Bill Gates described himself online as “a loyal liberal.”
He has spent five billion dollars on his own education program and he is admitting that it doesn’t work.
A loyal liberal spent five billion dollars on a liberal solution and it didn’t work.
Well, DUHH!
T. Boone Pickens was not a liberal. So he confessed his ideological sins and put a mere two billion dollars into an orthodox liberal energy scheme involving fans and lost every dime.
A respectable conservative spent two billion dollars on a liberal solution and it didn’t work.
Well, DUHH!
No one is going to point these obvious facts out to either of these people. No one tells any blunt truth to a rich man or a beautiful woman.
Ross Perot had a chance to redeem himself when he debated Al Gore. But everybody, including his most devoted fans, was totally turned off by his inability to argue with Gore, and the reason was obvious. No one had told him the truth about himself and his weaknesses for years. That stood out in the argument, and it was his last chance.
Some people imagine that moneyed folk are shrewd enough to realize how isolated they are. Such people never consider the stakes involved. The political left has been taking over every tax deductible foundation for decades. It has been taking over people with money for decades.
A respectable conservative is someone who is just barely smart enough to say the above seven billion dollars was a waste, but no conservative who wants to make a living will mention the fact that while those seven billion were wasted by the billionaires, SOMEBODY GOT seven billion dollars.
Somebody did not just get the money, but somebody also got the POWER to ALLOCATE that money.
If you want to know how Obama made a great living his entire life until he was sent to the Senate, it was in “social activism” as you now know.
#1 by BGLass on 08/03/2011 - 10:29 am
That was what was saying about the tobacco in the now “new south.” NC, the state, is bigger than countries, and through Selective Free Market Policy, it’s main cash crop since colonial times was vilified as worst drug on earth!–in top tobacco growing area in the world. Policy after policy wipes out industry, (while ignoring many other industries it could have regulated arguably more dangerous, but those were not the cash crop of an area as big as a country).
Then, reparitions law suits make it a tax cash cow, too. Then land is bought up cheap and other sub-groups moved there, en masse, complete with ready made “communities” produced overnight by the thousands (“sub-divisions” –Neo-Arthurdales—
And all b/c Selective Free Market was able to made its crop, essentially, illegal to grow for the first time in all human history— complete with bans on adverts, social vilification, banning of engaging in public places, all movies starting with death commercials about, so on, so forth. )
A public campaign can never end then, either, for if it did, and if schools had not done their own work well, new generations might question s many radical demographic shifts and how Selective Free Market Policies made the economy of those who lived in a place, illegal.
Respectable ‘republican’ Free Market Thinkers never discuss all this “amazing growth in an area,” and “booming developments,” as anything other than evidence of the wonderous Free Market, and as a Freedom-to-Shop issue.
“Republicans” know this is not a Land Redistribution Program, or Land Redistribution Strategy or Land Redistribution whatever.
If one even came that close to them considering it (like you had a conversation about it)— they would say, “Well, that’s just sour grapes. The “economy” was moving on! You’re just mad b/c you weren’t able to “get in on the ground floor,” and “buy it up cheap.”
Inconvenient verbage, even about ‘displacement,’ of the previous group, much less ethnic cleansing or genocide will never come up.
And Respectables are happy and moral. They got somebody else’s house cheap, have their kids on Ritalin instead of cigs, (which pacifies them just a little more), and they can moralize about how free it all is.
Maybe they will talk about the “horrible increase in societal control,” but never “Secondary Gains”— what is gotten OUT of it.
That “Control Itself” is the only reason for all this is a common repeater. Once one adopts that answer, any other questioning will cease.
#2 by BGLass on 08/03/2011 - 10:45 am
Capitalist or communist, one is still a materialist.
And by whichever route they come to it, it’s materialists, ironically, who never want to “follow the money.”
“Land Redistribution seems much smooth in U.S. than in Zimbabwe.”
The great thing about Vice Taxes is if the thing is addictive enough, it will keep paying. Tobacco provided that. (So “taxes were raised to COMBAT the habit”—lol).
Reparitions for damages are now seen to be better than the vice tax was, for making tobacco pay— One has the cake and eats it, too— has the land the tobacco was on, AND displaced farmers pay reparitions to those who now live there.
A Respectable says “That’s smart!”
#3 by BGLass on 08/03/2011 - 11:58 am
History of tobacco policy and “new south” = obviously not about health, “control,” but a particular crop targeted in an area where people were also vilified in propaganda (the movie Deliverance is set in NC, heart of tobacco, for instance) so obviously about what happened to the POPULATION there— and nothing more!