all this, but can’t articulate it; you’re just eating, and getting stuff, and hoping you can get a hot and cot in an army, or jail, or a social program, or even be a dispenser of those items and feel like a honcho. And yet, there should be more, so much so that it is just unbearable.
It may just be a condition of creativity, the downside.
#4 by H.Avenger on 05/06/2011 - 10:43 am
“The reason for this self-destruction is that many put altruistic fame and glory above their own (egoistic) propagation of their genes.”
“This is what sets ALL Aryan thinking so far away from Oriental in this regard. In every case, the Aryans asked themselves “Is life worth living?” and in each case, from Iceland to India, they kept coming up with “No.” This is not an apology or a self-sacrifice. This is what we would all a “chilling conclusion.””
Please actually read the article before you post.
Sure Ancient India browned out because they were seeking some form of altruistic fame and glory. Or maybe it was because the White Nationalists in Ancient India did not have high enough birthrates?
I do believe there is something to be said for the “small group” idea. These smaller groups tend to “make it” one way or another. The Amish are but one recent example.
There are also consistent rumors that small groups of Whites came out of Ancient India back into Europe. Bob has talked about the Druids coming out of Ancient India. This is a consistent rumor and will probably end up being a fact in the near future.
The idea that groups of Whites in Ancient India came back into Europe (ancient white flight) makes perfect sense.
In fact, this is THE biggest challenge for our enemy. As soon as you have an implicitly white country. Global White flight will happen as sure as geese fly south for the winter.
#5 by rdc75 on 05/07/2011 - 1:33 am
“Sure Ancient India browned out because they were seeking some form of altruistic fame and glory.”
It’s much more glorious to rule over millions of non-whites (and build up a civilization for them – the ultimate proof of altruism) than it is to keep your own small group healthy and grow slowly over the centuries.
“Or maybe it was because the White Nationalists in Ancient India did not have high enough birthrates?”
I don’t understand the “or” in that sentence – every elite that tries to control vast numbers of others will tend to put their own family (i.e. “birthrate”) into the “low-priority” category. The quest for fame and glory goes hand in hand with childlessness, there is no contradiction here.
Sooner or later, the “cause” just becomes more important than starting a family. And the “cause” may be almost anything: Running a colonial empire, maintaining the power over the plebs in Rome, bringing Christianity to the savages – sooner or later somebody will say or think:
“We don’t need high birthrates, having a large family will not do any good for our cause.”
Then you have got what Bob describes in the post: A suicidal group that puts the “cause” first and rejects childrearing as *immoral* because it would be a distraction from the cause. The “is live worth living”-stuff is just intellectual dressing over this contradiction of priorities (family vs. “the cause”).
#6 by rdc75 on 05/07/2011 - 2:12 am
And that’s also why it is not “Our suicidal tendency”, it’s “an empires” suicidal tendency. All suicidal tendencies Bob describes are about large empires, that see themselves either as the masters of the whole world.
A small group that does not strive for world-hegemony (like Iceland or the Amish) just doesn’t have that suicidal tendency. The cause is local, or “provincial” and is too small and too weak to topple childrearing as the top-priority.
#7 by H.Avenger on 05/07/2011 - 9:38 am
You don’t have to talk your position. We already know that you are starting your own branch of the Austrian Amish. I support you in your endeavors. But, this will not change the fact that race is still real. And all the new little Austrian Amish will still be white. Therefore they will be prone to our racial traits.
We always have groups that survive. That is why we are still around. What we are discussing again is right below. And this has nothing to do with Empires. This has to do with one simple concept. RACE. Empires can aggravate or bring out some racial trait. But even in a small community a racial trait will never go away.
In short we believe this suicidal tenancy is a racial trait and not environmental.
We are trying to discuss the central white racial issue on this blog. Because race is real we always have this trait. What Bob is trying to do is discuss a way around it once and for all. So we don’t have to worry about all these defensive postures. We do not just want our race to survive but thrive and stop going through these cycles. And by the way, Bob has many times talked about small white communities that have demonstrated this trait as well.
“And this, after all, is one of our central problems: How do we locate this tendency in our people to see self-destruction as the highest good and get RID of it?
It is true that our enemies USE this tendency to make self-destruction the ideal. But they are using what is THERE, not what THEY invented.”
