Archive for July, 2011


Heredity and environment, nature and nurture.

The problem is that nurture is a one-shot deal.

Mommy Professor tells us that if you just let him rule for a generation the world will be transformed.

In fact the effect of what you do to nurture in any one generation becomes less in the next and a quarter of that in the next, and so on. But the genes just STAY there.

I think all of us know that, whatever they did about literacy or the national debt in the last century, what matters is the color of the people they produced. If you put our “racist” expectations on a statistical curve back in the 1950s, you would have what you have today, a steady transition in the economy, in living standards, in morality, towards a third world country.

People whose real bottom line is making a show of “starting” on dealing with the national debt are the same people who decided that the way to deal with our race problem was to get on a track that led inevitably to getting rid of whites.

If you are white and you don’t care about whites, the bottom line is that you don’t care about anything but here and now.

The paper hats brag that they fought A Great War for Freedom. That’s what they told themselves then and that is what they choose to believe now.

Never does it occur to one of them that the direct result of their Great War for Freedom was to turn one third of the human race over to Communism. They whooped and told each other how great they were in 1945 and not a thought has crossed their minds since.

No generation has ever heaped such praise on itself as the one that gave Stalin and Mao Tse Tung a third of humanity.

The actual result of what they did made no difference to them.

It is not entirely accidental that this was the generation that put us on the road to the destruction of whites.

It is certainly not accidental that they see America in third world stagnation, with a rate of drug addiction and illegitimacy rates that would have shamed blacks and Puerto Ricans in the 1950s, and yet they celebrate every single step that led us to here.

In short, they are without shame.

Why should it be a surprise that a people without shame really couldn’t care less what other burdens they pass on to future generations, fiscal or genetic?



It’s YOUR Turn: Go to BUGS SWARM


These articles are becoming difficult because I do not want to get your attention off what we have settled on as our millennial mission: spreading the Mantra and Mantra Thinking.

When someone puts a link in BUGS SWARM where we can hit them with the Mantra, please go there and hit them with it. Nothing is more effective than a reputation for jumping on an opportunity.

If you ever wanted to thank those who have had to fight this battle alone, like me, this is the way to do it.

For decades I have faced the anti-white’s great weapon: Silence. You cannot imagine what a lift it is for people in BUGS SWARM to be reporting that anti-whites are bitching about the endless repetition of the Mantra everywhere they go!

It is also hilarious to hear anti-whites bitching about REPETITION!

But I don’t get the lift unless you REPORT this to BUGS SWARM.

A swarm cannot be too large.

When you hit a site, put a sentence in SWARM to let us know you DID it.

No matter how often your school teacher may have told you that you shouldn’t brag, it does NOT apply here.

If you don’t like signing in often, write down your actions and put them in one sentence comments. In THIS case, and in THIS case only, several one-sentence comments are OK, because each represents a separate ACTION.

Repeat: A SWARM cannot be too large, as long as each bee is real.



Mommy Professor’s Space Deprogramming

There is a lot of talk about privatizing space.

Holy Private Enterprise will get out there instead of government programs.

The people who insist on this are the same ones who met at conventions to push the space program with General Whozits as keynoter while the real subcommittee dealing with the real budget were snipping NASA out.

While they are showing how they are both pro-Space and pro-Private Enterprise For All Mankind — Hooray! — they are outnumbered a hundred to one, minimum, by those who are already putting together the regulations that will keep us out of space.

For every bit of promotion at their get-togethers, there are a hundred professionals demanding that we not pollute space. There are groups who would never put it this way, but they are demanding the rights of Native Spacians.

In 1969 the astronauts went up alone. Today they would have to have a thousand of Mommy Professor-trained bureaucrats for every astronaut, minimum.

As always you simply cannot put this into context without Mantra Thinking: We are dealing with an established religion.

When they want money for their own priests rather than for science, one of their continuing lines is, “Man has no right to interfere with the Works of God.”

Except for the substitution of the word “Nature” for “God,” do you actually see the slightest difference between today’s established religion and the Traditional Values.