#8 by rdc75 on 05/07/2011 - 3:48 pm
“What Bob is trying to do is discuss a way around it once and for all.”
A serious analysis tries to look at the world as it is.
Why is Denmark and Switzerland successful in halting non-white immigration while Russia, Germany, UK and USA are not?
Maybe you can give your opinion on that. Is Denmark and Switzerland racially different to Germany?
Do you even want so succeed? Why this refusal of looking at countries that have successfully done what you want to do (in that case halting immigration)? Maybe these countries have done something right and you can learn from them.
Look, maybe I am wrong. I have given my opinion, but maybe it’s some other reason why these countries are successful at halting immigration – but WHY IN THE WORLD do you not even want to discuss it? If there is some thing these countries did right, wouldn’t it be a good idea to see what that was? I certainly would be interested in why you (or anybody else here) think Denmark implemented the most effective anti-immigration laws in the white world and Switzerland has even broken the refugee-taboo.
#9 by OldBlighty on 05/08/2011 - 12:41 am
IMO, you are cherry picking to prove your point.
One place you mentioned is Iceland. Now as we know, Iceland is one of the whitest places left on Earth and it has a very small population, so it should fit your ideal of a place to preserve white people. Yet those who took part in the initial debate on the Icelandic Mantra video, found Icelanders to be extremely anti-white, as white people are, wherever their population is almost exclusively white.
Mantra Icelandic with English Subtitles
Previously it was only Icelanders viewing and voting and it was approximately 180 likes, to 280 dislikes. The anti-white comments were vicious and there were almost no supporting comments other than BUGS.
Other white places fit your small population, no empire model, like Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand and they are rapidly headed down the white genocide path.
Do you acknowledge this phenomenon is only occurring in white countries and is not occurring in colored countries? And white people have done this in ancient times, when populations were orders of magnitude smaller, while no other race I know of has done it.
I am also interested in why you think only white people should become “small tribes”, to combat White Genocide, while China, Korea, Japan and Africa have no reason to do the same? Is this not racial?
IMO you seem to be denying the existence of racial differences, with your empire = white genocide theory, but your remedy is only for white people. There is a contradiction in your reasoning.
My memory is not so good, but were you the same guy accusing Horus of being celibate before? If that is the case and you don’t agree with what we are doing here, why are you here? Why not just create your own blog and as Nike says, “Just do it”?
#10 by Genseric on 05/08/2011 - 4:40 am
“Why not just create your own blog and as Nike says, “Just do it”?”
I will answer this for everyone. Because IT is happening right here.
Let us not forget that the Samurai sword is only forged and honed to a razor’s edge with great heat, patience and resolve. Those who seek to destroy us from within shall be swallowed whole. Those who seek to destroy us from without shall be halved by nothing more than The Mantra.
#11 by rdc75 on 05/08/2011 - 1:24 pm
About Iceland: I agree with you that this is a problem, I was not saying that Iceland was perfect – yet Iceland is still much more healthier than for example Germany or the USA. I’m pretty sure that the Icelandic people will survive for many centuries while the survival of many other White peoples is endangered.
“Other white places fit your small population, no empire model, like Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand and they are rapidly headed down the white genocide path.”
Those are part of what’s generally called the Anglosphere. Also in my opinion being small is just a prerequesite for success and of course no guarantee. So while it’s true that there are small sick groups it’s also true that all healthy groups are small. There is no healthy White large nation.
So yes, being small is probably not enough and only a PART of the solution.
“Do you acknowledge this phenomenon is only occurring in white countries and is not occurring in colored countries?”
Yes. I don’t really care about colored countries, though.
“I am also interested in why you think only white people should become “small tribes”, while China, Korea, Japan and Africa have no reason to do the same?”
I don’t care about China, Korea, Japan and black/muslim Africa (please don’t forget that there are millions of Whites in Africa). I’m interested in what will work for us. But yes, I think that a unification of mainland China and Taiwan would be also bad for the Chinese people – however I don’t really care, therefore I don’t bring it up. Also it’s possible that Chinese thrive in different political environment than us – Maybe the Chinese thrive in an empire, I don’t know enough about the Chinese to tell. But as I said, the Chinese don’t really concern me. Fact is that *WE* don’t thrive in empires and therefore especially the buerocracies in Brussels and Washington DC. Those should not be “reformed”, they should be abolished.
“IMO you seem to be denying the existence of racial differences, with your empire = white genocide theory, but your remedy is only for white people. There is a contradiction in your reasoning.”
My remedy is for Whites because I am White – it may or may not work for non-whites, but that is not my concern. How is that denying the existence of racial differences?
“My memory is not so good, but were you the same guy accusing Horus of being celibate before?”
I critiziced that he glorifies celibacy and that he spreads “Whites don’t need a high birthrate”, yes.
“If that is the case and you don’t agree with what we are doing here, why are you here?”
White suicide is a deep concern and I assumed that when Bob asked about the reasons for it, some ideas, opinions and suggestions may be welcome. I think it’s important to try to understand what is destroying us. And any theory about this has to be able to explain reality – it has to explain the reality of Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland (which all are far from perfect, but still much better than all other White nations when it comes to avoiding genocide).
I offered my explanation. As I said I may be wrong. Maybe Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland have something in common that I have overlooked. – Yet nobody else has offered an alternative view, therefore I am the only one who really answered Bobs question in a way that relates to reality by actually using real world examples.
Maybe it was just a rhetorical question, in that case I’m sorry.
#12 by Genseric on 05/08/2011 - 2:50 pm
In true BUGS spirit, I will address the sum total of the confusion which I perceive exists in your queries. I will do so in less than 150 words. And I will do it within the context of The Mantra.
European Americans are The White Tribe of Americans. America of yesteryear will prevail. We are going to get our home and The Mantra is the vehicle that will take us there.
Ignoring non-white countries and professing our indifference to them does NOTHING to help White children nor does it combat White Genocide. Just as there is much to be learned from Ísland , die Schweiz, und Danmark; there is much which stands to be learned from examining non-White countries. Also, it serves to help build our case.
What the trifecta of countries you mention have in common and what we stand to learn from them is that they were able to stave off immigration much sooner (in terms of negative impact) than their German and American counterparts. That is the part you overlooked. Does this help White children in Germany, France, etc… and the United States? Not necessarily.
#13 by Creator on 05/08/2011 - 5:16 pm
Large or small….it does not matter as this “suicidal tendency” is in our genes.
As for Iceland, being Icelander myself….. do not get your hopes up. The same anti-White element is in full control here as in other White countries. Think it is just the name and how remote Iceland is that keeps non-Whites away. There is no real or organized opposition working in our favor and hasn’t been for many years.
And now Iceland has the Mantra and me 🙂
I am training 3 more people in hammering the anti-Whites with our consistent message.
Life is Good.
#14 by Genseric on 05/10/2011 - 1:53 am
Life is Good indeed.
White children everywhere are forever indebted to the whole lot of BUGSters and yourself.
While this malady might be ingrained in Our genetic code, it appears that it is a recessive trait. And expressivity seems to be triggered by either two anti-White parents or a measurable dose of anti-White rhetoric administered over a 20 year period.
We can combat this. We have the requisite medicine to do so. Thanks to Bob!
#15 by OldBlighty on 05/08/2011 - 5:18 pm
“Those are part of what’s generally called the Anglosphere.’
That is not an answer. That is avoiding the question. They are independent countries with no central control. The British Empire died back in WW2 and the Americans left the British Empire more than 200 years ago.
“I don’t care about China, Korea, Japan and black/muslim Africa ”
Again that is avoiding the question because it demolishes your argument that Empire and large nations lead to Genocide. It is also avoids discussing the obvious racial differences.
“Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland”
As Genseric pointed out, all of these countries are headed down the same path regardless. Sweden is part of the same group and matches your model precisely. Why have you ignored Sweden? Cherry picking again?
“I critiziced that he glorifies celibacy and that he spreads “Whites don’t need a high birthrate”, yes’
He did not glorify celibacy. Putting words into people’s mouths, is one of the reasons people think you are a troll.
He said white people should not go into an “all is lost” consensus trance, simply because they are outnumbered. “All is lost” people don’t do anything but whine to each other. We are not Stormfront, we are BUGS.