Professional conservatives make their living by making the same statements in terms of the older established faith. To me, they are MORE offensive than liberals because they use the name of God,

You can’t blaspheme Nature.

The space program died under the ministrations of conservatives. Even Reagan, the former governor of California, regarded space spending as he did any other government expenditures except those cute boys in uniform.

To keep us out of space, you simply regulate any private program out of existence, just as they did atomic power and as they will any technology beyond the windmill.

And if someone can produce a windmill scare, there could be a hundred thousands bureaucrats in it for them



Space Program: Last Gasp?

While we are watching documentaries no one questions why all that detailed research is taking place.

So the space program is considered a natural development of something called “humankind.”

It isn’t.

When I was sitting there on Capitol Hill balancing federal housing programs against space vehicles, the space vehicles were seen as ridiculous.

This is was a real problem, because the actual appropriations for NASA were made by an appropriations subcommittee called HUD-Independent Agencies. The chairman and the ranking member of that subcommittee were an urban liberal Democrat and an urban liberal Republican whose only interest was in HUD.

You could not have searched Capitol Hill and found two congressmen more hostile to sending stuff to the moon.

That was the problem I faced, but like the Mantra, no one was interested when I tried to explain the reality faced by real funding.

Just as every time I try to explain where this stuff comes from and get slapped down by the name of a big name who will make a speech at a convention, any attempt to talk reality about the critical subcommittee was knocked down by a thrilled convention-goer talking about the fact that “General Whatzit Himself is going to deign to address our pro-space rally.”

So when push came to shove, it took Ashbrook alone to hold the Floor for a weekend for a cause having nothing to do with the normal interests of his district in Ohio, to save the program while the Dornans and the beneficiaries of the space program told each other how dedicated they were.

The present situation is not new to me.

I am used to all the shouting and hozannahs and praise going to convention sensations while the conventions serve largely as a distraction from the work that needs doing. In fact it is sometimes hard for me to realize there is merely a change in the words and the goal.

The reason that Ashbrook took on the real work at a crucial time was his own true goals and because of me.

The space program is about to go down for the third time once again.

There is no Ashbrook there, and there is no unique redneck staffer with him.

At this point someone will point out that the space program is going private.

Lots o’ luck, gang.



Mao and Mussolini

In the 1920s one main line magazine pointed out, “But Mussolini is not perfect…”

Today the idea that someone would have the impression that Mussolini was perfect is astonishing.

In the 1920s main line magazines were organs of the capitalist establishment, in line with Calvin Coolidge and Warren G. Harding. If this line is quoted at all, it is not put into that context.

Only in context do historical incidents make sense.

Today one can easily find some equivalent in main line magazines to “Mao was not perfect…”

Mao’s slaughters and starvation make Hitler or even Stain look like a piker. The Cultural Revolution made Lenin’s Terrors look placid. But The Sayings of Chairman Mao is not criticized, the way any copy of Mein Kampf would be.

You can use an incident to shock and awe or you can use it to demonstrate the real-world context.

In the 1920s Mussolini was very much like Mao today. He did what America’s ruling group desperately wanted done, and the only criticism was that he was a bit too far in his methods, he was, as the media like to see it, a bit too idealistic.

Mussolini came along right after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia at the end of World War I when Europe was in shambles and Communist revolutions were breaking out all over Europe. It is easy for us to put it into context today, but at that time no one knew how far it would go.

In the United States and Britain, the stability of society stopped Communism, but even in these countries the Red Scare was extreme.

In Europe only the fascists put the Red threat down firmly. Elsewhere on the Continent, the Communist Party was firmly established and places like Hungary and Bavaria were actually temporarily ruled by Communist governments.

In our historical context, Communism has always been there but contained. No one had such a context in the 1920s.

Once again, we cannot get the lesson out of “Mussolini is not perfect” because of temporal provincialism.

You can tell the nature of the group that is in power by how it treats extremists. Today, Maoists are discussed as a reasonable if extreme point of view whereas Hitler, and to far lesser extent Mussolini, are pure Satanism.


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