And as Bob pointed out, it doesn’t matter if Horus is “a good white man”, in your opinion. The message is what matters and it is White Genocide.
“Yet nobody else has offered an alternative view, therefore I am the only one who really answered Bobs question in a way that relates to reality by actually using real world examples.”
The only difference between your cherry picked countries and all the other white countries facing genocide is, they are relatively isolated in terms of trade and geographic location and commonly spoken language. And the vast majority of anti-white propaganda, generated over the last 50 years is in English. They are all on the same white genocide path regardless and will not turn pro white, without intervention from people like us.
And you didn’t answer my last question. When are you going to start your blog encouraging whites to have more children and live in small isolated communities? BUGS will help defend against the inevitable anti-white attacks that will come from white people, if and when you create something.
“Maybe it was just a rhetorical question, in that case I’m sorry.”
If your arguments have flaws, they will be torn to bits. This is BUGS.
#16 by rdc75 on 05/10/2011 - 8:38 am
“Sweden is part of the same group and matches your model precisely. Why have you ignored Sweden? Cherry picking again?”
I have to repeat myself:
So while it’s true that there are small sick groups it’s also true that all healthy groups are small. There is no healthy White large nation.
So yes, being small is probably not enough and only a PART of the solution.
And about Sweden, it’s actually quite large, just look at a map. What do you think many Swedes in Malmö, the citiy that is hardest-hit by 3rd-world immigration do? They just leave the city for Stockholm, where things are not so bad. It’s not a really big deal, they don’t even have to learn a new language or cross a border. If Malmö was sererate from Stockholm, and Swedes from Malmö couldn’t so easily leave for another big Swedish city, maybe the residents of Malmö would keep their city a little bit cleaner and nicer than the buerocrats from Stockholm who are deciding on immigration-policy now?
And isn’t “White flight” the big problem of the Anglosphere? Instead of making a stand and solve the problem, Whites just leave. If Michigan were independent and had border-controls, would they have let in the hordes to destroy Detroit? And if White Detroiters couldn’t just go to some other city so easily, would they have defended Detroit a little bit more than they did? And how would almost a million blacks survive on their own in Michigan without Washington DC stealing the money from Whites in the whole USA?
On the other hand, the Danes know that if they give up Kopenhagen, there will be no alternative big city for them, because Kopenhagen is the only big Danish city in the whole world. When they give up Kopenhagen, their “way of life” will change dramatically.
“He did not glorify celibacy. Putting words into people’s mouths, is one of the reasons people think you are a troll.
He said white people should not go into an “all is lost” consensus trance, simply because they are outnumbered. “All is lost” people don’t do anything but whine to each other. We are not Stormfront, we are BUGS.”
When Horus tells Whites that they “don’t need a high birthrate” that is basically saying that everything will just fall into place, without any effort at all. No hard word needed, just sit back and go back to your Playstation and Pornography. Why should Whites go into all that trouble of finding a good wife and start a family, when all will be just fine when Horus’ “green godess Godzilla” will mysteriously solve everything and we “don’t need” children anyway?
Do you really think that’s a winning strategy?
Of course hope is not lost. Those White groups that can break out of the “bread-and-games” mentality will survive – but those that prefer the short-term easy way to reject marriage, family and childrearing will of course disappear. As I said, I see secession as the pivotal part of the solution. In fact if the healthy Whites would just secede, the tropical races (and the degenerate Whites) in North America and Europe would just disappear because they are not adapted (or have lost the ability) to save up for the Winter (there are no seasons in the tropics or in a welfare-state).
However Horus (and I want to make it clear that I’m talking only about Horus and not BUGS here) is spreading demoralization and the bread-and-games morality. And of course his “green Godzilla” and mystical ancient Aryan superweapons would fit a lot better into non-white vodoo-cults. Whites have had all their successes by seeing reality as it is, basically science is the White man’s religion, just look at Stonehenge or ancient graves, our ancestors have not just discovered the spherical form of the Earth, they have also calculated the radius of the earth, pretty good for a people who lived about 10000 – 20000 years ago. They didn’t achieve that by telling each other how great they are and waiting for “green Godzilla” and calling anybody who looked at the real world a “troll”. No, our ancestors tried to understand the world by looking at is as it is.
“And you didn’t answer my last question. When are you going to start your blog encouraging whites to have more children and live in small isolated communities? BUGS will help defend against the inevitable anti-white attacks that will come from white people, if and when you create something.”
I don’t like to talk about unfinished things.
#17 by James C on 05/10/2011 - 10:22 am
1) Not this shit again
2) The issue of birthrates is a bit of a dead horse, but since you don’t seem to get it I’ll try to explain what Horus meant by “our survival isn’t dependent on high birthrates”
Even if we bred like Mexican cockroaches, in the assimilation regime we live under, we’d still be up a creek without a paddle.
If on the other hand, we only had a tiny little high-tech Sparta with a few thousand families, sans “diversity”, we’d be absolutely fine.
FTWR does have alot of “out there content”, but Horus has made it abundantly clear that Godzilla is just a METAPHOR for our unmatched military technology. Nothing the Arabs, Asians or Africans will ever have, will ever come close.
That’s the thing that can keep the Mongols or Moors from ever threatening our existence again (never again! LOL), provided we get control of our own countries.
#18 by OldBlighty on 05/10/2011 - 12:21 pm
“Sweden, it’s actually quite large, just look at a map.”
Sweden, isolated on the edge of Europe, surrounded on all sides by white countries, mountains and ice water, is too difficult for white people to manage? Do you really expect anyone to take that seriously?
“I don’t like to talk about unfinished things.”
I am not surprised by that answer.
Here is what I am getting from you:
1) Whites must have *high* birthrates. Good suggestion.
2) Whites must become *small tribes*.
3) Whites must live in *small territories*
4) Pro Whites must *disengage* politically and socially from the nations they live in.
5) Politically and socially disengaged *small* tribe whites, must somehow secede from much *larger* nations, all while being called Nazis, Haters and White Supremacists.
I think I’ll keep doing the Mantra.
As for Horus, if he demoralizes you and makes you feel like becoming a childless celibate, I strongly suggest you stop listing to his shows and thinking about him so much.
#19 by BGLass on 05/06/2011 - 12:04 pm
The other thing about self-abnegation as highest good is that creativity can be a motive in another way: like, to be willing to give things away, and give them away, is closeness with god, b/c this says there is always more where it came from, that one is boundlessly creative, which is to be with god, and even if the others steal everything, you will just make more and more “it is an innovative country” (really meaning the people)— they can give things away forever (also the myth of the takers who cannot admit they eventually run pple into the ground.
but…see what you mean, I think. Throughout time, and in new ways, and across religions, we are always trying to justify self-abnegation.
#20 by BGLass on 05/06/2011 - 12:08 pm
nor is it a fear of death, or need to control it, by naming the moment we chose to die, or martyring ourselves, seemingly, or even just generational socialization of long-term re-enactment of self-sacrificing gods like jesus or odin or whatever.
whatever the cause, it really is weird.
#21 by Simmons on 05/06/2011 - 12:09 pm
Vanity. Libkid cultist spews the two sentences of Mommy Prof. “wisdom”, beams contentedly to his/herself for a job well done. This happens in a bubble, that is why left cults are rigidly segregated, and that is why the ZPG cult is rigidly segregated from say the brown masses of savior/voters, don’t pierce the bubble.
Also cross this what BBG wrote.
#22 by H.Avenger on 05/06/2011 - 12:21 pm
“And this, after all, is one of our central problems: How do we locate this tendency in our people to see self-destruction as the highest good and get RID of it?
It is true that our enemies USE this tendency to make self-destruction the ideal. But they are using what is THERE, not what THEY invented.”
This is why I have always found BUGS so useful. This is essential to long term survival of our race. We could get rid of all our enemies right this minute. And that would be great. But we will still face the above question. There will always be another enemy around who figures this one out.
A problem well stated is half solved. We all spend so much our racially aware lives ASKING the wrong questions in regards to our race. Usually these questions always deal with the enemy and not our own racial traits. You have asked this question in very clear terms on this Blog. That fact alone should help US find the answer.
Never forget that we are a race of specialists. All of our advances in every field and endeavor are always done by a handful. And that few always seem to somehow get the job done in spite of the odds.
What is amazing is how far our race has come in spite of the above trait plaguing us since the beginning. That is what amazes me. We actually made it this far down the racial road.
#23 by Wandrin on 05/06/2011 - 1:04 pm
Beowulf thought life in itself was nothing. What mattered was the NAME you left behind you. So he wandered the earth looking for dragons to slay. He wasn’t suicidal. He had an IDEAL in his head that was more important than life.
The viking berserkers and earlier germanic/celtic gaesatae warriors who fought naked to prove their bravery. They weren’t suicidal they had an IDEAL in their heads that was more important than life.
Christian martyrs and missionaries. They weren’t suicidal they had an IDEAL in their heads that was more important than life.
Hundreds of thousands of engineers and scientists obsessively pushing everything aside to pursue an IDEA in their heads that was more important than life.
I agree Paul poisoned the early church with his love of white sterility but i don’t think he manipulated Aryan love of suicide. I think he manipulated the Aryan need for an IDEAL that is greater than life. I think the suicidal urge comes when Aryans don’t have an ideal that is greater than life.
Political correctness is like St Paul part 2. The new genocidal ideal is not to be celibate but to be “non-racist” (a kind of ethnic celibacy) to the point of allowing our own dispossession and genocide. They’re telling us we must die so others can live. But it’s not an ideal. It’s just a nasty little tribe waging a nasty little stealth war against their ethnic enemies.
I don’t think we should aim to get rid of this trait. I think the craving for something bigger than life is our secret ingredient. I think it is what Horus calls the Green Goddess and IF we can learn to understand it and use it ourselves to manipulate ourselves then it will lead to great things.
#24 by Mademoiselle White Rabbit on 05/08/2011 - 7:11 pm
Y’know, one of the interesting things as a Christian AGR has been seeing a faction of young women in the church really rebel against this “gift of singleness” notion. They’re sick and tired of being told that they’re selfish and doubtful of God’s faithfulness b/c they dream of a handsome ABR and a bunny hole of baby rabbits instead of “embracing” their singleness. Instead they are starting to turn on the church leaders and ask 1) why are you promoting singleness when one of God’s first commands was to “be fruitful and multiply” and 2) why do you continue to ignore the frightening shortage of young men in the church? (Of course, the answer to this might be that institutions offend the base sensibilities of males more than females, on average, due to brain chemistry and survival strategies differing based on gender.) There are also a lot of Christian men who look at Paul’s references to celibacy and believe it to be a very rare, particular spiritual gift, similar to faith healing, prophecy, or speaking in tongues. Because the same spiritual gifts are not given to everyone – an idea that our race of specialists can wrap its head around quite easily – they posit that it is ridiculous, then, to suppose Paul EVER intended for Christians to all follow his unique spiritual discipline.
This counter-movement says two things to me.
First, and this may be important to remember when dealing with both Christendom and all other religious factions in the future, sterility is generally not present at the conception of any religion. This is something that white people, at certain times in our racial cycle, will voluntarily project unto their beliefs. We took sex, which Christianity held as the most precious and holy of physical relationships and thus subject to much greater protections and much more jealous guarding, and turned it into something dirty. A concept which should have appealed to our fascination with purity was at some point perverted so that this great gift became a curse. I don’t think it’s an accident that this tends to happen directly before and directly after the “others” start perverting our entire sexual culture. We begin to recognize that something is wrong, our lifeblood is being poured out, and instead of trying to sew up the wound we try to flatten the vein that serves as its vehicle.
The second thing this tells me is that white women are reaching the level of danger necessary to spark their inner green goddess. While it is difficult to swallow when someone tells you that YOUR dream of white children will never come true, if it is for the greater good of the people [YOUR people], it is acceptable. But if it’s not just you, if you look around and see that EVERY woman who looks like you and dreams like you is being demoralized into never having a family, you realize that there are no longer an people to benefit from your sacrifice. Naturally, this leads to the conclusion that you have been lied to (which will ignite any AGR’s inner fairness monster) and also that the people you have been trying to protect are being hurt by these policies. Christians aren’t HAPPY about the fact that the church is, quite literally, dying of old age. White people aren’t HAPPY about the fact that they are forced to choose between putting white children into unsafe environments or having no white children at all.
Maybe this all hinges on what happens when our inner “Fairness Monster” and our need for purity collide. What happens psychologically (or even physiologically) when those two traits find themselves at odds? And further, why would those traits find themselves at odds to being with?
#25 by Fourmyle on 05/09/2011 - 12:35 am
Great points.
Young Miss Scarlett, my favorite neice, says the young ladies at the megachurch she attends, when left along to speak their minds, are bitter that something very, very important has been stolen from them. That the State subsidizes their replacement is simply more grist for the mill.
Women have a more highly developed “Fairness Monster” than we do, but it has been overfed by the issues of the underclass. The War on Poverty was only supposed to last one generation. The tremendous overcompensation has been institutionalized into a war of aggression – they really, really hate US.
A new church is called for – men are tired of going to church and being negated, personally, and denigrated, as men, and so they are forming de facto groups that symbolize what the Northern Mysteries brought to Christianity.
They brought Masculinity, no-nonnsense, no apol;ogy, in-your-face Masculinity, in the form of Paganism.
They don’t call themselves pagans, yet, but they are becoming such in all but name.
They need guy time – time alone, in the Company of Men, their sons, more than the rest, because boys need men to BECOME men.
A melding of (NORTHERN!) Pagan Primal Masculinity, transforming Marxist-Feminist Jodeo-Christianity into the New Christianity, is an Idea I have been exploring – very discreetly – with my Newphews.
“Hey, guys, Young Miss Scarlett, let’s drive for a weekend at the beach and practice some ‘moving mediation’ as the Sun comes up! If this works, some of your friends from Church might want to come along next month!”
“What’s In YOUR Future?”
#26 by Genseric on 05/06/2011 - 1:46 pm
I have read (here and elsewhere) countless times that what The White Race needs in order to ‘survive’ are these networked, self-sustaining, genetically homogeneous communities. You all know what WE call them.
The path to achieving this might be something so counter-intuitive that we mightn’t have guessed it otherwise. Could it be possible that WHAT we seek lies just on the other side of globalized or a more regional government system? The EU? The up-and-coming North American Union? Imagine the social and political implications in such a space(place), as vast as North America. Ahhhhhhh…….no borders, the anti-White Utopia. Would that mean LESS government? Would less regions yield less representatives? Are we already on our way there?
Is it possible that getting what WE want means giving them what THEY want, first? Like, a black President?
Think about it. Is it possible that ethnicity’s would have no choice but to self-segregate given the above hypothetical scenario? Mexicans aren’t going to be any less jingoistic when it comes to La Raza’s territories. In fact, they would likely become even MORE hostile toward outsiders. Whites will SEE this while on ‘Holiday.’
If it meant that, in the end, we would lose the entire southwest, yet gain Canada, would that be acceptable?
Some might think that the answers to the questions I have asked give you my OWN answer to Bob’s question. Perhaps. If we get a home, would Life Be Worth Living then? If we get a home through the ultimate self-sacrifice, would we have located the demon within and eradicated it? Would we still retain the moral high ground?
Just asking a question.
Serving something greater than myself, White children.
#27 by OldBlighty on 05/07/2011 - 4:45 am
“It is true that our enemies USE this tendency to make self-destruction the ideal. But they are using what is THERE, not what THEY invented.”
I agree, the problem is likely an inherent weakness in our race and a possible solution is to create dual societies, one for pro whites and one for white anti-whites. As the anti-white appears, give him his dearest wish – a colored world to live in and strip him of his citizenship.
And no, this is not a return to segregation, because I would want both societies to be separated, by the equivalent of a properly defended national border.
I think the mistake made in the past, was to try and force the anti-white white, to be pro-white. I say they should be free to do as they like, as long as it is somewhere else.
#28 by Wandrin on 05/08/2011 - 3:17 am
“Look, maybe I am wrong. I have given my opinion, but maybe it’s some other reason why these countries are successful at halting immigration – but WHY IN THE WORLD do you not even want to discuss it?”
Because it’s completely irrelevant.
Whatever political tactics people use in whatever country they could always use more recruits and destroying the hold the multicult has over individual white rabbits creates more recruits.
#29 by Fourmyle on 05/09/2011 - 12:17 am
Wandrin gets full marks.
I agree Paul poisoned the early church with his love of white sterility but i don’t think he manipulated Aryan love of suicide. I think he manipulated the Aryan need for an IDEAL that is greater than life. I think the suicidal urge comes when Aryans don’t have an ideal that is greater than life.
The Church made suicide anathema when too many high-quality recruits realized “Heaven” was MUCH better than they were, and free for the taking.
This was moderated, but Paul did what Jews do; took a natural Impulse, transformed it, amplified it., and installed feedback loops that insured HIS message won out over Christ’s message.
Again, a consistent message, consistently delivered, demoralizing us, with great effectivness. Wordism triumphed, replacing our Dreams with their perversion, their Plans for us.
This is the technique adopted by Freud, who said he “was coming to destroy the West.” With Eddie Bernays and his friends in the mass communications/mass control systems, it was almost trivially easy.
The Gramscian transformation of the institutions, seen in the Frankfurt School/New School at Columbia, controlling the Ameican public
indoctrinationeducation system, amplified through the messages given through color television, insured we would become the exact OPPOSITE of what our very successful forbearers were.Their idea of Manifest Destiny was a Destiny they were actively manifesting, daily, in thought, word, and deed.
They had no doubt – Hell, no ROOM for doubt – that they were RIGHT.
THAT was what was taken from us, by a centruy of conscious demoralization.
If you have Blu-Ray, get the dvd of “How The West Was Won.” See the scene where Richard Widmark picks up his Winchester, gets on front of the train following the horrific attack, and moves straight on. SEE the determined look in his eye.
THAT picture is now my desktop background, and in the forefront of my mind at all times.
He had his message, we have ours; both must be consistently delivered to be effective.
No problem here!
What’s in YOUR Future?
#30 by H.Avenger on 05/10/2011 - 10:57 am
“However Horus (and I want to make it clear that I’m talking only about Horus and not BUGS here) is spreading demoralization and the bread-and-games morality. And of course his “green Godzilla” and mystical ancient Aryan superweapons would fit a lot better into non-white vodoo-cults. Whites have had all their successes by seeing reality as it is, basically science is the White man’s religion, just look at Stonehenge or ancient graves, our ancestors have not just discovered the spherical form of the Earth, they have also calculated the radius of the earth, pretty good for a people who lived about 10000 – 20000 years ago. They didn’t achieve that by telling each other how great they are and waiting for “green Godzilla” and calling anybody who looked at the real world a “troll”. No, our ancestors tried to understand the world by looking at is as it is.”
If you do not understand allegories, then you do not understand our history (IMO). The Green Goddess/Godzilla is a allegorical representation of Western Technology and White Rabbit prowess. That is realism……just NOT in the modern jewish sense of the word.
And as to where our white rabbit technology really stands. Lets come back and visit this in the very near future. That conversation is best had after the fact. And one morning in the near future you will be very confused. Then you will understand “those elements” of my podcast you do not like.
FWIW our next generation technology has everything to do with what you articulated about our “ancestors” and Stonehenge measurements and the world as it REALLY is.
I have heard everything there is to hear about the FTWR podcast. But I have yet to hear anyone (even our enemy) say FTWR is demoralizing. No one is really going to take you seriously with that. Just say:”I don’t like Horus or his podcast”.
And I said many posts ago that you could be a foreign rabbit easily misunderstood or a troll. Difficult to tell from many of your posts. You are always and I am ALWAYS misunderstanding things. So much so…that it looks intentional. No one has banned your posts here or anything.
#31 by Truck Roy on 05/11/2011 - 11:37 pm
We are the only race the measures ourselves against “perfection”. We all come up short and judge ourselves to be defective.
All men have fallen short of the glory of God (Perfection). Solution: Accept Jesus as your savior. No more guilt for coming up short.
Bob, remember that Porch Talk radio show you did where you mentioned that if you could get as high as the Holy Rollers did off of religion, you never would have taken up drugs? You nailed it right there… religion is the opiate of the masses and the reason that we need either drugs or religion is that we measure ourselves against perfection and then feel guilty for coming up short.
Except for the sociopaths. Who rise to the top of society, because they are not crippled by doubt or feelings of guilt. The nice thing about faith in Jesus is that you can gain the sociopath’s confidence and clear conscious without actually being a sociopath.